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"So what have you been up to?" Angelica asked as she cut into her steak. Nichole smirked as and sipped her drink before placing it back on the restaurant table and digging into her pasta.

"You mean waiting for you to get back from Louisiana just to not be home waiting for you?" Nichole asked in response.

"It was well deserved-"

"No. It was impulsive and selfish. And I'm sorry. I know it's your job I just..I felt like I wasn't a priority-"

"You will always be a priority to me. I don't care how long I'm away, I'll always come back to you. My job is hard to handle, but I'll always come back to you. Okay?" Angelica breathed. Nichole nodded, a stray tear streaming down her face.

"Okay. I'm not ready to move back in yet-"

"That's fine. You take as much time as you need." Angelica stated as she grabbed Nichole's hand and squeezed it.

"Even though the divorce is final, understand that I'm here for you. I'm not going anywhere this time, even if it means as friends."

Angelica swallowed hard as she thought back to the burning flames that devoured the yellow envelope she used as fuel.

"Yeah. Most definitely."

The rest of dinner went smoothly, both the women catching up on what they've missed in each other's lives the past two months. Angelica wanted nothing more than for Nichole to come home and be in her arms.

They were now strolling to the car, both of them walking side by side. The night was quiet besides the soft chatter of people walking to and from their homes.

"I can drop you off if you'd like." Angelica breathed as they stood next to the car. Nichole had preferred for them to meet at the restaurant.

"It's okay, I'll Uber."

"Okay I'll wait with you."

They both stood in silence for a second, Angelica watching as Nichole pulled her phone out to call her Uber. Angelica analyzed Nichole, smiling as she saw the difference in her compared to the first time she met her.

Nichole was never timid, but she used to carry herself in a way that portrayed that vibe. Now she was more confident, flipping her hair over her shoulder as she stood in her heels and navy blue cocktail dress.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" Nichole asked as she looked up at Angelica through her lashes. Angelica smiled, walking closer to the blonde woman causing her to be slightly pinned against the older woman's car.

"Because you're beautiful."

Nichole blushed, looking up at Angelica with a soft smile. Her hand found the side of her lovers face and caressed her cheek, Angelica melting into her touch.

"And so are you."

Angelica leaned down and placed a soft kiss on Nichole's lips, both of them melting into the kiss completely. Nichole moaned explicitly as their tongues touched, their hands roaming around each other's body.

"Come home. Please." Angelica whispered as she kissed down Nichole's jaw and sucked on her earlobe, causing her to whimper. Her Uber driver honked, causing her to sigh and pull away.

"Not tonight. Get home safe, okay? Please let me know when you get home."

"And vice versa." Angelica responded with a small smile. Nichole smiled and kissed her cheek before walking over to the Uber and getting into the car.

Blue Eyes  & Black Coffee. (WomanxWoman)Where stories live. Discover now