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Changed the plot a little bit. You will be getting séx sooner than you think.


"Why do you have to torture me like this?" Nichole whispered harshly as she crossed her legs. Angelica looked over at her in the dark theater and grinned before chuckling.

"The relentless teasing is just so...annoying isn't it?" Angelica asked patronizingly with a pout on her face. They were in the movie theater, Angelica deciding it would be best to catch an early movie after doing some shopping in London. She had bought Nichole a beautiful plum colored colored dress and heels for the plans she had for orchestrated secretly for later that day.

"Be a good girl and watch the movie. Sit back and eat the kids meal that you were dying for. I bought it for you as a reward."

"For what? Breathing?" Nichole giggled, but it turning into a small whimper as Angelica pressed the button, causing the vibrations to intensify. Nichole's legs trembled under her dress and she clutched the seat handles aggressively as she tried to hold her composure. Angelica grabbed Nichole's legs and reclined her seat back as the lights lowered, her hands caressing the woman's calf and legs, causing her to grow close to her orgasm.

Nichole's breath hitched and Angelica looked over with a smirk before shutting off the vibrator causing Nichole to groan in frustration as a single tear slipped down her face. Angelica has been edging her since they were out for breakfast and she felt herself ready to scream.

"I hate you."

"Oh sweetheart..it's just the beginning."

The movie went on as Nichole tried her best to keep her composure as Angelica continued to tease her skin with her fingers, her fingers caressing against her skin gently before gripping her leg and running up and down again. Angelica slipped off Nichole's shoe and started to massage her ankle causing her to sigh.

Nichole was grateful that they weren't near anyone, the entire middle row that they sat in and behind them being empty. She felt herself slipping into Angelica's touch, her eyes closing and her lips parting slightly as she continued to massage the sole of her foot.

Angelica leaned down and kissed the top of her foot, before continuing to massage her leg and sole. This went on for the remainder of the foreign movie, Nichole trying her best to pay attention but failing due to her lovers touch.

The two women were now on their way back to the hotel, Nichole ignoring Angelica the entire ride by staying on her phone.

"Are you really going to ignore me?" Angelica chuckled as she touched Nichole's arm, Nichole shrugging away and crossing her legs as she moved to face toward the window closest to her.

"You're not going to tell me why you're upset?" Angelica asked in a more serious tone as she realized the young woman really was ignoring her, being afraid that she overstepped and made her uncomfortable.

Nichole held back a smirk as she continued to stare at her phone as she scrolled through facebook. She knew that her ignoring Angelica would bother her and cause her to act out, and it made Nichole feel mischievous.

Angelica sighed and sat back into the carseat as she swallowed the sudden lump that developed in her throat as she felt her anxiety start to bubble in her chest. She thought back to the last person she was with before Nichole, it being almost two years before starting her relationship with the young woman that sat across from her.

Her name was Annabella. She was Angelica's usual type with dark hair, big brown eyes and a spicy tone in her voice that showed she wasn't the one to play with. Her and Angelica were together for months, their relationship starting as playful and teasing. It developed into more, though it was never said in words, and Angelica started to fall in love with Annabella until she started to see her for who she really was.

Annabella started to emotionally abuse Angelica, using her for only sex and only speaking to her whenever she wanted to. It started to mess with Angelica's head because she knew even though their connection started off wonderfully, the Annabella she fell in love with wasn't the one she was exposed to then.

So she spoke to Annabella about it, and Annabella never responded, completely ghosting Angelica. It caused her to feel vulnerable and worthless, especially when she ran into her and her new lover not even a month after at the art museum in New York City.

So she completely withdrew herself from love, closing up emotionally and using rough, meaningless sex to fill the void until she realized that it wouldn't work.

She was afraid that's what Nichole was doing which is why she wanted to take her time and slowly expose her to her lifestyle and the things she was into. She didn't want to hurt her young lover, but she couldn't help but be afraid that it wasn't the same on Nichole's side.

"Hey, hey, why are you crying?" Nichole panicked as she scooted over towards Angelica who was red in the face as she stared out of the window, the tears streaming down her face.

"Nothing, I'm okay." Angelica breathed shakily as she wiped her face. Nichole grabbed her chin and forced her face to align with hers, analyzing the older woman's brown eyes.

"Don't you dare lie to me." Nichole whispered as she wiped Angelica's face free from the tears that streamed endlessly.

"Do you only want sex? If so, why didn't you just make that clear? I mean, you have bud like just say something. I can give you that if that's all you want, but don't lead me on and expect me to be okay with it, because I'm not." Angelica stated with a defeated tone as she
glared up at the woman with the look that caused her to shrink back slightly.

"N-no why would you think that?" Nichole asked in shock, suddenly feeling hurt at the accusation that was put in the air. She wanted nothing more than to love Angelica and to be there for her. The only thing is, Nichole's love language was physical touch and intimacy.

It's why she threw herself at Angelica so much. She knew she wanted to her hers and hers only, which is why she wanted the woman to touch her so much. She desired her in ways she's never desired anyone before. Not even her celebrity crushes.

She wanted the woman completely. She wanted to feel her emotionally, physically and mentally. She couldn't help it.

She fell in love with the older woman the moment she laid eyes on her.

"So then what is it? You can't sit there and ignore me just because I don't want to have sex with you." Angelica grumbled, attempting to control her temper as she clenched her fists to keep from yelling.

"No, that wasn't w-I was just playing around. I wasn't mad at you, baby. I'm sorry I made you think that. I can't help but want to make love to you." Nichole whispered before leaning in and kissing the older woman's lips softly. Angelica melted into her touch, kissing her back with just as much passion.

"Make love?" Angelica asked. Nichole nodded with a small smile on her face as her cheeks turned slightly red. She knew she was being old school about things, but she couldn't help but be who she was. A hopeless romantic who was starved of physical affection and wanted it from no one else but the woman in front of her.

"Mhmm..make love." Nichole responded. Angelica smirked and caressed Nichole's cheek before nodding.

"Okay. Show me how it's done, then." Angelica breathed before pressing her lips against Nichole's once more.

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