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Nichole in the MM.


"You're about twelve weeks pregnant." The doctor stated as he removed the ultrasound camera from her stomach. Rome exhaled slowly and looked over at Nichole who shot her a sheepish smile. It was the day before their flight to New York and Nichole wanted to make sure everything was perfect. She wanted to make sure everyone was ready to move on and forget about this chapter in their lives.

Including herself. She was ready to start fresh. She had her wife back in her life, and her little sister was safe as well as her friends. She was ready to move on.

"Twelve weeks..shit." Rome sighed as she ran a hand down her face. The doctor shot her a sympathetic smile and walked out to give the two women privacy.

"What? What does that mean?" Nichole asked as she helped Rome adjust her shirt. Rome swallowed hard before groaning and laying her face in her hands, her curly hair covering her body.

"Why are you crying?" Nichole asked quietly. Rome looked up at her with a look of uncertainty but then sighed.

"The baby is definitely Melanies." Rome breathed shakily. Nichole shot her a confused look as she slowly sat down on the chair that was next to the bed.

"How?" Nichole asked.

"Well..Natalia and Melanie are intersex, and I was worried the baby would be Natalia's because all four of us had a different relationship dynamic."

"Poly.." Nichole whispered suddenly, it being an unconscious gesture as she thought about the dynamic. Her and Angelica spoke about it from time to time, but Angelica was too possessive to ever share Nichole.

Or so she thought.

"Yeah..that." Rome stated skeptically before looking down at her hands as she played with her fingernails.

"Well what do you want to do?" Nichole asked. Rome shrugged her shoulders and felt the tears well up in her eyes.

"Well she blocked me on everything so I don't know how I'm going to reach h-"

"I can handle that." Nichole stated with a smile that made Rome laugh before nodding, the tears streaming down her face. Nichole just needed to tell Angelica and she would handle the rest.


"So.. you're sure you don't want me to come?" Natalia asked Rome for the thirtieth time. Nichole looked between the two women as they spoke. They were in Rome's hotel room, Natalia eating the complimentary fruit basket they left on the counter in the kitchenette.

"I'm sure. You and Becca have other things to worry about." Rome breathed. Natalia sighed, biting into the strawberry she picked from the basket. Nichole pulled her phone out to check the time and saw that Angelica was outside waiting for the two women.

"Make sure to call me and let me know what happened. We meet at the airport six am. Make sure to text me, and Rebecca. She's worried about you."

Nichole watched as Rome smiled softly after Natalia pulled her into an embrace before grabbing her briefcase and walking to the door, following her suit. They reached the car and Nichole slipped into the passengers seat while Rome slipped into the back, Angelica sitting behind the wheel.

"Ready?" Angelica asked the two women who just entered the car. Rome nodded and Angelica drove off. The ride to Melanie's hotel was slow. Rome kept thinking of all the different things that could occur.

What if she takes me back?

I doubt it.

Nichole thought it would be best to wait in the lobby while Rome went upstairs. She sighed and sat down in the waiting area and opened her phone to see Angelica shot her a text.

You look so good in that coat. I miss the taste of you already. - Daddy ❤️

Nichole blushed and shook her head, sighing to herself as she thought about how grateful she was to still have Angelica despite the divorce.

Later, daddy. Let's focus on getting these women home.

Mmm..yes ma'am..-Daddy ❤️

Nichole locked her phone and sniffed slightly as she scrolled through Instagram. She scrolled through Rebecca's page, smiling at the weird pictures of random things. It was of teddy bears, some palm trees, Natalia's tattoos, and random selfies of herself. There was one selfie of Natalia staring down at Rebecca with a smile while she puckered her lips causing the older woman to laugh quietly.

Oh how much I would've loved to watch you grow up.

The elevator doors opened and Nichole watched as Rome walked toward her with a blank expression on her face. Nichole's eyes dropped to the bruise that sat on her neck and she grew angry as Rome continued to stare at her with large empty eyes.


Before Nichole could finish her sentence, Rome fell into the tall woman's arms, sobbing into her chest as she clung to her trench coat as if her life depended on it.

"It's over. Let's just go."

The two women walked out to the car and Angelica angrily got out as she saw the bruises on Rome's neck.


"Don't. I'll be right back." Angelica hissed at Nichole who just nodded, watching as her wife walked over to the door and went inside. Angelica went into the elevator and tapped her foot as she tried to hold her composure. She walked down the hall to Melanie's room and knocked on the door.

"I thought I said-"

"Said what?! Huh, punk?!" Angelica growled as she grabbed Melanie by her shirt and pinned her to the wall. She stared down at the FBI agent in fear, her new lover screaming about calling the cops.

"I am the cops, bitch!" Angelica yelled as she kneed Melanie in the groin, causing her to double over as she groaned loudly in pain. Before the woman could process anything else, Angelica's fist connected with the side of her face, causing her to fall to the ground and gasp as she choked on her own blood.

"You psychotic-"

"What? Psychotic what, huh? I'll lick your blood off my fingers. Put your hands on another person again and your cojones will be my lunch." Angelica spat before walking off, leaving Melanie shaking on the ground in fear and regret.

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