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This is the second to last chapter of this book. Thank you so much for coming onto this journey with me. I love the fact that I make everyone feel welcomed and comfortable with my books. Representation matters. Not everyone will be interested in the same things. And that's ok. Because there's people like me who enjoy almost everything. Open mindedness is whats important.


Nichole in the MM.

Two years later..

"Is Venice asleep?" Nichole asked as Angelica walked down to the basement, Rome kneeling in front of Nichole's feet like the good pet she was. Angelica nodded, placing the baby monitor onto the table and watching as her wife smirked before looking down at Rome as she ran her fingers through her loose curls.

"Hear that, kitty? It's time to please mommy. Are you ready to be a good girl for me?" Nichole asked as Rome looked up at her with big eyes, nodding with a large smile on her face.

"Of course, mommy. If only daddy can join too." She pouted as she looked up at Angelica with big blue eyes. The last two years have been intense, the women agreeing on an arrangement that they didn't realize would grow into something more. After Nichole dominated Rome for the first time, she realized she was a switch and wanted it to continue. Rome couldn't agree more and Angelica loved to watched her wife in action.

Nichole even did things that Angelica didn't even know about. The two women's relationship has been stronger than ever, and adding Rome to the mix was a great decision that was mutual for all parties. They all now lived together, raising Venice and loving each other in a polygamous relationship. Rebecca and Natalia were shocked when they found out, Rebecca showing fake jealously considering her and Rome had a slight connection as well. But she was also happy to see Rome happy and for her sister to be happy as well. They were a big happy family and it couldn't be more perfect.

"In the center." Nichole demanded, watching as Rome crawled to the leather bench that sat in the center of the room. She laid down on her stomach and Nichole watched as Angelica strapped the young woman onto the metal bench before standing up.

"Daddy, do you want to take over today?" Nichole asked as she looked over at Angelica who just smirked.

"I think we should tease her a little bit. What do you think?" She asked.

"Please no." Rome begged as she watched Nichole and Angelica laugh at her begging, Nichole straddling Angelica's lap before leaning down to kiss her. Rome whimpered as she watched the two women kiss, Angelica's hands roaming Nichole's body.

"Can I fuck you?" Nichole whispered as she kissed Angelica's neck. Angelica moaned and nodded and Nichole grinned before standing up.

"You're in for a show, slut. Be a good girl and keep your mouth shut or I'll fill it up with my spit. Understood?" Nichole hissed as she walked over to the toy chest. Angelica was already dripping just from Nichole's words, dropping to her knees in front of her wife who stood with the strapless dildo.

"Good girl.." Nichole cooed as she caressed Angelica's face who looked up at her with eager eyes and a wide grin. She loved being praised by her wife, and couldn't wait to please her the way she wanted.

"Open wide."

Angelica obeyed, allowing the toy to slip into her mouth with ease as she stared up at Nichole who stared down at her with love an adoration. Rome watched in awe as Nichole fucked her wife's face, moaning as she pulled on her restraints in need.

"You watch. I don't want to hear a sound from you, little girl." Nichole hissed as she glared up at Rome who pouted and nodded, swallowing hard as Nichole pulled from between Angelica's lips and caressed her face.

"Turn around and face the mirror." Nichole demanded, Angelica obeying and crawling over to the mirror and bending down. She arched her back, exposing her dripping püssy to her wife and girlfriend, both of them moaning at the sight.

"Rome.." Nichole suddenly called out, the young woman looking up at her domme in curiosity.

"Yes, ma'am?" Rome asked sweetly. Nichole walked over to the closet, pulling out the automatic penetrator and walking over to the bench before caressing her pet's cheek.

"Do you want to cum for me?" Nichole asked gently, Rome nodding eagerly and Nichole grinned.

"Good..I bet you do. Bend over."

Rome obeyed, getting on her knees as her arms pulled on the restraints. Nichole lined the toy to the young woman's pussy, moaning at the sight of her dripping down her thighs as she made sure the dildo was in place on the machine.

"Safe words?"

"Red." Both of the women exclaimed causing Nichole to grin widely in approval before standing up and walking over to her wife. She attached the leash to her collar before allowing her hands to snake down her body, pinching her nipples causing her to moan.

"Mmm, such a good girl for me.." Nichole breathed as Angelica whimpered while her wife attached the nipple clamps to her breasts, tightening them all the way causing her eyes to roll back.

She then aligned the toy with her entrance, Angelica's lips parting widely as her eyes rolled back while Nichole slipped deep inside of her, a loud moan coming from her mouth.

"Good girl.." Nichole moaned as her end of the toy slipped deep inside of her, touching her spot causing her to quiver above her wife who was biting her lip. Rome whimpered as Nichole pressed the button to the toy, it starting to penetrate the young woman slowly causing her to gasp and break into goosebumps.

"Not. A. Sound." Nichole growled at Rome causing the young woman to swallow hard and nodded, her eyes watching as Nichole started to pound into her wife who was a moaning mess under her.

"Take it. Just like that.." Nichole moaned as she pulled onto the leash causing Angelica to choke as she pulled her head back, the collar tightening around her throat. Her face turned red as she choked through her moans, watching through the mirror with watery eyes as Nichole pounded into her from behind.

"I love those sounds..you can barely breathe, huh? I bet you're begging for mercy in your head..too fùcking bad. I control every single breath that you take..every orgasm that you have.." Nichole moaned causing Angelica to scratch her thighs in both pleasure and pain as she nodded in agreement, feeling herself grow dizzy from asphyxiation.

Nichole let go of the leash, Angelica gasping loudly for air and panting as Nichole laughed, taunting her causing her to grow close to her orgasm. Nichole moaned as she looked over at Rome who had tears streaming down her face as she tried not to cum, her bottom lip stuck between her teeth as she tried not to moan.

"Can I cum?" Rome whimpered causing Nichole to laugh before moaning as she pinned Angelica down, pounding harder into her. Angelica was on the brink of tears, moaning as she gripped the carpet as she tried to hold it together.

"Please.." Angelica begged and Nichole moaned, snaking her hand down and rubbing Angelica's clit causing all three women to moan in pleasure.

"Cum for me. Both of you." Nichole moaned and they both obeyed, Rome watching as Angelica trembled under her wife, her eyes meeting Rome's blue ones as the tears streamed down her face from her powerful orgasm. Rome was gasping, clutching the restraints as she came all over the toy that pounded in and out of her, their eyes never leaving each other's.

Nichole watched in pleasure, her own orgasm building in the pit of her stomach and she came, slowing down her movements as they all recovered from their orgasms.

"Fuck." Nichole let out as she wiped the sweat from her forehead before pulling out of Angelica who was still panting on the ground. She turned the machine off and untied Rome's restraints before kissing her lips softly.

"Good girl. I didn't want to do too much considering you're almost due." Nichole giggled as she rubbed Rome's baby bump causing the woman to grin.

"Our baby boy needs all the care he can get, right?" Angelica asked as she walked over to her lovers, kneeling down and kissing Rome's stomach before kissing her forehead.

"Mhm." Rome breathed before yawning.

"How about some after care and then bed, hm?"

"I like the sound of that."

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