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Angelica stared down at Nichole as she glared up at her in the bathroom stall. Nichole was confused and angry. She couldn't understand what was going on. Angelica had told her she was an artist who was opening a gallery in Boston which is why she was out there. She never told her she was in New York City, or that she was originally from there at all.

Nichole felt exposed and embarrassed, thankful that she didn't tell her much about her family. It was something extremely personal that she couldn't bear opening up about unless she trusted the person.

She thought she could trust Jasmine.

"Lopez! You alright in there?" The woman asked, her voice getting closer.

"Uh- yeah one second." Angelica responded, her eyes still on Nichole's as she stepped down from the toilet and opened the stall. Both women walked out, Nichole pushing past Angelica and stomping toward the door quickly.

Angelica looked over at Agent Siso and sighed, pulling out her badge and gun from the holster she had on under her breast area.

"Fifty people injured, nineteen dead. He's in custody. Good work, Lopez." Siso grinned as she patted her back.

"Yeah.." She mumbled as Siso walked away. As she took a step, she heard a scream come from outside of the bathroom, causing her to jump violently. She ran outside and gasped as she saw Nichole kneeling next to a limp Lexi who had a gunshot to the chest.

"Shit.." Angelica hissed, angry at herself for this happening. If only she had pulled Lexi to the bathroom too despite her fussing she would've been alive.

"This is your fault!" Nichole yelled as she stood up, glaring at Angelica. Angelica gulped, looking around to see everyone watching as Nichole stomped toward her.

"Whoever you are, don't ever talk to me again! And don't ever put your hands on me or I will fuck you up. Got it?" She yelled, her accent thick as the tears streamed down her face.

"Nichole I-"

"I don't want to hear it!" Nichole yelled. Before turning around and storming toward the door of the club, slamming it as she walked out. She started to cry, wrapping her arms around herself, afraid that she was going to fall apart if she didn't. She felt nauseous, stumbling and groaning as she tightened her arms around her waist.

"Ma'am, are you okay?" A paramedic asked her as he ran over to her from the truck. She took a seat on the edge of the sidewalk, putting her head between her legs.

"I think I had to much to drink.." She sobbed as she lifted her head to look at the paramedic.

Angelica walked outside to see Nichole and ran over to her and grabbed her hand, causing Nichole to jump and get back on her feet.

"I said Don-"

The world stopped as Angelica grabbed her face and pressed her lips against Nichole's for the very first time. Every sound faded away, every piece of grief they felt disappeared for a second as Nichole moaned against her mouth, wrapping her arms around her. Angelica nibbled softly on her bottom lip before kissing her again.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry.." Angelica repeated as she kissed Nichole's nose, cheeks, forehead and lips again repeatedly. Nichole's eyes were still closed as she allowed herself to feel the woman's lips on her skin.

"My name is Angelica Marie Lopez. I am twenty-four years old. I am an artist, but also work for the FBI as a career. My birthday is the same, everything I told you was me, baby. From the favorite color down to the favorite book I told you. I was undercover when I met you, but you know me. Only thing that was different was the name. Please believe me. I will prove myself to you."

Nichole stared at Angelica for a while, just staring when she suddenly leaned forward, vomiting all over Angelica's shoes, causing everyone to gasp. Angelica looked up at the sky before softly tapping Nichole's head as she continued to retch all over her shoes.

"There there.." Angelica stated sheepishly. Nichole moaned and stumbled forward, clinging onto Angelica.

"I-I-I'm so-"

"Drunk." Angelica breathed causing Nichole to snort before giggling.

"I wish L-L-Lexi was alive. She would've hated you." Nichole giggled, before suddenly sobbing.

"Okay, little one. You're coming with me." Angelica huffed, before leaning down and picking Nichole up, throwing her over her shoulder.

"Oh, you're so strong." Nichole giggled again as she dangled over Angelica's shoulder. Angelica kicked off her vomit covered shoes and thanked God they were closed footed, before walking barefoot over to her car and placing a snoring Nichole in the passengers seat and putting her seatbelt over her chest.

"Okay, mama let's get you home. What's your address?" Angelica asked as she's shook her. Nichole didn't respond, instead snoring loudly causing Angelica to sigh before getting in the drivers seat.

"Guess you're stuck with me."

After stopping at the station to file a report and interview a few people, Angelica was now on her way to her apartment.

With Nichole still in the passengers seat, of course. She didn't want to just drop her anywhere especially while she was drunk. She knew what school she went to, but didn't want to bring her to campus.

She was drunk and underage. She could get kicked out of her program, and Angelica knew after losing her best friend she shouldn't be alone. Even if it meant getting screamed at in the process.

"I'll take care of you, sweetheart." Angelica breathed as she looked over at the sleeping beauty in her passenger seat. Nichole smiled in her sleep, before moaning and touching her stomach.

"Im hungry." Nichole moaned, her head slowly turning over toward Angelica who continued to drive.

"You're awake? What do you want?"

"Y-your pussy."

The car swerved and Angelica pulled over before looking at the smiling teen with wide eyes. Nichole chuckled drunkenly, before leaning over and laying her head on Angelica's thigh.

"Let me taste you." Nichole slurred, before snoring again. Angelica stared out of the windshield in absolute shock before shaking her head.

"She's going to regret this in the morning."

Blue Eyes  & Black Coffee. (WomanxWoman)Where stories live. Discover now