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Okay guys this is the end of Blue Eyes and Black Coffee. Thank you so much for supporting me through this book. It got more attention than I expected..little nasties 😉

I hope that you guys enjoyed this journey. Maybe in the future I'll give you guys more of the three women together. But for now this is the end.

Eight years later;

"Venice, let's go! We don't want to be late for your last soccer game of the season! We're carpooling with Dee and Tommy!" Rome yelled as she grabbed the cooler from the counter before walking to the large van and packing up the trunk.

"Come on before she goes on a rampage. You look great!" Angelica chuckled quietly as she tied Venice's cleats, making sure they were tight. He was growing so fast that she couldn't help but grow emotional. The last eight years were wonderful, having its up and downs. The three women had a tight bond, Angelica being the head of the household while Nichole and Rome were the neck, the three of them keeping everything together for their two kids.

As the kids grew older, they never once questioned why they had three moms. They were completely surrounded by love especially with their extended family. Rebecca and Natalia were apart of their lives as if they were their moms themselves, Venice and Arsi loving to be around their cousins. They were all so tight knit and both Nichole and Rebecca loved it, giving the kids everything they didn't have as children.

They were all a year to two years apart and acted as if they were siblings. Natalia loved to call them baby pit bulls from the way they roughed each other up, especially Diana. She goes by Dee, being apart of the boys and the toughest one out of all of them.

They were all on the same soccer team and had their final game of the season today, all four of them excited to show off their skills. They were amazing, their parents being so proud of them even through the injuries they get along the way.

Angelica ran down the stairs behind Venice, her face painted with his jersey number while her shirt had Arsi's. Rome had on Venice's jersey number, but Arsi's number painted on her face. Nichole thought it was cute, taking pictures from the passengers seat of her two lovers causing Angelica to roll her eyes. As the fashion nova she was, she had on their team name, the shirt cut into a crop top considering the weather was sweltering along with biker shorts that matched the color of the soft green jersey.

Her hair was laying down her back, her bangs pinned out of her face and showing off the matching eyeshadow that went with her outfit. Rome and Angelica always teased the woman for being so girly, but she knew that they loved it.

"Come on! You guys know how my sister is. Let's go." Nichole yelled out of the window. Angelica chuckled and grabbed her keys before running out of the house, taking her seat in the back with the boys that argued over their nitendo switch.

"Hey! How about we share, yeah?"

"But Mami, he was using it all night! It's barely even charged!" Venice yelled causing Arsi to suck his teeth and shove his brothers shoulder.

"Stop lying, Venice. You had it!" Arsi yelled, his deep blue eyes laced with anger. Angelica sighed before looking at her lovers who smirked and shrugged, both of them turning away and Rome driving out of the parking lot.

"Here, eat your snacks. Give me the switch." Angelica huffed as she grabbed the electronic, the two boys digging into their bag of chips and Gatorade's causing Angelica to sigh in relief.

Blue Eyes  & Black Coffee. (WomanxWoman)Where stories live. Discover now