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Angelica in the MM.

Part 2 of 3. Trigger warnings from last chapter applies to part 3. Lol this chapter was too long I had to cut it up. Sorry.


"What? You gonna fuck me?" Nichole teased as she got on her knees and shook her ass in front of Angelica with a smirk on her face. Angelica just smiled back and slammed her hand on her ass causing her to moan loudly and gasp as she fisted her hair and caused her to arch.

"And if I do?" Angelica whispered as she licked the side of Nichole's face causing her to gasp

"Mmmm show me how it's done, daddy." Nichole moaned. Angelica smashed her lips against Nichole's as she spanked her again, causing the woman to moan loudly before standing up.

"What?! Where are you going?!" Nichole yelled in frustration as she scrambled from the bed and followed Angelica into the bathroom. Angelica was already in the shower and washing her hair.

"So I make love to you, but I don't get touched in return?" Nichole scoffed as she rolled her eyes. Angelica laid an arm out for her and and Nichole rolled her eyes again before grabbing the woman's hand. Angelica pulled her into the shower and pressed the younger woman against the shower wall with a smirk on her face.

"Keep talking and you'll just ruin it. You told me to show you how, right? So be patient, kitty. Down now.." Angelica cooed before moving her tongue against the woman's lips, causing them to part with a gasp. Angelica slid her tongue inside, the kiss being slow and passionate Nichole moaned against the woman's mouth.

"You're just so needy to cum. My sweet girl..do you want to cum right now?" Angelica asked. Nichole looked up at her with a pleading look, but gasped as the woman spread her legs and spanked her swollen clít.

"So then shower, put on the beautiful dress I bought you, and you will. Understood?" Angelica asked darkly, their faces still close. Nichole pouted and nodded, fauxing innocence in hopes that it'll rush the process.

"Okay, daddy. I'm sorry." Nichole pouted. Angelica smirked and leaned down, kissing her lovers pouty lips.

"Such a good girl. Do as I say and you'll be rewarded greatly. I promise." Angelica grinned.

The two women finished getting ready in silence, Nichole slipping on the black gown after applying her makeup and doing her hair. She flattened her hair and cut discreet bangs in the front that covered her eyebrows. Her lash extensions were long and added a spark to her heavy makeup. She knew Angelica has yet to see her this way.

Perks of being a fashion student..I'll never sit in a make up artists room again.

Nichole slipped on her heels and grabbed the half-diamond half- black velvet masquerade mask along with her purse before looking in the mirror and fluffing her hair. She knew that she looked good and couldn't wait to see Angelica's reaction. The slit on the dress exposed her long legs which she knew was Angelica's favorite feature and it made her smirk widen.

Angelica walked out of the spare bedroom in the hotel room and walked to the living room as she adjusted her diamond coated bracelet that she had custom made. She looked in the mirror that stood large in the sitting room and smiled at herself. Her hair was straight and laid just below her shoulders, her large hoop earrings exposed. She had on a velvet burgundy and black suit, her shirt unbuttoned and exposing cleavage and the side of her breasts, but not her nipples. Her makeup was smoky, her lips lined with dark red lipstick and black liner. Her eyes were cat-shaped, her makeup highlighting her almond shaped orbs.

She knew she looked good. Her looks was always something she never had to worry about ever since she was young. However, it was a also a curse considering no one cared about what she had internally.

Except for Nichole.

"Are you r-" Nichole stopped dead in her tracks as her eyes landed on her lover, the desire automatically pooling in between her legs as she swallowed hard. Angelica had the same reaction, her fists finding her lips as she looked her lover up and down as she let out a moan.

I'm so fùcking her brains out tonight. Angelica thought as she lowered her hand slowly while still staring at her lover.


"Yeah.." Angelica dragged as she rubbed the back of her neck while her cheeks flushed red at the attempt of a compliment.

"You ready?" Nichole asked after recovering from her lustful daze.

"Yeah, one more thing. Come." Angelica waved Nichole over and grabbed her neck before kissing her softly with a moan.

"I have one more thing for you."

Nichole watched as Angelica pulled a box from her pocket and rolled her eyes as her cheeks turned red.

"Another gift, Ang? Sheesh." Nichole giggled before leaning in to kiss Angelica's cheek who just grinned sheepishly.

"It's an important gift. Open it."

Nichole let her fingers graze against the velvet box before opening it, her jaw dropping as she looked up at Angelica.

It was a diamond coated collar that had an 'A' dangling from the center. It shined under the light and glistened against her fingertips.

"Angelica! No, this is too muc-"

"If you don't take the damn collar, best believe you will not cum tonight." Angelica growled. Nichole swallowed hard as she felt her arousal down her thighs and nodded.

"Yes daddy." She whispered lowly.

"Mm, you're learning. Good girl. Now, behind the chain here is a button that will notify me through my bracelet that you're in trouble."

"That one? You sneaky littl-..wonderful, caring beautiful woman. Thank you so much." Nichole checked herself causing Angelica to grin.

"You're an asshole. Let's go."

Nichole giggled and squealed as Angelica pulled her into her arms and carried her to the elevator, giggling widely.

"Date night, yes?" They heard someone say. Angelica placed Nichole down and looked over at the man skeptically who just grinned and nodded.


"Enjoy." He grinned before disappearing into his room. Angelica swallowed the sudden anxiety that crawled up her neck and looked over at Nichole who seemed just as anxious.

"Don't worry about him. Let's go."

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