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Angelica in the MM.


"So what happens now?" Rebecca asked, hissing lowly as the nurse removed the butterfly needle from her antecubital space. Nichole flinched at the sight, her fear of needles crawling up her throat as she gripped Angelica's hand.

"With me. I have enough room for everyone until you get settled." Nichole stated as she remembered the discussion she had with her wife. Everyone including Angelica looked over at her and she smiled softly.

"Where would that be? What about the babies?" Rebecca asked as she looked up at her older sister. Her cheeks heated slightly at the thought of having an older sister, but she pushed the thought away as Nichole started to speak. Nichole knew she needed to step up in her role in Rebecca's life. She planned to be the mother figure that she never had. She could tell that Rebecca was already looking up to her, her eyes big and wide as she stared at her older sister while waiting for a response.

"New York City. We can transfer the babies to the best pediatric hospital in the state. I live near the center of Manhattan so it wouldn't be hard to work that out." She stated. Rebecca looked over at Natalia who had an unreadable expression on her face causing Nichole to swallow hard. She knew the carpenter wasn't a fan of her, and quite frankly, she wasn't a fan of her either.

"What do you think, papa?" Rebecca asked the carpenter, cashing Nichole to blush and look over at Angelica who just smirked. The brunette knew Rebecca was a little from the moment she woke up and it made her chuckle to herself.

I guess it runs in the family.

"Whatever you're comfortable with, baby." Natalia responded as she ran her fingers through Rebecca's hair. Rebecca nodded curtly before looking back at her sister with the same serious look she had on her face earlier.

"Fine. As long as Rome can come as well."

"I-uh, are you sure?" Rome asked shyly as she looked up at Rebecca through her lashes. Her hands were clasped behind her back as she shifted her weight onto one of her legs. Both Angelica and Nichole analyzed the bashful woman, taking in her entire appearance. Nichole swallowed hard and nodded as she squeezed Angelica's hand again.

"That's perfectly fine with me."

Rome's blue eyes met Nichole's greenish-blue ones and she blushed before nodding.

"Thank you."

Nichole continued to stare at Rome before nodding curtly and walking out of the room. Angelica followed suit, grabbing Nichole's hand and bringing her to a halt.

"Hey.." Angelica stated softly as she looked into Nichole's eyes. Nichole smiled softly and nodded.

"Hey. I'm just going to make a few phone calls and arrange some stuff for our travel back home."

"Okay. I just wanted to make sure you were okay." Angelica breathed lowly. Nichole felt her eyes water and she nodded, swallowing hard as she stared at her lover trying not to break apart.

"I just can't help but blame myself." Nichole whispered harshly as she tried her best to hold back her tears. Angelica pulled her into a hug and Nichole sniffed lowly, looking over Angelica's shoulder to see Rome leaning against the wall outside of the room, staring down at her shoes. Nichole pulled away from Angelica and squeezed her hand.

"I'll go talk to her. I'm sure she needs someone right now, too. I'm not sure how they're all..situated. I'm assuming she was with the rude dread head." Nichole breathed. Angelica looked over at Rome swiftly before looking back at Nichole and smirking.

"Do you really think now is the time and place for your shenanigans, Nic?" Angelica asked her lover as she ran a hand down her chest slightly. She already knew her wife was interested in the young woman, her eyes saying it all from the moment they met. Angelica didn't mind though, as long as Nichole knew who she belonged to at the end of the day. Nichole chuckled lowly and looked at Angelica with a slow burning fire in her eyes.

"Who said I was trying to do anything like that, hm?" Nichole asked. Angelica's eyes darted down to her lovers lips before looking back up at her eyes.

"Because I know you, and I know how you get especially when you're stressed. Six years, Nichole. Just because we're divorced doesn't mean I don't know you." Angelica whispered, the imagine of the burning yellow envelope filling her mind. Nichole smirked.

"All that time you spent on the job during our marriage and you know me?" Nichole sassed as she crossed her arms. Angelica ran a hand across Nichole's shoulder and smiled up at her.

"More than you think. Now let's go take care of our girls, yeah?" Angelica asked. Nichole nodded before twisting around and walking over to Rome, Angelica watching with sad eyes as she thought back to the divorce papers. She was afraid to tell Nichole that she never signed them because she's been lying this entire time. The young woman thought they were separated this entire time.

"You okay?" Nichole asked. Rome sighed and groaned, before nodding her head.

"As okay as I can be, I guess."

"Well, you have Angelica and I to take care of you now. You have nothing to worry about."

"I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself. I'm only tagging along because Rebecca wants me to." Rome snapped in response. Nichole put her hands up in defense with a small smirk on her face.

"I never said you weren't, little lady. I just said you don't have to stress about it anymore."

"You're not my mom, so that's okay thank you. Once we get to New York I'll purchase a condo and be out of your hair. I'm not trying to burden anyone else." Rome breathed, staring down at her pale ankles.

"You're not a burden. You deserve to be taken care of after what you've been through. You can't possibly want to be alone."

Rome sighed and rolled her eyes. She knew the older woman was right. She didn't want to be alone. In fact, she dreaded the thought of being alone completely. But she didn't know these women, and she didn't want to get disappointed again.

She already had other things to deal with.

Rome unconsciously touched her stomach and it didn't go unnoticed. Nichole watched as the young woman rubbed her stomach as she stared into space.

"Are you-"


Nichole swallowed hard as she watched the woman continue to rub her stomach. She wasn't sure what to say. Part of her was ecstatic that all these infants were joining their family. She touched her own stomach, remembering the death of their child and feeling the tears well.

"How far long?"

"I'm not sure."

"Do you know the f-"

"Don't ask me that." Rome suddenly snapped, glaring up at the tall woman. Nichole just stared down at her before nodding and leaning against the wall.

"I don't know who it is. It can be three people, and I'm not sure how to approach it."

"Who?" Nichole asked.

"It can either be Mel, Natalia or the man that assaulted me."

Nichole furrowed her brows as she stared at the young woman in confusion. She wasn't sure what she meant when she said Natalia and Melanie could be the father.

"Oh yeah, Natalia and Melanie are intersex. So yeah."

"Ah.." Nichole breathed as she nodded slowly, trying to process the fact that her sisters girlfriend has a penis. She was sure that Angelica wished she had one sometimes with the way she fucked her with the strap on. It made her blush and run a hand down her face.

" you want to find out?"

"What?" Rome asked. Nichole touched the young woman's shoulder and Rome leaned into her touch.

"How far long you are so you can figure out who this baby belongs to and what you want to do about it?"

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