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Angelica in the MM.

Here's some smut before the storm hahahahaha. It's broken up into 2 chapters.


One year later..

"Are you excited, sweetheart?" Angelica asked as she fixed her tie in the mirror. She looked over at Nichole who nodded eagerly with a large smile on her face as she adjusted her dress. It was the day of Nichole's college graduation, her excitement beaming graciously off her body. She couldn't wait to walk across the stage and finally be free.

The last year with Angelica has been amazing. After their trip in Amsterdam, Angelica thought it would be best that Nichole lived with her. Nichole immediately said yes, it being the best decision she felt she made. They fell into an easy routine, Angelica dropping Nichole off to campus before work and picking her up after. If she was working late, she'd send Nichole a cab and tracked the license plate until she got home safely.

It was perfect.

Their sex lives were amazing, the couple making love multiple times a week, and even multiple times a day. It was just the two woman that kissed and tasted one another, it being a loving, intimate performance between the two. Angelica wasn't as rough as she used to be, Nichole softening her up after showing her the softer side of things.

Though it didn't mean Nichole didn't want her to be rough. She wanted her to be, but knew Angelica was trying to accommodate to her love language so she didn't complain. She just read books that involved the things she was exposed to and wanted to try with Angelica but was too embarrassed to ask.

So she kept it to herself.

They were now on their way to the ceremony, Angelica's hand resting on Nichole's bare thigh as she sang to the music that played on the radio. Nichole tapped her foot to the music as she scrolled through her phone and smiling at the photos of all the college graduations that were happening that day.

"Are you ready miss valedictorian?" Angelica asked her lover as she grinned while pulling into the parking lot.

"I'm nervous." Nichole sighed as she stared through the windshield. Angelica frowned and turned Nichole's face with her finger as she analyzed her face.

"How come?"

"I don't know I just feel weird talking in front of the whole school." Nichole sighed. She knew it was because no one she loved besides Angelica would be in the crowd and it pained her. The last time she spoke to her Aunt, it didn't go well. They argued after Nichole told her about Angelica, Aunt Delores expressing that she didn't like the arrangement and that Nichole needed a man in her life.

She also mentioned that Nichole had a little sister named Rebecca. Nichole was heartbroken to know that she just found out about her sister, feeling the need to console her knowing how her mom is.

The last she heard, her mom wasn't doing so well. She was struggling financially and left Rebecca with auntie Delores every night while she 'worked'. The young girl was only eight years old, the sisters being nearly thirteen years apart.

"Listen..you look beautiful. You're smart, and you deserve to show off to the world what you're all about. Okay, princess?" Angelica asked as she grinned while touching Nichole's chin. Nichole sighed and nodded, Angelica leaning in and pecking her lips before getting out of the car and opening her lovers door for her to get out.

Nichole grabbed the hand that Angelica had extended out to her and got out the car before smoothing down her dress.

Let's do this.

"....it's our time to step into the doorway of this world. It's our time to do better for this society and prepare the new generation for the things we know but they don't. It's our time to lead by example. Thank you." Nichole grinned as the entire stadium roared into applause, Angelica grinning and putting a thumbs up toward her lover who grinned wider.

Graduation ended swiftly, the two women taking pictures before interacting with Nichole's classmates that she befriended after Lexi's death.

"Come out and celebrate with us!" Amiya exclaimed as she grinned up at Nichole with sparking dark brown eyes. Nichole looked up at Angelica who just nodded as she ran a hand through her lovers long blond strands.

"Okay. Just please keep in touch with me, and don't come in too late." Angelica breathed as she kissed her lovers forehead. Nichole grinned and nodded before leaning up and swiftly kissing her lovers lips before running off with Amiya.

"What is she, your mom?" Amiya scoffed as she rolled her eyes before getting into the car. Nichole chuckled knowingly, a small smirk on her face as she slipped into the backseat with her friend.

"Mm, no. More so something else, though." Nichole smirked.

Angelica paced back and forth as she looked at the clock before glaring at the door. Nichole hasn't texted her all night and Angelica was worried as she contemplated going out to look for her. She was supposed to check in with her and be home at a reasonable time, but she still wasn't home.

It was after two a.m and Angelica was worried. She knew that if Nichole was in trouble, She couldn't see her location and it caused her anxiety to spike as she let out a breath. The sound of keys clicking filled her ears along with giggling and a loud 'bye!'

The door swung open and Nichole kicked off her shoes before shutting the door and looking up, nearly jumping out of her skin as she saw an angry Angelica stalking toward her.

"Sh-" Nichole whimpered as she was suddenly pinned onto the wall by her throat as Angelica covered her mouth with her hand while her arm pressed into

"You know my rules. You disobeyed me on purpose. Get upstairs." Angelica growled darkly as she glared into Nichole's wide, panicked eyes. Angelica pulled away from Nichole aggressively and stormed upstairs to the guest room and slammed it shut. Nichole calmed her breath and ran her fingers through her hair as a large, sadistic, smirk slowly creeping onto her face.


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