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Angelica in the MM.


"Wait, wait..don't you think we should speak about this?" Nichole asked as they started to walk back to the cabin. Angelica turned around and smiled as she nodded, before walking down the trail.

"We can."

"I think we should wait."

Angelica turned around and Nichole flinched, waiting for her reaction but softened as she saw Angelica smile and nod.

"It doesn't have to be now. But I do know I want to marry you. I can get you a ring to match your collar to know you're taken and engaged. We can wait as long as you like."

"Are you sure?" Nichole asked quietly as she looked up at her lover who just smiled and nodded before grabbing her hand.

"Let's go to the cabin."

"This is so good, holy fuck." Nichole moaned as she bit into the panini that the private chef prepared for them. Angelica smiled as she watched Nichole eat as she bit into her own panini before looking over at the chef.

"Thank you. That's all for now." Angelica stated as she handed him a large tip, causing him to grin and nod before walking off. The cabin was bigger than Nichole expected, it having a cozy front to it.

"You want dessert?" Angelica asked as she stood and walked over to the fridge, pulling out some ice cream.

"Oh yes please. Thank you, daddy." Nichole grinned as she looked up at Angelica who smiled and leaned down, kissing her lips.

"Of course, princess. Anything for my good girl."

Nichole blushed, feeling embarrassed for soaking in the unusual attention she received from Angelica. Since they've been together for nearly a year and a half, she couldn't understand why she wasn't used to being pampered and adored by her lover.

"How about we take a bath and watch a movie while we eat our ice cream sundaes? Hm?"

"Okay. When will we be leaving?" Nichole asked.

"Later tonight so we can be back before morning. So let's enjoy this time together, okay?" Angelica asked as she grabbed Nichole's hand and pulled her up gently, before lifting her up, causing the woman to yelp.

The two women sat in silence as they laid in the warm tub, Angelica's hands and lips touching and caressing her lovers skin. Nichole smiled softly as her eyes fluttered closed while enjoying the feeling of Angelica's lips on her shoulder and neck.

"How are you feeling? Better?" Angelica asked. Nichole hummed as she nodded, moaning as Angelica's hands massages into her shoulders.

"Can I ask you something?" Nichole asked.


Nichole twisted around gently and grabbed Angelica's hand before kissing her hand. Angelica smiled, moaning softly as Nichole licked the palm of her hand before kissing her fingers.

"Why is it after you do a scene, you act really nice? I'm not complaining, I'm just wondering. Maybe a little bit afraid too. I feel like you're tryna fatten me up so you can eat me or something." Nichole giggled causing Angelica to snort as she laughed.

"Oh sweet girl..nothing like that. Cannibalism isn't my thing. I act nice because one, I love you and I know that being rough like that can be confusing for some people so I don't want you to think I don't love you when I do. And two it's because I don't want you to drop."

"What do you mean?" Nichole asked. Angelica sat up slightly and pulled Nichole into her chest before kissing her forehead.

"So sub drop is basically when a sub's physical and emotional energy drops after an intense scene like the one we did the other night and the one we did in the club. You feel extremely drained after and if you're not taken care of properly, it can mess with your mental health."

"Oh..so that's why I feel so..meh..." Nichole breathed as she nodded with realization. Angelica grinned and nodded as she caressed her cheek.

"Yes, my love. So this is me helping you restore back to normal. I don't want my baby to be hurt now. Especially if it's my fault. It's my job to make sure you're okay all the time. Especially if Im using your body the way that I do."

"Thank you for explaining." Nichole breathed as she kissed her lovers mouth. Angelica kissed her back and smiled as Nichole started to straddle her waist.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you.." Angelica chuckled as Nichole started to kiss her neck.

"And why not?"

"It's going to hurt you if I touch it."

Nichole huffed and pouted as she slumped down, causing Angelica to laugh as she held Nichole to her chest. She felt happier than she had in a long time. She felt content.

Nichole looked up at her lover who looked down and smiled at her.

"I'll marry you under one condition."


"You let me fuck you with a strap-on on our honeymoon."

Angelica laughed as she put her face in Nichole's neck before kissing it and sucking on the skin, causing Nichole to whimper as she left a bruise.

"Are you sure?"

"About the strap-on? Absolutely."

"No, silly. About marrying me. We can do it right now. I'll let you pick out the bands and all." Angelica grinned. Nichole nodded and wrapped her arms around Angelica's neck.

"Ive never felt more secure with someone before. I'd be honored to be your wife."

The two women walked hand in hand to the car, both of them in a happy bliss. Nichole felt so much better especially after their bath, her muscles relaxed and her heart beating to every syllable of Angelica's name. They ate their ice cream sundaes, Angelica licking ice cream off of a giggling Nichole's face and fingers.

They were now on their way home, Angelica and Nichole walking from the trail and to the parking space that the car was in. They reached the car, Nichole walking over to the passengers side when she was grabbed by Angelica.

"Wait." She hissed, before pulling Nichole behind her and taking her gun from the holster that was attached to her jeans under her sweater. She looked around swiftly as she aimed the gun around, before ripping the piece of paper from the windshield and staring at it in panic and anger.

The symbol on it was the symbol the drug dealers used when they spotted someone they wanted to kill. It was the same symbol that belonged to the pin that she busted when she was undercover.

"Shit. Nichole, let's go."

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