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"We've been spotted..yes...okay we'll wait. Yes I have my gun. Alright bye." Angelica hung up the phone and sighed before looking around the cabin. After seeing the symbol on her car, she didn't hesitate to lift Nichole up and sprint back to the cabin and locking the doors shut.

They were now sitting in the cozy living room, Nichole's legs up to her chin and her head resting on her knee as she snored softly. Angelica looked over at the sleeping young woman and sighed.


Angelica stood and paced back and forth when she heard a knock on the door.

"Open up, Lopez."

Angelica let out a deep breath and walked over, opening the door to see her team walking in. The loud noises startled Nichole awake. She looked around with wide eyes as she saw the team scattered around the house and setting up their security detail.

"Baby, I'm going to bring you upstairs, okay? Daddy has to work, now. But you're safe with everyone here." Angelica whispered as she slowly lifted Nichole bridal style and walking upstairs to the bedroom.

"Are you going to lay with me?" Nichole asked quietly as Angelica sat her down on the bed. She lifted her shirt over her head before bending down and unbuttoning her pants, slipping her jeans down her legs. Angelica walked over to her bag and pulled a t-shirt out, before placing it over Nichole's head.

"Soon, mami. I have to make sure we're okay, first. I love you."

"I love you daddy." Nichole whined quietly. Angelica leaned down and pecked her lips, before laying Nichole down on the pillow.

She watched as Nichole immediately fell asleep before allowing her shoulders to slump. She closed all the blinds and walked downstairs to see her team ready to start the emergency briefing.

"Okay, so.."

Angelica yawned as she took another sip from her wine glass as she stared at the computer. She wanted nothing more than to sleep, her eyes drooping.

However she refused, sitting up and continuing to type her report. It was decided that Angelica needed to go rogue until she knew she was protected from these people. After everyone left, she popped open a bottle of wine and stared at her computer as she tried to gather as much information as she could.

Being undercover with them allowed her to understand their movement and their pattern. She knew they were headed south next but couldn't pin point an exact location. She remembered talks of New Orleans and the Carolinas.

"Daddy?" She heard Nichole's voice whimper as soft footsteps walked over to the table. She looked up and saw Nichole rubbing her eye softly as she stared at Angelica with a tired pout on her face.

"Hi, babygirl. What's wrong? Hm?" Angelica asked as she closed her laptop and opened her arms. Nichole walked over and fell into them, straddling her as she sat on her lap and cuddled her face into her neck.

"I missed you." She whispered as Angelica ran her fingers through her lovers hair.

"I missed you too, baby."

"Then come to bed." Nichole whined as she looked up at her with a tired pout, causing Angelica to smile at the cute sight in front of her. Angelica leaned in and pecked her lovers lips softly before nodding.

"Okay. I'll come to bed."

Days turned into months and months turned into years since the two women's trip. Angelica started to work non-stop, tracking down the dealers who threatened her and her lovers lives. Both her and Nichole travelled with heavy security detail to each location. They still found nothing, but no signs or threats were being thrown their way anymore.

So Angelica tried to stay low key. She knew that if they wanted to kill her, they would catch her at the most unexpected moments. They want her to have her guard down when they find her. So, she bought a new car, and a new house in a new town big enough for her and her new wife to start a family.

Her and Nichole got married soon after their mini-vacation. They went on a small honeymoon and made love on the beaches after having a small wedding with her co-workers and Nichole's college classmates. Aunt Delores refused to have contact with Nichole after finding out her and Angelica were getting married, which cut off all communication with her little sister Rebecca. It broke her heart knowing she couldn't be apart of her sisters life because of her aunt.

She still sent presents for the young girl from time to time, leaving voicemails on Aunt Delores' phone and making it known that she will never forget about her sister no matter what. She hoped the pre-teen received her messages and gifts. Angelica made a promise that once her case was over, she'll do her best to help her get custody of Rebecca from her aunt.

"Baby..I have to go into the office today." Angelica whispered as she kissed Nichole's naked shoulder. Nichole groaned, keeping her face in her pillow as she tried to fall back asleep. She was exhausted from the scene they did last night, Angelica coming home from work in a terrible mood and taking it out on Nichole's body the way they both enjoyed.

"You promised." Nichole grumbled.

"I know and I'm sorry, mami.. but at least you and the baby can rest." Angelica moaned as she laid a hand on Nichole's small belly bump, causing the blond woman to roll her eyes and smile. A few months ago, Nichole and Angelica decided they wanted to have a baby. They've been married for almost a year and were both ready for kids.

So they found a donor that was the perfect match for both of them and went on with the process. A few weeks later, they received a positive pregnancy test and made love on every single surface of their new home.

Nichole was now three months pregnant, thanking God she never had morning sickness. She couldn't wait for their baby to be born and to see Angelica in action. She knew the woman was going to be a great parent.

"Do you really have to go to the office?" Nichole moaned as she turned over. Angelica sighed and nodded as she rubbed her eyes.

"Not for too long. I just need to grab a few things. No ones even there yet. I'll be in and out."

Nichole sat up on the bed and watched as her wife got dressed to go to the office. She slipped on some sweats and a hoodie considering it was snowing outside. She slipped on her boots and walked over, leaving a soft kiss on Nichole's lips.

"I love you, I'll bring back Thai. I promise I'll be back by lunch. Okay?" Angelica breathed. Nichole sighed dramatically before nodding.

"Fine, but make sure to tell peanut all about it when you get back. Swear?"


The office was empty and cool as Angelica turned on the lights. It was after eight in the morning and she wanted nothing more than to be in her wife's arms. No one was coming into the office today because of the blizzard. It was a few days before Christmas and everyone was preparing for the holidays.

Angelica yawned as she walked over to her office, but jumped when she heard a loud slam come from across the office. She slowly pulled her gun from her halter and looked around, her senses heightened as she heard loud footsteps.

She ducked down and crawled under her desk as the footsteps started to multiply and hushed whispering filled her ears.

"You said she'd fucking be here, pendejo."

Angelica's eyes widened and she swallowed hard as the footsteps got closer.

Fuck. I was set up. Fuck.

Blue Eyes  & Black Coffee. (WomanxWoman)Where stories live. Discover now