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Nichole in the MM.


Nichole whimpered as she moved slightly, her eyes opening and being exposed to the sunlight that spilled in the bedroom from the windows. She whimpered in pain as she moved her body, her lower area aching deliciously along with her throat and chest.

"Sh..sh..don't move too fast. I have breakfast and your vitamins for you." Angelica breathed as she walked over to the bed in her black silk pajamas. Nichole sat up slowly and covered her nude body up to her chest with the comforter. Her hair was wild as she looked over at her lover with a small pout.

It warmed Angelica's heart.

She felt more vulnerable than usual, wanting nothing more than to be taken care of by her lover and to be babied.

"Daddy.." She whined hoarsely, her voice still gone from the previous night. Angelica nodded and crawled into the bed before grabbing the large purple sippy cup that had flowers around it.

"Go 'Ah'." Angelica demanded softly as she gently held Nichole's chin. Nichole obeyed, opening her mouth wide and allowing Angelica to place two pills and her vitamins on her tongue. She handed her the sippy cup and watched as Nichole swallowed her vitamins and pain killers before drinking the rest of the warm oat milk that was in the bottle.

"That's a good girl..I made you breakfast." Angelica grinned as she placed the tray in front of her lover. The loaded omelet along with breakfast potatoes looked amazing to the young woman. She smiled up at Angelica shyly before slowly taking a bite and swallowing.

"How are you feeling?" Angelica asked as she rested on her knees, her sheer silk top distracting Nichole slightly. Nichole swallowed hard before smiling softly.

"I'm okay."

"Are you sure? You can tell me." Angelica breathed as she analyzed her lovers face for any signs of uncertainty.

"I'm okay, Angie. Just sore, but I'm okay."

"How do you feel about what happened last night?" Angelica asked as she played with her hands. Nichole gasped slightly at the thought of what happened last night, the flash backs replaying in her head causing her to swallow hers as she felt a familiar, echoing ache in between her legs.

"I'm okay, daddy...I promise. Just stay with me..please?" Nichole asked quietly as she shot Angelica a pleading look.

"I'm already two steps ahead of you. I told my boss I was taking a personal day. I know you need me here with you. I'm here, baby."

"Okay..I'm sorry for coming home late. I won't do it again, I swear." Nichole whispered as she looked down at her plate.

"Oh, baby. It's okay, I forgive you. You were punished and took it like the big girl you are. It calls for a trip as a reward." Angelica grinned. Nichole ate her food as she nodded before smiling up at her lover.

"Where are we gonna go?"

"Just make sure to wear something comfortable and some sneakers."

The drive to the cabin was long and quiet as Angelica sped down the empty road. Nichole tapped her foot to the music that played on the radio, trying her best not to lose her mind since Angelica told her to leave her phone at home.

The only phone Angelica had on her was her work phone just in case any emergencies happened and they had to head back, but she barely checked it as she continued to speed down the road that was wet with rain.

She finally pulled over into a parking space and hopped out of the car and walking over to the passengers seat and opening the door before holding her hand out. Nichole slowly stood with shaky legs and grabbed Angelica's hand.

They walked in silence for quite some time, Nichole taking in the cool crispy air as she looked around. They were surrounded by trees and small mountains. They climbed up the large hill that Angelica walked them over to, Nichole clinging to Angelica as she tried to climb with her legs still weak.

"Push yourself. It's okay. It's good for your sore muscles to move around. You'll feel better."

"You sure know what you're doing when it comes to that, huh?" Nichole scoffed sarcastically as they continued to hike up the hill. Angelica chuckled and shook her head at the sassy young girl before grinning.

"It wouldn't be the best idea to try and piss me off in the middle of the woods. That would be a fun time for me."

Nichole looked at her with wide eyes causing Angelica to shrug with a mischievous grin on her face causing the young woman to roll her eyes.

"What? You're gonna hog tie me to a tree?"

"Nah. That's boring. I'd just put traps all around the woods and have you run for your life while I watch the entire time as you try to hide while you're crying and pissing yourself. Then I'd chase you a little with this beautiful mask that I've been dying to wear and then once you get caught in one of the traps I'd then drag you, tie you up, gag you, put a bag around your face and fuck you on the dirt until you're begging me for mercy." Angelica sighed dreamily.

Nichole stopped dead in her tracks, causing Angelica to turn around and look over at her with a confused look as the blonde stared up at her with a look she couldn't quite understand.

"What? Too much?"

"Ya think?! Jesus, Angelica."

"Im sorry, damn. I thought you'd be okay with that considering last night."

"I am still processing last night and you're already jumping into a new scene that sounds actually terrifying. Yesterday was heaven compared to that."

"No wonder my therapist told me not to say anything.." Angelica mumbled under her breath as she rubbed the back of her neck. Nichole scoffed and rolled her eyes before pulling her girlfriends hand.

"Let's go before your alter ego gets tempted to slam my head into a tree until I'm in a coma." She huffed causing Angelica to let out a loud laugh that echoed through the trees as she held her stomach.

Angelica smiled down at Nichole with love as she watched the blonde continue to walk in front of her. She never met anyone who didn't run from the hills when she opened up about her dark urges.

It made her fall in love even more with the young woman. It made her never want to lose her. She felt comfortable. Like herself and it made her feel loved and she never wanted that feeling to go away.

"Marry me." Angelica stated suddenly as they reached the top of the hill. It caused Nichole to get caught off guard, her gasp loud as she tripped, causing Angelica to catch her by her elbow and pull her into her arms, their eyes melting into each other.

"W-what?" Nichole asked quietly. Angelica nodded as she rubbed her nose against hers.

"Marry me."

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