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TW; mentions of animal cruelty, blood.

"How is she?! The baby? Can I see he-"

"Take a breath, Mrs. Lopez. She just got out of surgery, so she's still asleep. She's stable for now. She lost a lot of blood but she's okay." The doctor breathed as he took a seat next to Angelica who looked at him with tears of gratitude.

"What about the baby?" She asked as she looked at the doctor. He sighed and shot her a look of sadness and Angelica sniffed as she covered her face.

"This is all my fault." She sobbed into her hands. She felt that she should've stayed home. She should've just stayed home with her wife to avoid all of this.

"She's awake." They heard the nurse breathe from her room. They both stood and walked into the room to see Nichole staring into space with no emotion. She was touching her stomach and it caused Angelica to tear up.

"Hey, princess.." Angelica breathed gently as she walked up to the bed. Nichole didn't budge, still staring into space with her hand on her stomach. Her eyes were sad and red rimmed even though she stared blankly at the wall.

"How are you feeling?" Angelica asked quietly as she grabbed Nichole's hand. Nichole slowly pulled it away, still staring into space as a stray tear fell down her cheek.

"Please take me home." She whispered. Angelica nodded before looking over at the doctor who nodded as well before waving her over. He shut the room door and sighed before looking at Angelica.

"She may be suffering from a depression because of losing the baby. We prescribed her some medication. Try your best to be there with her as much as possible."

Angelica nodded before walking back in the room to see Nichole already dressed in her outfit, the bloody hoodie causing her to swallow hard.

"Here, put this on." Angelica breathed as she pulled her hoodie over her head and handed it to her lover. She watched as Nichole slowly pulled the other one off and slipped on the fresh sweater before walking passed Angelica and walking out of the room.

The ride home was silent. Nichole continued to barely speak, staring into space as Angelica drove. She was trying her best not to break, holding it together just in case Nichole couldn't.

It wasn't working, the tears uncontrollably streaming down Angelica's trembling face. Her chin wobbled as she tried to hold it together, but failed as a loud sob ripped from her chest causing Nichole to jump and look over.

Angelica pulled the car over and got out before slamming the door shut. Nichole watched as Angelica walked into the woods, slowly getting out of the car to see where she was going. She didn't want her wife to do anything irrational.

Nichole walked through the same trail Angelica walked in, following her footsteps in the snow and praying that she didn't get lost and that she found Angelica in one piece.

But she didn't, watching in utter shock and fear as Angelica screamed in Spanish while punching the tree over and over again until her knuckles were raw. The blood dripped down her hands and arms and onto the white snow as she growled and punched the tree again. The tears streamed down her face as her black hair covered her profile.

She was still rageful, kicking everything in her way when Nichole saw the dead, ripped open animal next to her feet. She screamed and covered her mouth as she stared down at the bloody knife lodged into the raccoons throat.

"Please tell me you didn't-"

"Don't. It's better than it being myself." Angelica hissed in response as she wiped her face with her bloody knuckles and spat on the ground before walking off toward the car, leaving Nichole shaking with terror in her boots.

The married couple finally reached home, Angelica lifting Nichole up gently despite her wife's protests and carrying her inside. She laid Nichole down on the couch before pulling her shirt off and tossing it in the garbage can next to the door before shutting it and locking it.

Angelica put on the alarm before walking over to the couch and sitting next to her wife who stared into space while looking down at the carpet. She looked over at the blonde woman before swallowing hard.

"I'm sorry if I scared you."

"Yeah, you really did.." Nichole breathed. She never saw Angelica lash out like that before. Especially harming something without reason. It made her question things.

A lot of things.

"Please talk to me. I'm so sorry, Nichole. For everything. I should've stayed home." Angelica sobbed as she turned toward Nichole. Nichole shook her head and looked up at her with tears in her eyes.

"We both lost something.. but I would've been more devastated if I had lost you. I felt something was wrong. You said you were gonna be back but you never came. I'm glad I didn't sit here and let something happen to you-"

"But you got hurt, baby. That's why I tell you to never come to my job. I would've been okay, baby."

"And if you weren't?" Nichole snapped, causing Angelica to be taken aback by her tone completely. She swallowed hard as she stared at her lover who glared at her.

"How would I have found out? Hm? Me waiting for you to come back and have lunch with me like always, especially in a fùcking blizzard. Who would've told me? Hm? Was I supposed to just be like, 'Oh okay. Thanks for letting me know'? Hm? Please. What was I supposed to do? Just sit here and wait for the worst news I could possibly receive? Even though I felt something was wrong? I'm sorry." Nichole shrugged as the tears streamed down her face.

Angelica didn't know what to say, running her hands through her hair as she sat back on the couch. She knew it was always a fear of Nichole's for her to get hurt in any sort of way at work and today was one of those days where she felt something was wrong.

Now they were both hurt, physically and mentally.

"I'm sorry." Angelica whispered as she stared down at her bloody hands. Nichole sighed and slowly stood up before looking down at her wife.

"Only thing I'm sorry for at this point is the baby. I'm not sorry for wanting to make sure my wife was okay when I felt like she wasn't. I'm going upstairs."

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