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Nichole in the MM.

The ride back to the hotel was filled with kisses and soft whispers as the two women made out in the backseat of the cab. Their desire for each other heightened, the boat ride being filled with nothing but passion after they exchanged 'I love yous'. The kissed and kissed until the ride was over, deciding to call it a night and head back to the hotel room.

They kissed on the elevator, Nichole moaning as Angelica hitched her leg around her waist as she pushed her against the elevator wall, attacking her neck with wet kisses and bites.

They were now in the room, kissing in the middle of the bedroom as Nichole clung to Angelica. Angelica's tongue took over Nichole's mouth as they kissed, their moans and whimpers filling the room.

"Get undressed and get on the bed. I'll be right back." Angelica breathed before placing another kiss on the woman's lips and walking to the freezer. She grabbed the heart shaped chocolates and walked into the room to see Nichole already naked and waiting on the bed for her.

They both watched each other, Angelica getting undressed and exposing her naked body to the woman. She was in such incredible shape that it made Nichole's mouth water. Her abs were perfect, her thighs and waist evenly proportioned. She walked over and climbed on the bed, climbing on to of Nichole and straddling her waist.

"Your punishment was no chocolate. But that doesn't mean I can't have any, now does it?" Angelica asked as she unwrapped two of the chocolates and placing them on Nichole's nipples, before leaning down and kissing her lips. Nichole moaned as the cold chocolate started to melt against her sensitive nipples, the sensation running through her body.

The kiss became sloppy as Angelica's hands ran up and down the woman's torso, one of her arms wrapping around her waist and lifting her up slightly, causing the woman to gasp against her lips.

Angelica held the young woman up as she started to place hot kisses down her chest, licking up and down slowly with her tongue and teasing the woman. Nichole moaned, gasping loudly as Angelica bit down harshly on her skin as she kissed back up her saliva covered chest and taking the chocolate and her nipple into her mouth.

"Oh fuck, Angelica..." Nichole moaned as she arched, her eyes rolling into the back of her head as the warmth from Angelica's wet tongue and the coolness from the chocolate made her clit throb with neediness as Angelica sucked and sucked until the chocolate melted completely. She tugged and bit down on the woman's nipples, causing her to moan and writhe under her touch.

"I bet you want to cum so bad."

"I do, I do.." Nichole responded as she panted, Angelica taking the other nipple and piece of chocolate into her mouth, sucking aggressively. The woman nearly orgasmed from just that, her legs shaking around Angelica as she sucked on her nipples with no sort of mercy. Her free hand slowly snuck down the woman's body as her other hand still held the woman's body up against Angelica's.

Her fingers found the woman's wet folds and massaged her fingers through them, coating her fingers in the woman's wetness. Nichole was a moaning mess as Angelica played with her clit, rubbing her wetness all around it as it pulsated with need.

"I just want to suck on your clít until you can't take it anymore. Until you're begging me to stop and you're blue in the fucking face. You are so fucking sexy, I should just take you right now." Angelica hissed as she bit down on the woman's chin. Nichole was a moaning mess, her body coated with a sheen of sweat as she panted and writhed against her fingers. Her legs were spread wide as Angelica continued to hold her up against her body, their lips meeting.

"Do you still have a hymen?" Angelica asked lowly as she kissed the woman's lips softly. Nichole shook her head and Angelica grinned.

"Good." Angelica hissed as she slid three fingers into Nichole's dripping hole, causing her to gasp loudly as she arched her back, her lips parted against Angelica's.

"Oh God.." Nichole moaned as her entire body broke into goosebumps. She's never felt anything so pleasurable before, the tears welling in her eyes as her body shook from Angelica plunging her fingers in and out of the young woman. She started with long, slow strokes as she stretched her pussy, pushing her fingers in and out as they stayed straight, hitting the spot that made her toes curl.

"Feels good, right? Good girl." Angelica grinned as she lifted the young woman higher against her, moving her fingers faster. She kept her eyes on the woman's face, watching as her eyes filled with tears as she stared into Angelica's eyes, afraid to break contact as her lips parted widely. Her moans and gasps were broken as her nails dug into Angelica's hips.

"D-daddy.." Nichole moaned suddenly as she stared into Angelica's eyes. Angelica immediately melted, falling apart in Nichole's arms as she started to thrust into the woman faster, moving her fingers while she whispered sweet nothings into the young woman's ear as she started to cum.

"Don't stop, oh please." Nichole sobbed as she fell apart around her fingers, gripping the dark haired woman as she moved her fingers aggressively.

"That's daddy's good girl, that's daddy's good girl. Give it to daddy, baby. Cum all over my fingers. Such a good girl. You deserve to cum." Angelica kept whispering in Nichole's ear as she fell apart around her fingers, her moans growing louder with each whisper, her words affecting her more than anything.

Angelica didn't stop, pushing her thumb against the woman's clit as she continued to move her fingers inside of her. She leaned down and took the young woman nipple in between her teeth and bit down softly and sucking aggressively while it sat in between her teeth.

"Oh daddy, oh daddy...daddy, I'm cumming I'm cumming. Thank you, daddy. Thank you." Nichole cried out as she rolled her hips, her legs spread even wider as she squirted all over Angelica, writhing in her arms as she clung to her, biting down on her shoulder as the tears of pleasure streamed down her face.

Both of their breathing's slowed down, the two sweaty women kissing softly as Angelica slipped her fingers from inside of Nichole, bringing it to her lips and sucking them, before sliding her tongue into Nichole's mouth. Nichole moaned and sucked on Angelica's tongue as she held the side of her face, their heads moving as they kissed passionately.

"I'll never get enough of you."

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