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"Did she text back?" Maxine asked, her voice echoing in the hotel bedroom as Angelica moisturized her skin. She was fresh out of the shower, washing off the days stress as she prepared for her travel to New York City. She would be traveling with the woman she befriended undercover. She had to in order to get more information on the case and catch them in action.

"No..I can't believe you guys know-as a matter of fact I do believe it. When it comes to you, nothings a coincidence I swear."

"Ah, you're learning. Good." Maxine giggled, causing Angelica to roll her eyes and chuckle lowly before shaking her head. They stayed quiet for a moment, Angelica deep in her thoughts.

"What was she like?" Angelica asked quietly. Maxine smirked, looking down at her phone.

"Shy..quiet. She really didn't talk much." She responded. Angelica smiled, knowing that she would be that way. The young woman was already bashful when she first met her.

"What else?"

"Well I really don't know much because I did graduate two years before her but I do know that her father died."

"Oh wow." Angelica mumbled, suddenly feeling sad. She couldn't imagine having to bare with that pain. She felt for Nichole, exhaling a breath. Angelica eventually dismissed Maxine and shut off the lights before laying in bed. She groaned and stretched when her phone chimed indicating she got a message.

'Hey..good to see we have mutuals haha.'

The smile that broke across Angelica's face was a smile that she hasn't had in a very long time. She was excited that the woman texted her back and didn't think she was a creep. The butterflies fluttered deep in her stomach and chest as she texted back.

'It really is a great thing because now I can ask you for your number and hope to see that beautiful face once again. Let's make dinner plans, you're worth more than a black with three sugars.'

Angelica's phone immediately chimed after, indicating that Nichole had messaged her back. She grinned in excitement and opened the message, reading swiftly with flushed cheeks.

'Smooth. How about we get to know each other first before we do that, yeah? It would make me more comfortable. -N.'

"Makes sense. You're a bashful little girl." Angelica mumbled to herself as she texted back.

'I'll tell you anything you want to know, sunshine.'

Angelica's phone chimed and she laughed loudly at the message, happy to see Nichole's personality come out. She couldn't wait to get to know the young woman and to see her again. She was glad that the woman asked that they took things slow and got to know each other first. It was unique of her to do that.

Angelica liked unique.

'Well, If that's the case then tell me everything. Even if you're a serial killer. I don't judge.'

Weeks and months have passed since the two women's encounter. They stayed in touch with each other through Instagram and texting, and then it turned into phone calls and random Skype requests. Angelica was in New York City, still undercover as Jasmine. She knew it would be dangerous to involve any sort of romantic interest, so she tried keeping her distance from Nichole as much as possible.

It didn't go unnoticed.

Nichole sat at the lunch table and bit into her pizza aggressively, glaring down at the table as she chewed loudly out of annoyance. Lexi just stared with a look of disgust as she placed her own slice down onto her plate.

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