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Nichole in the MM.

"You best behave yourself, understood?" Angelica discreetly whispered into Nichole's ear as she wrapped an arm around her waist. They were at Lexi's wake, it being held a few days after her death. Nichole was a mess, unable to accept the fact that the only person she really had was gone.

So she drank before the wake. She drank and drank until Angelica caught her in the wine cellar, staring at the one and a half empty bottles of wine that sat at Nichole's feet, Nichole leaning on against the cabinet, smirking at the woman.

"Mmm, why wouldn't I? Besides, I have you to put me in check." Nichole snickered lowly as she winked at Angelica. Angelica shook her head as she stared at the woman with an amused look.

"Trust me. One punishment from me and you'll never act up again."

"Try me."

The two women walked to the front of the church, Nichole letting out a shaky breath as she walked over to the casket. She felt the tears well in her eyes and she sighed, wiping her face as she caressed her friend's cheek, just analyzing her features. She'd eyelashes laid on her cheeks as she rested, her hair curly and her makeup light.

I hope you see my daddy. I love both of you with everything in me. I'll never forget you. I'm so sorry.. Nichole thought as a stray tear streamed down her face. She swiftly wiped it and cleared her throat, brushing past Angelica and sitting down next to someone she didn't know.

Angelica followed suite, sitting next to Nichole and placing a reassuring hand on her thigh as they sat in silence along with everyone else that was in the room. They both were deep in thought, staring in different directions as they just felt each other's energy. Nichole slowly slid her hand from her lap to her thigh, slipping her hand into Angelica's, caressing her palm with her fingers before lacing them with hers.

Angelica tensed slightly, before gripping the young woman's hand gently, caressing her skin and knuckles with her thumb. Nichole sighed before sniffing, wiping her face with her other hand. She felt terrible, her stomach turning slightly as she felt the urge to cry again.

No..don't cry. Don't cry. Nichole thought to herself as she swallowed the ball in her throat. She hated crying yet felt like she's been doing a lot of it. The alcohol wasn't enough to numb her from the pain she felt. The same pain she felt with her dad hit her all over again except for her best friend. She didn't know how to cope then and she definitely didn't know how to cope now.

Nichole didn't realize she was full-blown sobbing until Angelica grabbed her and held her tight, rubbing her back as she snarled at everyone who stared, causing them to look away.

"I'm sorry.." Nichole sniffed as she pulled away, wiping her face.

"You have nothing to apologize for."

"Yes you do." Someone interrupted, causing Nichole and Angelica to look up. The woman looked just like Lexi, except a little older with brown eyes and silver hair.

"Excuse me?" Nichole asked as she stood up.

"She told me about you! You lesbian! I told her to stay away from you or she would get hurt. You have the audacity to show your face here with that woman."

"Ma! Stop! Lexi would've loved for her to be here. Don't do this, you're causing a scene." Lexi's sister, Lauren cried as she stared at her mom.

"No! I want them out. I want them out or I'm calling the police."

"I am the police, actually." Angelica stated as she stood up, glaring at the woman as she clenched her fists. She stayed quiet out of respect for Nichole, but she knew Nichole didn't deserve this slander at her best friends funeral.

"I suggest you all continue with the service or else I'll have to report you for discrimination and slandering. You wouldn't want that on your record, would you?" Angelica asked as she flashed her badge and gun.

Mrs. Hen glared at Angelica and Nichole, before stomping away with her daughter on her tracks. Nichole shook her head, wiping the tears from her face.

"Let's just go." Nichole muttered as she sniffed, staring down at her shoes.

"Are you sure?" Angelica asked as she caressed the young woman's cheek. Nichole nodded, her eyes sad and hazy as she tried to hold it together.

"I have to get the rest of my stuff from the dorm anyway. The semester is over. Let's go."

Nichole stared at the ground as she curled up further into the couch as the tears streamed down her face. She was told to sit and wait while Angelica prepared a quick lunch for the both of them. She was worried about the young woman, her mood swings concerning her even more.

"You okay?" Angelica shouted from the kitchen as she poured the large decorative pieces of ice into a a glass cup, sprinkling the boba until it hit the bottom and pouring the homemade taro milk tea into the glass. She cut Nichole's grilled cheese into a triangle, before placing everything on a tray and walking to the living room to se the young woman curled up as she stared into space.

"Oh, mija..I'm sorry." Angelica cooed as she placed the tray on the table before sitting next to the woman and gathering her into her arms.

"I'm used to it.." Nichole whispered, sniffing as she remembered her fathers funeral. Her grandmother on his side hated her mother, and it caused her to hate Nichole too, excommunicating them entirely from his side of the family.

"You shouldn't be."

"Well I am. So.." Nichole snapped lightly as she pulled away from Angelica, wiping her face. She looked over at the tray of food and smiled at Angelica with a look of gratefulness before sipping her drink.

"Where did you learn to cook like this? I can barely make tuna out of the can." Nichole chuckled sarcastically as she bit into her sandwich, the different combinations of cheeses causing her to moan.

"When you travel a lot, certain things just come naturally I guess."

"Here, take a bite." Nichole breathed as she pushed the half bitten sandwich into Angelica's face. Angelica stared at Nichole as she took a bite, chewing and swallowing before licking her lips.

"Yum. Now eat."

"Yes mommy." Nichole scoffed sarcastically, causing Angelica's cheeks to turn red as she looked away slightly.

"I prefer daddy, but your choice."

Nichole coughed hard, causing Angelica to rub and hit her back gently as the young woman tried to regain her composure. She looked up at Angelica with watery eyes and it affected the older woman in ways she knew it shouldn't.

It wasn't time for that, yet. She wanted to make sure the woman was okay before anything else escalated in their relationship.

Relationship? Oh God..

"What are we?" Nichole asked suddenly, ripping Angelica from her thoughts.

"What do you-"

"Don't act stupid, Ang. We were going back and forth for like three months, and now I practically live with you and it's only been a few days. You've touched me, we've kissed. So what is it? I'm not so-"

Angelica interrupted Nichole by placing a soft kiss on her lips, causing the woman to look at her in a daze.

"How about we take a trip? Hm?"

"A trip? Where? Why are you deflecting?"

"Anywhere. We can go anywhere you'd like. I'm not deflecting. I think we should spend some time together in a different environment and get to know each other. I'm new to dating too. I don't date. I-"

"Fuck." Nichole responded causing Angelica to chuckle and shake her head.

"I guess you can say that. Pack your bags, we leave tomorrow."

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