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Nichole and her aunt in the MM.

"Alright, stand right here. No-yes. Good girl."

"Oh, don't call me that.." Nichole slurred as she slumped over against Angelica's house door. Angelica smirked and rolled her eyes.

"And why not?"

"Unless you have your fingers in my mouth, don't call me that."

Angelica chuckled in shock and opened the door, grabbing the young woman's arm and pushing her inside before closing the door. This was not the shy young woman she met at the coffee shop.

"You're so rough." Nichole moaned as she ran her hands up and down Angelica's chest, caressing her breasts through her dress and pinching her nipples, causing the older woman to hiss.

"You are just a naughty little thing. A drunk naughty little thing. Go sit down." Angelica breathed as she kicked off the plastic booties she grabbed from the station.

"Mmm, you're gonna spank me?" Nichole moaned before snickering and slumping on the couch. Angelica had her back turned as she placed her suitcases and bags on the ground when she heard a whimper. She turned around and gasped, before covering her eyes.

"Jesus, NICHOLE. Put your underwear back on."

Nichole didn't listen, continuing to rub her clít with her legs spread wide on Angelica's couch. Angelica resisted the temptation, keeping her eyes covered as she let the woman continue to fondle herself.

"Nichole, I'm not going to ask you again. Put your clothes back on." Angelica hissed.

"Why? You don't want me? You don't want to taste me?" Nichole asked as she stood from the couch, walking over to Angelica and standing in front of her. She took her arousal soaked fingers and rubbed them on Angelica's lips, causing her to gasp and grab her wrist as she dropped her hands from her face.

Nichole smirked, staring down at Angelica's mouth as she licked her lips from Nichole's sweet accent. She tasted like candy and smelt sweet.

She wanted another taste but knew this wasn't the right time. So she took the woman's fingers and licked them clean, before grabbing her by her throat and pushing her on the couch.

"You behave, or I'll show you why you should. Understood?" Angelica hissed. Nichole bit her lip and smirked, nodding and gasping as Angelica let go of her throat.

Angelica ran upstairs and changed her clothes, before wiping her face clear from the makeup she had on. She changed into a large t-shirt and grabbed an extra one with some shorts and a toiletry bag, before walking downstairs when she heard a moan.

Angelica looked around the corner and saw Nichole still playing with herself and she nearly moaned at the sight. Nichole arched off the couch, her moans sweet and angelic to Angelica's ears.

"Oh God.." Nichole whimpered, as if she was holding back her moans as she started to cum, arching and gasping as her body twitched from her orgasm. Angelica watched as she pulled her fingers from her folds and put them in her mouth, sucking on them softly.

Angelica just stared in awe, watching as the young woman recovered from her orgasm and slumped on the couch. Angelica moved away from the wall and stood on the stairs for a second, unsure of what to do with herself.

A sweet, frustrated woman is what she is. She thought before sighing lowly and making a large noise with her foot that made Nichole aware of her presence.

She walked down the stairs and walked toward Nichole, before throwing the t shirt at her, causing her to jump.

"Put it on, then come to the kitchen."

Angelica stormed away and opened the fridge, pulling out two bottles of water and Advil. She watched as the woman's long legs walked over to the kitchen, stumbling slightly before sitting down at the table. Angelica slid the water and pills over to her.

"Take two and drink the water. Then I'll put you to bed."

Nichole obeyed, taking the pills and drinking the water before slumping back in her seat, her eyes drooping.

"You said you were hungry, do you want a snack before bed?"

"Mhmm." Nichole hummed as she nodded, her eyes still half closed. Angelica nodded curtly and stood, opening the fridge and grabbing bread along with vegan butter, mushrooms, onions and tomatoes and cheese. She put oil in a pot and let it heat up, before chopping up the onions with some garlic and placing it in the pot, sautéing them until they turned a slight golden color.

She added the rest of her ingredients, frying everything up and putting the bread in the toaster when she felt arms wrap around her waist. Soft kisses covered her shoulder blades and the middle of her back, causing her to moan slightly.

"'re going to regret all of this in the morning."

"I don't care. Kiss me." She responded. Angelica twisted around slowly and looked down at Nichole who just stared at her lips with hooded eyes.

"Please..I've desired you since the day I met you. I understand you had to hide yourself from me for your own safety. I don't blame you for Lexi, I was just angry. Please..kiss m-"

Angelica gathered Nichole in her arms and smashed her lips against hers, causing the young woman to melt against she as she moaned, her arms wrapping around her shoulders as they kissed passionately, their heads twisting and turning as they dug for more access from each other. Nichole has never been kissed so deeply before. It nearly took her breath away as they both fought for dominance with their tongues, their saliva drifting into each other's mouths as their tongues twisted and sucked on each other's.

"Ah.." Nichole moaned hoarsely as Angelica pulled her tongue with hers, sucking on it gently and soaking it with her saliva as Nichole's lips parted widely. She whimpered, a stray tear streaming down her face as Angelica pulled her even closer to her, both their arms wrapped tightly around each other.

Angelica moaned as she took over, dominating Nichole's mouth completely as she held the woman to her so tightly that her entire body was squished against hers.

The fire alarm going off is what took them from their trance, but even then they didn't want to stop, Nichole pulling away but Angelica pulling her face back and planting a soft, sticky kiss against her lips that made Nichole's knees weak.

"You're mine."

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