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"You okay?" Angelica asked as she watched Nichole look around the outside of the airport. They just touched down in Amsterdam, Nichole staring in awe at the different shuttles that drove past.


"We're going to go to the suite and get settled, and then we can go from there okay?" Angelica stated. Nichole nodded, clinging to Angelica for dear life, causing the older woman to smirk as her cheeks heated up.

She likes me.

"Are we really staying here for a month, Ang?" Nichole asked as they slipped into their cab to the hotel. Angelica nodded, smirking down at the young woman as she wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

"We can stay as long as you like." Angelica sighed dreamily as she stared down at the young blonde. Nichole was staring down at her hands, before looking up at Angelica with wide, innocent eyes.

"What if I said I wanted to stay forever?" She whispered as she played with Angelica's thumb with a small pout on her face.

"Well, sweet girl. I would make that work just for you."

The rest of the ride consisted of soft, silent kisses and cuddling. They finally reached their hotel and Angelica carried their bags inside and checked in at the front desk, a sleepy Nichole following her tracks.

"So this is home for the next three weeks." Angelica grinned as they walked into the presidential suite.

"Holy sh-"

"Language." Angelica stated sternly as she placed the bags down on the floor. Nichole looked around in awe at the large room. The high ceilings were filled with renaissance art, a large chandelier dangling from the center. The living room was large, the large love seat and couches filled with heart shaped pillows and blankets.

The kitchen was decorated with complimentary flowers and chocolates, Nichole immediately running toward the candy basket, but scowling as Angelica gently tapped her hand away, placing the chocolates in the freezer.

"We can save those for later."

Nichole rolled her eyes and walked to the master bedroom, looking around with wide eyes and pink cheeks. There was a bucket of champagne sitting on the middle of the bed with rose peddles trailing to it.

"All complimentary, sweetheart. I'm not touching you anytime soon."

"And why not?" Nichole asked as she crossed her arms. Angelica smirked as she walked over to the young woman and gently lifted her chin with her knuckle.

"Because." Angelica stated with a grin, before walking to the bedroom as she loosened her tie and started to unbutton her shirt, leaving Nichole staring in awe and frustration.

"Two can play that game." Nichole mumbled as she took off her dress and sashayed into the bedroom in her white lace bra and underwear set. Her bra had a bow at the center, it being a push up causing her to have more cleavage.

Angelica looked over and looked away, a smirk forming on her face as she placed her folded clothes from her suitcase into the drawer. Nichole started humming a tune, also unpacking her suitcase, bending over with her ass in the air as she grabbed her clothes.

"Angelica watched her through the mirror, her hands tingling for a touch as she put the rest of her clothes away. She pulled out a pair of black loose fitted dress pants and a creme colored turtle neck, placing it on the bed along with her black Calvin Klein bra and underwear set.

She grabbed her towel and her toiletries, walking past Nichole and walking into the bathroom, closing the door and smirking. Nichole smirked as she stared at the closed door, before pulling out her clothes and grabbing her towel, waiting for the shower to start.

If I walk into the shower with her, I'm most certain she'll do something.

Nichole took off her underwear and placed it in the hamper that sat next to the dresser before slowly opening the door, thanking God there was no lock on the door. Angelica was in the shower, it being a large glass stand up shower, the jacuzzi bath tub being on the other side of the bathroom. Nichole walked over to the glass and opened it, before getting inside, Angelica looking over at her with a smirk.

"I knew it." Angelica chuckled, before shaking her head and continuing her shower while Nichole just rolled her eyes, feeling slightly embarrassed.

"Okay well, I'm here." She responded as she rolled her eyes again.

"Take a shower, there's another shower head right above you." Angelica pointed it out as she aimed toward the second handle that sat on the marble wall. Nichole turned it on and bent over to take Angelica's body wash from the floor and pouring it on her rag, before washing herself. She made shire she became soapy, lathering herself in the raspberry scented body wash.

Angelica made sure to allow the girl to think that she wasn't paying her any mind, but in reality she was watching her from the corner of her eye. Nichole bent over to grab the conditioner, running her fingers through her hair as she moved her body in a way that made Angelica's stomach flutter with arousal.

"You are such a..mm.." Angelica chuckled as she washed her hair. Nichole smirked as she walked over to her, pressing her naked body against hers as she ran her hands up and down her back.

"A what?" Nichole asked as she rubbed her nose against Angelica's.

"Can't you see that I want you? You were the only one I thought about for months. I think about you every night, especially after you touched me the way you did."

"Is that so?" Angelica asked as she backed Nichole against the wall. Nichole nodded and bit her lip, her legs trembling with pleasure as her nipples hardened.

"Turn around." Angelica breathed. Nichole turned around and gasped as Angelica pushed her against the wall with her body, taking her hands and pinning it behind her back before pulling her blonde strands causing her head to jerk back and her lips to part.

"You are such a needy little girl, my pet. Why is that, hm?"

"I already told you.." Nichole moaned loudly as Angelica pressed her knee between her legs.

"You need to learn to listen and have patience. You're getting punished. Do not move."

"Finally I get to see what this punishment is- ow!" Nichole gasped as Angelica slammed a hand down on her ass, a large red bruise automatically forming.

"I want to hear not a sound." Angelica hissed as she slammed her hand down on her ass again, causing Nichole to whimper. The tears welled in her eyes as she gasped and jumped with each strike to her ass. Angelica smiled widely as she watched the bruises form on Nichole's ass, spanking her again until the woman was trembling and crying loudly.

"No chocolate for you tonight. Now clean yourself up and wear something nice, we're going out for dinner." Angelica stated before stepping out of the shower and walking into the bedroom, leaving Nichole trembling with tears streaming down her face.

She wasn't joking..

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