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Rebecca in the MM.


"Nichole, she's going to be okay." Angelica comforted her wife who continued to cry in her arms. They were back at the hotel, Nichole losing herself completely as soon as they walked in. She couldn't stop crying, the feeling of guilt churning in her stomach.

"Those poor girls..this whole time I'm living in luxury while my baby sister was being trafficked. I can't help but blame myself for not trying harder." Nichole sobbed. Angelica squeezed her wife before sighing and kissing her forehead.

"Nichole, you had no idea. Delores is the one at fault here. She completely abandoned her as if she was supposed to take care of herself. She didn't even tell you until after the fact. The most you can do now is be here when she wakes up and show her that she isn't alone anymore."

"But what if she wants nothing to do with me?" Nichole sniffed as she looked up at Angelica with wide, watery eyes.

"Then that's that, sweetheart. But I'm sure she'll love to get to know her big sister. You already love her so much. I'm sure she's going to love you too. Okay, baby?" Angelica asked as she wiped Nichole's tears. Nichole nodded, sighing as Angelica kissed the side of her face.

"She's so pretty, Angie. She has mommy's eyes. So big with long lashes." Nichole smiled at the memory of her mom before the drugs destroyed her.

"Just like her sister." Angelica responded. Nichole sighed and wrapped her arms and legs around Angelica who just held her wife the way she needed it.

"Daddy, can they come live with us?" Nichole whispered. Angelica kissed Nichole's forehead with a soft smile.

"Of course they can. The house is in your name, remember?"

Three weeks later.

Nichole stared down at the bed as her young sister breathed slowly on her own. She came to visit Rebecca every single day, canceling her flight back to New York City and even calling out of work. She wanted nothing more than to make sure the three women were okay, especially her little sister. She didn't want any of them to suffer any more.

Angelica watched as Natalia, Rome and Nichole sat on the bed next to Rebecca. She felt slightly out of place but knew she wanted to be here in every way she could for the four women, especially her wife. She knew the Monsignor and his playmates were going to prison for a very long time, so she was comfortable. There was more than enough evidence to incriminate every single person involved in the nun trade that went on. It broke her heart to hear what those men have done, and she knew they would get the justice they deserved.

"I think she's waking up." Natalia gasped as Rebecca twisted around. Her eyes fluttered opened and she blinked a few times. She no longer had the breathing tube, so she wasn't uncomfortable. She looked around, her large brown eyes stopping on Nichole's large green ones. She stared as she slowly sat up, the tears welling in her eyes.

"Mommy? Mommy is that you? You finally came for me?" Rebecca sniffed. Nichole's heart broke into pieces and she looked up at the ceiling as she swallowed hard before looking down at her little sister. She wished their mom was here, but she knew it wouldn't be a reality.

"Babygirl, it's not mommy. My name is Nichole and I'm your big sister." Nichole breathed as she touched Rebecca's leg. Rebecca jumped and shook her head, curling her legs toward her chest as she looked over at Natalia.

"Natou..who is this?" Rebecca asked. Natalia ran a finger down her cheek and smiled softly, before kissing Rebecca's forehead causing Nichole to smile sadly. She finally understood that the babies were Natalia's, and that they were a couple.

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