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TRIGGER WARNING; exhibitionism, biting, bruising, anal penetration, oral penetration etc.


Part 1

Angelica and Nichole stumbled into the hotel room as their lips stayed connected, Nichole moaning as her hands slipped under Angelica's shirt and rubbing her abs and chest. Angelica wrapped her arms around Nichole's waist and pressed her body against hers as her tongue slipped into her mouth.

"Mm.." Nichole whimpered as Angelica sucked on the young woman's tongue, the feeling shooting straight down to her pùssy. Angelica's hand bunched Nichole's dress up, exposing her ass in her white thong in her ass. She spanked the young woman, causing her to moan loudly against her mouth, her püssy aching for the woman's touch as her arousal dripped down her thighs and panties.

"I should just devour you right here on this floor." Angelica hissed as she nibbled on her lovers bottom lip and jaw, Nichole's fingers lacing into her brown locks of hair.

"Please do. I've waited long enough." Nichole moaned.

"No, no..this was about you. I'm sitting here taking over like a pendeja." Angelica groaned as she pulled away from nichole. Nichole pulled her back, pressing Angelica's face into her chest as she rubbed the side of her face and hair, causing her eyes to flutter closed.

"It's about both of us. I want you to feel good too. That's what making love is. It isn't fucking. It's learning each other, making each other feel good. Loving each other." Nichole sighed dreamily as she continued to rub Angelica's face and hair.

"You've put a lot of thought into this, huh?" Angelica chuckled. Nichole giggled, squealing as Angelica lifted her and dropped her onto the bed before climbing on top of her lover.

"Well..yes. Yes I have. Just because I'm a virgin doesn't mean I don't think about it."

"Because you do. A lot." Angelica breathed, her dark hair curtaining their faces as she smirked down at her lover while staring at her lips.

"Only for you." Nichole breathed before pressing her lips against Angelica's. Angelica kissed her back, going with the soft rhythm that Nichole introduced.

"Let me taste you." Nichole whispered against Angelica's mouth. Angelica nodded before kissing Nichole again, moaning against her mouth as she flipped them over so the blonde straddled her lover. They kissed passionately, clothes flying off and soft moans and kisses filling the room as their hands caressed each other's bodies.

Nichole sat up and analyzed Angelica's bare body, her abs flexing with her breath as she laid flat on her back. Her breasts were large as they laid flat on her chest, her soft brown nipples hard and erect. It made Nichole thirsty, the young woman leaning down and feasting the woman's nipples with her tongue, causing her to gasp.

It's been a while since Angelica was topped. She was usually the one that took over, giving the woman below her endless pleasure until they were begging her to stop. She knew her connection with Nichole was different.

She would've never let anyone else touch her like this.

Nichole licked and kissed every part of Angelica's body like she's been desiring to from the day they met. She left wet kisses down her abs, kissing the small trail of birds she had tatted on her abdomen.

Angelica was a moaning mess, her body reacting to the woman's touch automatically. Her pùssy was dripping and ready for Nichole as she teased her thighs with her tongue.

"Fuck.." Angelica gasped as Nichole bit her thigh aggressively before sucking on the skin and leaving a bruise. Nichole hooked her arms around the woman's legs and spreads them. She moaned at the sight of Angelica's pussy as it glistened under the dusk sky that filled the hotel room.

"Can I taste you?" Nichole asked in a way that caused Angelica to moan before nodding as she looked down at her with a pleading look. It was a pleasure to see Angelica begging for once and it fueled Nichole even more. She teased the woman's folds with the tip of her tongue, the stickiness of her arousal sticking to the woman's tongue as she moaned.

Angelica gasped softly as the tip of Nichole's tongue grazed against her swollen clít, causing her head to fall back and her legs to spread wider. Nichole moaned at the taste of Angelica's pussy, nearly cumming just from pleasing the older woman who was in utter bliss.

"Good girl.." Angelica whispered before moaning as Nichole started to attack her swollen bundle of nerves, sucking on her clit as she moaned around it. She felt herself grinding against the bed as she ate her lovers püssy, her body reacting to her lovers moans and cries of pleasure. It's exactly how she imagined, the woman's moans deep and hoarse as she curled her lavender painted toes above Nichole's head as she lifted her leg, causing the woman's face to sink deeper in between her legs.

Angelica was speaking and moaning in Spanish as she stared down at Nichole, running her hands through the woman's blonde hair and petting her face as a coating of sweat started to form on her body. She was panting, her thick lips parted as she watched Nichole devour her pussy.

"Oh Fuck, I'm close.." Angelica moaned, her eyes rolling back as her head fell back onto the bed, moaning in Spanish as she writhed against the woman who held her hips up as she continued to make contact with her dropping cunt.

"Mmmmmmm.." Nichole moaned before chuckling seductively as she sucked harder on the woman's clít, causing her hips to buck as she let out a yell.

"Oh, baby I'm cumming..Nichole.." Angelica moaned loudly as she started to cum, her body jerking as she gasped. Her legs shook as she gripped the bedsheets, nothing but the thoughts of Nichole being her soulmate swarming through her head as she tried to catch her breath. Nichole kissed up the woman's body, licking and sucking on her skin before tugging her nipples with her teeth causing her to cum.

"Virgin my ass. Get on your knees."

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