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Angelica in the MM.


Two months later..

Two and a half months have passed since they've been on the lookout for Rebecca. Angelica and her team stayed in the area where she would hang around the most. They made sure to keep eyes on the strip club, at the mansion that the Monsignor owned, and even the nearby hotels where she was spotted a few times.

Nichole was a wreck. She couldn't sleep, and she couldn't eat. All she wanted was her baby sister to be in her arms and to protect her from the world that let her down.

Captain and his team managed to spot Rebecca with the carpenter. Her name was Natalia and she worked with the Monsignor. She was also the same one who saved her from him. Nichole couldn't wait to show how thankful she was, but she knew it was going to take time.

"Nichole, try and eat baby."

"No.." Nichole whined quietly as she gripped her pillow, staring out of the window. She didn't want to do anything but lay there. She prayed and prayed for her little sister to come back.

It's all she wanted.

Angelica sighed and placed the bowl of soup on the bureau before crawling onto the bed and laying down with her wife. She wrapped her arms around her and they stared into space together.

"I know she's coming back. I can feel it, Ang. Why hasn't she come back yet?" Nichole sniffed, the tears streaming down her face.

"I believe you, baby. Captain is in Miami watching her every move, okay? You have nothing to worry about."

"I can't help but worry. Ang I-"

Before Nichole could finish her statement Angelica's work phone started to ring, breaking both of them from their thoughts.

"Lopez." Angelica breathed into the phone. Nichole watched as her eyebrows furrowed, Angelica's eyes widening as she looked over at Nichole with panicked eyes. Nichole sat up on her knees and watched her wife who nodded abruptly and swallowed hard.

"Okay, okay I'm coming. I'll call backup. Holy fuck." Angelica hissed before hanging up the phone. She crawled to the bed and grabbed Nichole's hand while her other hand adjusted the strap to her nightgown.

"Nichole, I need you to stay calm okay?" Angelica stated slowly. Nichole nodded with big eyes as she watched her wife struggle to speak.

"W-what happened?" She asked quietly.

"You were right, baby. Rebecca is in Louisiana, but-"

"But what? What happened?!" Nichole sobbed impatiently as she waited for Angelica to speak. Angelica sighed and ran a hand down her face.

"She was kidnapped. They're holding her hostage."

"FBI!" Angelica yelled as she kicked the door down to the abandoned warehouse before aiming her gun. She waved for her team to run in and they obeyed, the red beams pointing in every direction as they searched the warehouse.

Nichole watched from outside the warehouse, crying her eyes out as captain wrapped an arm around her waist to comfort her. She wanted nothing more than for her baby sister to be okay.

"3...2...1..go!" Angelica exclaimed in a whisper, watching as they took the large pipe and knocked the door down. A young woman with pale skin and wild, curly hair laid on the ground naked and trembling. She had tears and blood streaming down her face as she covered her naked body with her hands.

"Hey, hey, you're okay. You're okay. We've got you, now." Angelica whispered to the young woman as she wiped the tears from her eyes.

"P-p-please no more.. No more.." The young woman sobbed, causing Angelica to swallow back her own tears when a loud gun shot echoed through the ware house.

"What was that?! No! Angelica!" Nichole screamed from outside of the warehouse, Captain holding her back as she tried to run. Nichole sobbed, dropping to the ground as she prayed her wife and her sister were okay.

"I need you to wait here, okay? What's your name?" Angelica asked quietly to the young woman as the rest of the agents followed the sound of the gunshot, busting the next door open.

"Rome." The young woman whispered as she opened her eyes, her red rimmed crystal blue irises finding Angelica's brown ones. They stared at each other for a second, but their gaze broke as the sound of more gun shots echoed through the warehouse.

"WE NEED A BUS! NOW! SHE'S PREGNANT!" Johnson screamed from the room.

"No! No that's Rebecca! Was she hurt?!" Rome sobbed as she stood up, Angelica wrapping a weighted blanket around her body.

"Rebecca? Rebecca Mayeux?!" Angelica asked swiftly. Rome nodded and sniffed, watching as Angelica ran into the room.

"Oh shit, no no! No!" Angelica hissed as she grabbed Rebecca's body and laid her on the gurney. The paramedics brought her outside and Angelica watched as the carpenter cried her eyes out.

"You're okay now. Everything's going to be okay." Angelica breathed but the carpenter shook her head rapidly, her golden curls bouncing around her face.

"Where's Mel and Rome? Where are they? He said someone was dead!" Natalia cried as she stood from the chair after Angelica untied her wrists and placed a blanket over her shoulders. Natalia sniffed and looked up at the officer as she waited for a response.

"Nobody's dead, honey. He lied. They just took both women to the hospital, we will let you know more after we get there. But for now we all have to go. You're okay now." Angelica stated gently. Natalia stared up at her for a second before nodding and walking out of the room.

"Ang! Ang! Was that Rebecca?!" Nichole cried as she ran over to Angelica and wrapped her arms around her. The paramedics took Natalia into the ambulance and they drove off to the hospital, leaving Nichole and Angelica alone in their embrace.

"She was shot in the stomach. She's pregnant with twins. I'm not sure who the babies belong to yet. But let's get to the hospital okay? It's over now."

Angelica had Nichole wait in the waiting room as she ran over to Natalia who was crying. They wheeled Rebecca into the O.R, Natalia breaking down causing Angelica to wrap her arms around her shoulders.

"It's going to be okay. I feel it. We finally caught him, you guys are going to be free now." She breathed. Natalia nodded and pulled away from the agent, wiping her tears away and letting out a long breath.

"I hope so." Natalia sighed, sniffing quietly. Angelica swallowed hard before looking over at Nichole who had her head in her hands. She sighed and ran a hand through her hair before looking at Natalia.

"There's someone I think you should meet." Angelica stated as she patted Natalia's back. Natalia quirked her brow as she looked at the FBI agent, confused about her statement which caused Angelica to sigh.


"Who?" Natalia asked.

"Me." Nichole breathed as she stood and walked over to Natalia who just stared at her with confusion.

"Who are you?" Natalia asked. Her face seemed so familiar but she couldn't put her finger on it. Nichole sniffed and smiled sadly before looking over at her

"I'm Nichole, Rebecca's sister."

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