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Nichole took a seat in the waiting room as Natalia watched her, crossing her long legs and staring down at her red painted nails. The tears welled in her eyes and she looked up at the carpenter who waited for an explanation. Angelica sat next to her wife and crossed her legs.

"Where have you been this entire time? She has been destroyed, Nichole." The carpenter growled causing Angelica to clench her fists. Nichole nodded and looked down at her heels, gulping loudly.

"My mom had Rebecca when I was in college. She's my half sister. I was put in the foster care system when I was younger before she was born. My mom had visitation but that was it. I literally watched her go downhill my entire life. The prostitution and drinking wasn't always the case. My mom and dad were together for some time and when he died my mom lost everything. He was always the one to take care of the bills and worked hard for us. Once he died, she just changed. Started drinking, lost her job. Then the prostitution started. My aunt felt as if she was unfit so she called the police and they put me in the system. I found out about Rebecca through my aunt. Never knew I had a sister until I learned my mother died. However, I wasn't ready to raise my sister. I wanted to, but my aunt refused to let me. I was in college at the time and I was barely living myself. So I kept tabs on her until one day I couldn't. She just vanished from Louisiana. I searched for years, asking my aunt what happened and why she couldn't take care of her. It's been over six years, and this will be the first time I'd meet her in person our entire lives."

"Why couldn't you take her? Do you have any idea what she's been through?!" Natalia hissed as she stood up, causing Angelica to stand too in defense of her wife. Nichole shook her head, the tears streaming down her face as every emotion she felt overwhelmed her.

"No but from what I've heard it was bad, and I blame myself. I do. I should've tried harder, I should've done more-"

"She's just a kid! She was just a kid when that bastard took her. The things he's done..she had to endure everything on her own because you chose yourself."

"Hey.." Angelica hissed as she looked between the two women who glared at each other. Angelica felt herself growing defensive and swallowed her anger knowing that everyone's emotions were high, including her own.

She didn't want to lash out on the carpenter because of it.

"How about we save this for later? Right now let's focus on what's important." The agent stated. Nichole sniffed and nodded, wiping her eyes and fanning her face. Natalia stared at the ground, clenching her jaw in anger. Angelica watched her intensely just in case she tried to take it out on her wife. All three women waited for hours for the doctor to update them, Natalia pacing back and forth and Nichole staring at the ground deep in thought. Angelica rubbed her back as she tried to calm her shaking wife.


Both Nichole and Natalia shot up from their seat and walked over to the doctor who had a stressed expression on his face. Nichole stood next to Natalia and crossed her arms as she waited for the M.D. to speak.

"All three women are okay. Rome and Melanie are coherent, however Rebecca is still in critical condition. She just got out of surgery so she's still sedated. The babies had to be delivered because of distress. They're both in the NICU."

"Fuck!" Nichole hissed as she touched her own stomach, remembering the pain she felt when she lost her baby.

"Can we see them?"

"Yes, but understand that they've all been through a lot, including yourself. So be prepared, as for seeing the babies, let's give it a couple of days." The doctor stated before gesturing for the three women to follow her into the large wing where the three injured women were roomed together. Rome was the first person the three women saw when they walked in. She was staring into space, her face bruised slightly and her lip swollen. Her hair was in a messy bun at the very top of her head as she sat on the bed with her back against the plastic frame.

Nichole stared at her for a second, the butterflies fluttering in her chest as Rome's blue eyes met hers for just a second. Angelica noticed, swallowing hard because she had the same reaction when she saw her.

She was absolutely gorgeous.

Her hands were sitting on her lap, her slender fingers playing with the loose fabric of the hospital gown. Nichole's eyes traveled down her legs and back up again.

A young woman with locs sitting just above her shoulders sat on the bed next to Rome's, staring into space as well except she had a look of anger on her face. She looked up and met Natalia's eyes and the expression on her face worsened, looking away from the carpenter and glaring down at the floor.

Angelica noticed, swallowing hard as she placed her hand on top of her gun that sat in its holster, preparing for anything. The room was tense, it being filled with an awkward silence.

Lastly was Rebecca as she laid on her bed, the tube in her throat causing Nichole to gasp. The tears welled in her eyes as she watched Natalia walk over to her lover's bed with tears streaming down her face, sitting down at the edge and taking her cold hand before squeezing it.

"Mon amour.. je suis vraiment désolé.." Natalia cried lowly. Nichole watched, putting the pieces together and gasping lowly.

They were together..

Nichole suddenly felt useless, her body trembling with anxiety and her stomach turning with nausea. She wanted nothing more than for her sister to wake up, but she knew she wouldn't anytime soon.

Angelica and Nichole watched as Natalia stood from the bed and walked over to the other young woman who just sat in place. She glared at the floor angrily and it caused Natalia to push her eyebrows together.

"Hey.." Natalia breathed as she placed a hand on the young woman's shoulder. She pushed her hand off aggressively and glared up at Natalia with dark eyes.

"Don't touch me." She hissed. Natalia was taken aback, swallowing the lump in her throat. Angelica stepped forward but Nichole placed a hand on her chest, shaking her head.

"Wait." She whispered. Angelica nodded and stepped back, watching the interaction between the two women.


"Don't! Don't you dare ask why I'm upset. I didn't sign up for this shit. I almost died, Natalia. DIED. Because of you and your little girlfriend over there. I'm not with this shit anymore."

Nichole's face dropped and she looked over at Angelica who's face was already red with anger. Nichole saw her wife's hand grip her gun and she shook her head.

Natalia stared at her friend in shock, the tears streaming down her face. She was too in shock to respond, the hurt radiating through her body more intense than the actual physical pain she was in.

"W-where did this all come from?"

"The doctor said it was apart of her concussion. She hit her head so hard it caused a personality change I guess." Rome stated lowly.

Angelica removed her hand from the gun and looked at Nichole who shook her head in disbelief. These four women went through so much.

It was breaking her to pieces.

"Stop fucking saying that! This is how I actually feel! You guys are fucking psychos. Matter of fact, I want a different room. I don't want to be anywhere near you at all." The woman spat, before pressing the call button aggressively. Natalia had nothing to say, instead just walking over to Rome's side of the room where the Angelica and Nichole stood. They all just watched Rome, Nichole and Angelica staring intensely at the young woman's profile.

"Are yo-"

"No." Rome gasped before letting out a long sob, shaking her head and covering her face with her hands. Natalia wrapped her arms around the woman, glaring over at Melanie who just rolled her eyes and pressed the call button again.

"It's going to be okay now."

"Oh trust me. I know. I'm going to make sure they all rot in prison for the rest of their lives." Angelica scoffed before storming out of the room, Nichole following her tracks.

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