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Nichole in the MM.


"You okay?" Angelica asked Nichole as she carried her into the hotel room, shutting the door quietly. After using her safe word, Nichole immediately fell asleep on the floor which was Angelica's cue to bring her home for some intense after care. The entire ride to the hotel she kept asking Nichole if she was okay as she whispered sweet nothings into her ear.

"Mhmm." Nichole hummed with her eyes still closed and a soft smile on her face. Angelica immediately walked to the bedroom and laid her young angel onto the bed. She slipped off the mask and kissed her eyelids before kissing her lips softly.

"More, daddy." Nichole whined with her eyes still closed as she puckered her lips. Angelica chuckled lowly before leaning in and kissing her lips again. She undid her dress and slipped it off before taking off her jewelry except for the collar. She slipped off the woman's shoes before kissing the top of her foot and standing to strip from her own clothes.

Angelica walked into the bathroom toward the jacuzzi and watched as it started to fill up with water before slipping in the dark red bath bomb. The water filled up and she added some Castile soap, the red bubbles forming slightly. She lowered the lights in the bathroom and started playing calming music as she lit a few candles and walked into the room.

"My princess..it's bath time." Angelica whispered as she kissed the top of her lovers ear. Nichole moaned slightly, her eyes still closed as she put her arms out for Angelica, causing her to smirk.

Such a bottom.

Angelica lifted up her lover and bought her to the bathroom and laid her into the tub before slipping in behind her. She grabbed a rag as she softly sang along to the song and started to gently wash the woman. She ran the rag against the scars and bruises she left on her body, before massaging the soap into her skin with her fingers. She massaged her shoulders and her arms, then her fingertips and then her thighs. She ran her hands up and down the woman's legs before running the rag across her skin.

"Mmm.." Nichole hummed sleepily as Angelica's fingers started to massage shampoo into her hair.

"Don't worry. I've got you, baby." Angelica whispered as she continued to take care of her lover. She washed her hair and allowed herself to relax in the warm water for a second as Nichole slept against her chest, before standing up and bathing herself. They were now in the bedroom, Angelica massaging lotion and essential oils into Nichole's skin as she laid on her stomach. She massaged her ass, gently rubbing the oil into the deep lashes and scars that possessed her lower body.

"Ow.." Nichole whined hoarsely.

"I know, baby. Just relax." Angelica breathed as she massaged the woman's thighs and legs. Nichole moaned as the woman massaged her body, feeling as if she was the luckiest woman in the world.

"Sit up, baby."

Nichole slowly sat up with a groan and Angelica smiled as she slipped the white nightgown over her head, slipping her arms into the loops and watching as it slipped down her body.

Angelica slipped on her t-shirt and boxers before shutting off the light and blowing out all of the candles before laying down next to Nichole and wrapping an arm around her waist.

"I love you. Thank you." Nichole whispered. Angelica swallowed hard and nodded before kissing her shoulder.

"I love you."

Nichole twisted around and looked up at Angelica with large eyes and it melted Angelica's heart. She leaned in and placed a soft kiss on Angelica's lips, the kiss deepening as they clung to each other.

"Make love to me." Nichole whispered against Angelica's lips. Angelica nodded as she hovered over Nichole, their lips still on each other's as Nichole pushed her boxers down before sliding her hands up and down her chest under her shirt.

"Let me feel you." Nichole whispered. Angelica looked down at her with a look of confusion.

"What do you mean?"

"Let me feel you. Not a strap on. Yes I saw it in your drawer it was an accident." Nichole giggled as Angelica hid her face in her neck out of embarrassment.

"Feel me how?" Angelica asked. Nichole leaned up and left a soft kiss on her lips before nibbling on her swollen bottom lip.

"Snip snip, daddy." Nichole whispered before licking Angelica's lips from bottom to top. The realization hit Angelica and she blushed before nodding and attacking Nichole's mouth with hers.

"You're so beautiful." Angelica moaned softly as she positioned her legs along with the woman's as she heightened the night gown up to her waist. She kissed her exposed cleavage and sucked on the skin causing Nichole to moan.

"Right back at ya." Nichole moaned, causing Angelica to laugh heartedly and Nichole laughing with her. They stared at each other for a second, Angelica leaning down and kissing her lovers lips softly. It was an intimate kiss that made Nichole's body weak as she melted into it, their tongues flat and visibly touching before overlapping each other's mouths again.

Angelica leaned down, her swollen clít pressing against Nichole's and moaned quietly. Both of them shuddered as Nichole arched while whimpering at the contact of her lovers wetness touching hers. Angelica's lips parted against Nichole's as she started to move, gasping lowly as she thrusted forward.

"I want to hear you." Nichole moaned as she lifted her lovers shirt and wrapped her lips around her nipple, sucking and flicking the bud with her tongue. Angelica moaned as she gripped the headboard to keep from going weak as her head fell back. She continued to move her hips as she attacked her lovers lips, both of them moaning into each other's mouths. Their moans grew louder and louder as Angelica started to move faster, Their foreheads and lips still touching as they both cried out in pleasure.

"Oh God, Ang..I'm cumming." Nichole gasped before moaning hoarsely as she held onto her lovers shoulders, her nails digging into her skin.

"Fuck yes baby cum for me. Cum for me, mami." Angelica moaned loudly as her own orgasm started to grow in the pit of her stomach, the fire traveling through her body as both their moans turn louder, Angelica's nails ripping into the wall paper as the blood dripped through her t-shirt from Nichole's grip on her skin.

Both of their breathing slowed down, their lips still touching as their hearts sank into the same rhythm, their fingers lacing as Angelica laid her head on Nichole's chest as she panted, her eyes fluttering closed as Nichole's fingers found her hair, her heartbeat in her ear as she started to fall asleep.

"I love you."

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