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Nichole in the MM.

"You told her to come pick up the papers, right?" An unrecognizable voice asked as Angelica slowly crawled on the ground and peeked through the glass doors. She's been trying to avoid them for the last two hours, crawling around and hiding behind the desks in the office.

"Fùcking bastard." She growled under her breath as she saw Vincent Antonio with five armed men walking next to him. She knew it had to be him to set this up because of his vendetta toward her. She was one of the best and he wasn't.

That was enough motive to get her killed by the same people she was assigned to. To make it look like a fault from her end.

"I don't know why she's not here y-wait..the office door is open."

Fuck. Angelica mouthed before aggressively army-crawling out of the office as they walked around and slipped under one of the cubicles. She made sure her gun was loaded but cursed as she saw she was low on ammo. It was her against the six of them.

She only had a few bullets.

She heard footsteps and closed her eyes, praying to God that she lived through this. She wanted nothing more than for it to be over with, but she knew the devil played hard.

She heard the footsteps get closer and she slowly crawled backward into the next office and quietly shut the door, before pulling out her phone and texting her boss.

'911 at the office. I need backup. I'm surrounded.'

She didn't realize how long it's been until she looked at the messages from nichole asking when she's gonna be back and that it's already twelve. She was exhausted from dodging these men and knew in due time she was going to have to do something.

She quietly searched around the office and thanked God as she grabbed the silencer from the drawer. She saw a few rounds and pocketed them before crawling out of the office after opening the door quietly. They were in her boss's office and searching through the evidence files.

She felt her phone vibrate and pulled it out to see her boss calling her. She answered the phone and lowered the volume before putting it to her ear.

"We have the entire building surrounded. Do what you can to get out of there."

Nichole tapped her fingers before looking at her phone and huffing. Angelica was supposed to be back almost three hours ago. If she was running late she would always call and let Nichole know.

Something isn't right.

Nichole stood slowly and grabbed one of Angelica's hoodies and pulled it on, before grabbing her keys and walking outside. She got into the car and drove to Angelica's office as she tapped her fingers on the steering wheel.

She saw Angelica's car out front and sighed before stepping out and grabbing her ID. She walked in but gasped quietly and covered her mouth as she saw the security guard shot to death. The tears streamed down her face and she looked around before shakily grabbing the security guards gun and slipping into the staircase. As she dialed 911, she felt herself start to panic but composed herself, remembering all the trainings Angelica gave her.

"Turn off the safety and aim." Nichole whispered to herself as she slowly walked up to the third flow, aiming out of the door as she slowly pushed it open. She saw the five men and gasped before shutting the door and holding the gun to her chest.

"What was that? At the stairs?" She heard someone ask and she whimpered before running back down to the second floor and slipping into the empty hallway and running down.

"Shit. Shit." She hissed before slipping into the second stair well and running back up to the third floor. She knew something was wrong. She felt it in her gut.

The tears streamed down her face as she crawled down the hallway.

"Angelica." She whispered. She didn't hear any response and continued to crawl, but gasped as she felt her feet being pulled.

"No! No! Get off me!" Nichole screamed as the man flipped her around and straddled her waist.

"Aren't you a cutie?" He chuckled as he glared down at her with a look of menace. Nichole shook her head and sniffed as his friend walked up to him.

"Hurry up and kill her. We don't have time to waste."


"I'll fucking do it." The man spat before taking the knife and lodging it into Nichole's abdomen, causing her to scream loudly in pain. It perked Angelica's ears from down the hall and she gasped as she recognized her wife's voice.

"No..NO!" Angelica screamed as she stood and ran down the hallway, bullets immediately flying from across the room. Angelica growled with anger as she aimed and shot the first man directly in the forehead. She saw blood on his hands and panicked, aiming as she tried her best to reach Nichole.

"You fùcking bitch!" She heard from behind her and she ducked before twisting around and shooting Vincent in the face, immediately taking his life. She felt that side of her starting to crawl to the surface as she searched for Nichole.

She bent down and aimed over a large box of supplies and watch the man come into her view before allowing the bullet to pierce his chest. He fell down to the floor and heard someone running before getting up and chasing after them.

"WHERE IS SHE?!" She growled as she pushed the man onto the wall. He shook in fear as he shook his head, causing her to lodge the gun into his mouth with a smile on her face.

"You tell me where she is or you're getting throat fucked with a bullet. WHERE IS S-"

"A-Angelica.." She heard weakly from behind her. She pushed the guy down onto the ground and looked over before dropping to her knees as the tears streamed down her face.

"No..no...no.." Angelica sobbed as the blood leaked from the open wound on Nichole's abdomen. Nichole sputtered and Angelica screamed before taking the gun and shooting the running man three times on his back.

"It's okay, it's okay.. they're coming to help us."

"T-t-the b-baby.."

"Don't worry about the baby right now, okay? Please just try to stay awake."

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