Our first meeting

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Hyejin POV
The sun's up already... I'm still in bed looking outside from my window, I couldn't sleep tonight.
My alarm clock started to make it's usual annoying noise but I don't have energy to turn it off.
I don't want to go to school today. I can't face the reality of what happened, I don't have the energy to even walk, I wonder how could I even function as a normal human being.

Stupid Hyejin! Your stupid heart is stil aching for that asshole, that nonsense of a guy!
How could he cheat with me? Among other things with one of my friends... Well not anymore, that bitch.

What did I ever do to them to deserve what they did to me? When I saw them together in bed, I couldn't believe in what I was seeing. I asked them but all they did was laugh at me...
Laugh! What the fuck?!

"I kinda feel sorry for you, getting to know our relationship in this way" he said "relationship?" "Duh! are you dumb or something? You already saw us in bed and you're still asking?" the bitch says "but why?" I was still shocked by what the hell just happened...

"I never loved you, you were just something to help me boost my popularity in school and of course the gifts didn't hurt" he said laughing
-End of flashback-

They just used me... They never cared for me, they fooled me. Why didn't I notice anything? How can I be so stupid? Do I really have to accept that I won't ever find someone that loves me? People will always only see the money, the popularity in me... They will never be genuine with me. I cry with my thoughts.
Suddenly someone knocked on my door.

"Hyejin sweetie? Are you awake? Can I come in?" Mom asks
I quickly wiped my tears away "Sure mom" I said trying to breathe so that she wouldn't notice that I cried.

She entered and turned off my alarm clock. I even forgot that it was ringing because of those stupid things that I was thinking.
"Sweetie why aren't you ready yet? You'll be late for school"

"I don't know mom, I'm not really feeling like going to school..." I sighed
"Why are you sick?" She asks while putting her hand on my forehead to check for my temperature
"You're not hot... Is it about somebody?" she asks, I couldn't bear anymore, i started to cry again. Mom took me in her arms quickly. I burst crying even more.

"What happened? Sweetie you know I will listen, you can tell me anything"
"It's Hyukwoo mom.. and also Hyuna... they cheated on me" Saying it out loud hurt me a little bit more.

Mom hugged me tighter "Sweetie please don't cry, you know it hurts me seeing you hurt."
"Mom.. I won't ever be happy right?" I say as tears continue falling down my cheeks "Why do you say that?" "No One will ever care for who I really am, after they find out we're rich, they just stay with me because of money or popularity, I am nothing just a mere instrument for people to use to gain whatever they do want..."

"That's not true Hyejin, I am sure you'll find a person that will love and care for you, a person that won't ever live. So wipe your tears sweetie, a person like those don't deserve those tears. I didn't raise you to be hurt by such people. If ever you'll cry again I hope it's for people worth it, people who really loved you"

"Mom how can you be so sure?"
"I know for sure because I know you, Sweetie you have a heart of gold. Even though you have everything you never bragged about it, you never were a spoiled brat. You love helping others , so much so you often forget about yourself. Sweetie look at me" she says then raise my head so that she can look at my face directly.

"Sweetie you are beautiful, sweet, king, very caring anyone will fall in love with you."
She then stood up to go towards my walkin closet. When she came back she had my uniform in her arms.

"Sweetie, go to school, show them that it didn't bother you. You know being happy is always the best revenge. Those people don't know who they hurt. Be strong Hyejin sweetie, I know it may feel like you're dying right now, but believe me sooner rather than later, one day you won't feel hurt anymore"

I follow as my mom suggested I got ready for school.
"Sweetie the chef prepared your favourite for breakfast and your driver is outside ready. I need to go to the office now. I'll see you later. remember what I told you ok?" she said while kissing my forehead. I just nod.

I sat down for breakfast, even though waffles are my favourite I really don't have the appetite to eat them today.
"Miss Ahn here's your lunch for today, I added some for miss Byul as you requested yesterday," our chef said while giving me a huge lunch box. "Merci beaucoup François" thank you in french, "Oh de rien miss, are you not hungry today miss? " He asked after looking at my plate's still full.

"I'm sorry François it's not the waffles I assure you, you know how much I love your waffles, it's really just that I don't have much appetite today..." I smile at him for his concerned look "I think I need to get going..."
He nods "Good day miss" he smiles "You too François, see you later"
I arrived in front of school, I see Byul annoyed about something...

Moon Byulyi is my best friend since we were little. Our parents are business partners, so in this school only her really understands me... "Yahh!!! Hyejinaaahh!" She shouted I run toward her trying to make her stop shouting because everyone is looking at her. "What?"

"Why the Fuck you didn't tell me what that asshole did to you?!!! I'm going to kill that cheater and I will fry that bitch alive for what she did to you!" she says while closing her fists I hold her hand trying to calm her " Byuli calm down, please don't do anything that will expel us from our school" She looks at me worried
"how are you?" "I will lie to you if I say I'm ok, I just need to move on I guess." I look at the lunch box I have in my hand.

"Here hold this, I asked François to make extra for you"
"Really? Omggg!!! Thank you, you really are the best! I looooveeee your chef, our's isn't as good as François '' she pouts making giggle for her actions.

We headed to our classroom but while we were in the corridor, the other students were looking at me, like I had something on my face. I then started to hear some of their conversations.

"Lol! What is she doing here? If I were her I would be embarrassed to be in school after my boyfriend cheated on me with my friend" a girl said "True!! She deserves it for being cocky, she thinks she's better than us because she's rich" the girl next to her said.
I then see Byul running towards them, she slapped one of the girls "Are you bitches finished gossiping about my best friend, or do you want to see what hell's like?"

I've never seen her that angry. I pulled her arm "Byuli please don't" I begged her to not make a scene. "What? Everything we said was true, who would anyone like her? She's so stuck up" Byul was going to slap her again but I stopped her and that shocked everyone. Tears started falling from my cheeks. I find myself running away. I can't breathe... I needed to go to a bathroom I was running trying to avoid everyone but then I bumped into someone.

Both of us fell down, books and other school supplies were on the floor. Shit...
"I'm so sorry I wasn't looking where I was going" I said then looked at the person that I just bumped into. It was a girl I've never seen in this school... She has shoulder length blonde hair and a very cute dimple. I helped her gather her things. "I'm sorry again" I said

"It's fine, I wasn't looking either..." She smiles
"You must be really in a hurry to be running " she giggled, her giggle is really cute too, it made me somehow forget about those shitty comments.
"Sorry" I repeated "Is sorry the only word you can say? By the way my name's Jung Wheein, I just transferred today, so I'm a bit lost" she says
"oh hi.. I'm Ahn Hyejin, if you want I can help you find your class. What class are you in?"
"I'm in 2a" she said, surprising me "2a? That's my class, let's go together then..."

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