The girl in her dream

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Hyejin POV
I'm in the apartment listed in the address they gave me, it was hard at first to convince my driver, but after some insisting he gave up. It was harder to ask my staff where the key of this unknown apartment was.

The apartment seems really nice, warm and cozy. But I don't understand why I was going to move here. I have a better room at home. Did I get into a fight with mom or dad? That seems unlikely though.

Oh there's two rooms, maybe Byuli and I decided to move in together, but wait, why would we? She has a girlfriend, shouldn't she move in with her rather than me?

Maybe I should look around... I wonder how the two rooms are. The first room was really beautiful, though it lacked some furniture, those that were there were in my style.
There's a photo on the bedside table.

It's me and Wheein? Wait, when did we take this? Maybe I should take this home, I'll just ask mom or I'll call Byuli later. If mom doesn't know, then maybe Byuli will.
Then I left the room, wondering what's in the other one.

When I opened it, everything surprised me. The amount of art supplies is incredible... But why do I have all of this in the apartment where I was supposed to move into? I don't even know how to draw or paint!

That's when my head suddenly ached so much that I shouted, asking for help. Hoping that someone will hear me. I was about to pass out when finally I heard my driver catching me as I fall to the ground.

"Miss, miss!!!" He shouted. But my head was fuzzy. I was so confused.
When I woke up, I wasn't in the apartment anymore. I'm in my room, mom is beside me crying, holding my hand.

"Mom?" I asked "Oh my God! Sweetie, thank God you woke up! We were so worried" She said while she continued to sob. "What happened mom?" I asked

"The driver was crying as he carried you to your room. He said that you went to your apartment and then he suddenly heard you scream, when he saw you, you were about to pass out."

"I passed out?" I asked, very confused. "Yes, sweetie, never do that again, I can't handle seeing you like that anymore." "I'm sorry mom, I was just curious... I just didn't know why I got an apartment".

"Oh...that... you got it because you said that you wanted to try to be independent" Mom said "Uhm.. ok... Oh and mom do you know why I had a lot of art supplies in there? I don't remember why I got them. Did I suddenly got into art?"

"Those... those were for a friend of mine, I just stored them there"

"Oh ok... but last question mom... I found this photo of me and Wheein. But I can't remember where and when we took it" "Sweetie... you're tired, you should take some rest ok?"She said, not answering my question. "But mom, I really want to know..."

"Sweetie, next time ok? You should really just go rest, ok?" she said as she caressed my head and kissed me on my forehead. I couldn't utter another word as my eyes closed for how tired I am.

"Love, wake up, come on! I know you're just faking, You're not really sleeping aren't you?" I suddenly hear a voice say. I open my eyes and see a figure beside me. It's a girl?... Why can't I see her face?

"Who are you?" I ask "What do you mean? You're joking with me, aren't you love? Stop fooling around! Come on, the food's getting cold, I prepared your favorite as per your request" "My favorite?"

"Yeah, love, Gopchang! You asked me to cook some for you last night, remember?" "I did?" "Love I'm not liking this game anymore" She said "I'm sorry... But really I don't know why can't I remember you?" "Is this some kind of role play you're doing? Fine I'll play along"

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