Bar night gone bad

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Hyejin POV
The bar was interesting, it's not like what I'm used to in Seoul, strangely there are a lot of people. I wonder if this is one of the best bars here...
We all settled at our table. Myung was so excited to mingle, especially with girls.

"Hello, can I take your order?" A waiter asked. "I'll have an orange juice please" Unnie said. "Unnie! We're at a bar, ask for something alcoholic, come on! It's not everyday our girlfriends let us drink, so get a cocktail or a beer at least" I giggle "Ok... but I don't know what to get, I don't want to turn red" She pouts.

"Don't worry babe, I'll pick one for you" "Give me two of these please" Byuli said towards the waiter pointing at the menu. "What did you get us?" Unnie asked "You'll see, it's a surprise" Byuli said.

"So love, how about you? What are you thinking of getting?" "I'm thinking Gin and tonic, how about you amore?" I ask "Piña colada sounds nice" She smiles "Anyway while you girls are still ordering your first drink I'm gonna slide by that bar, that girl is looking fine as hell!" Myung said.

"Yeah, just one suggestion before you go Myung" "What Byul?" "Listen to the girl, stop talking about yourself all the time ok?" "Yeah, Myung you should start listening" Wheein said. "Fine fine I will" Myung said before leaving.

"Kei how about you? Aren't you going to get a drink or something?" I asked "Yeah, maybe in a while, I'm still not in the mood, perhaps I too should go at the bar like Myung" "Oh ok, Enjoy then" I smile

"Babe, let's go dance! I love this song!" Unnie said, pulling Byuli to the dance floor. "Shall we dance too love?" Wheein asked "I want to stay here with you for a while if you don't mind of course" "Of course not, come here" she said, pulling me closer.

"Should I be jealous?" She suddenly asks, "Jealous? With who?" I asked "With everyone that's literally drooling on you"  "What do you mean amore?" "Look around you love, from the restaurant to here, every guy and girl is literally looking at you and I don't even want to imagine what they desire to do with you" She said

"Hey, hey, don't look at them, look at me instead" I said as I sat on top of her. "Hya what are you doing?" she giggles. "Making everyone see that I'm happily taken" I said and started to kiss her passionately. 

"Uhmm sorry miss...  I-I h-have your drinks here" The waiter stuttered.  sat back on the chair, my cheeks red for how embarrassed I was. "Uhm yeah thanks" I said. After leaving our drinks on the table the waiter left quickly, I guess he too was a bit embarrassed.

"I guess we scared him away" Wheein giggled. "We sure did" I said before giving her a quick peck, "Shall we call for unnie and Byuli? Their drinks are here too" I asked. "Yeah, but where are they?" she asked, looking around.

"There amore, oh God Byuli's moving her hips!" I said, pointing at their direction. "Unnie, Byul! Your drinks are here!" Wheein shouted. I can clearly see how shocked they were when we called them.

I guess just like me with Wheein, when I'm with her I feel like we're the only one in the room. They quickly came to us. "Wow Byuli! Since when do you move your hips like that?" I asked, giggling.

"Well I have a great teacher" she said pulling unnie beside her. "Hyaa no details please, I don't want to imagine anything!" Wheein said, covering her ears.
"Oh sweet cousin of mine, please never change" unnie said.

"Oh unnie she's not that innocent anymore" I wink "Love!!!!" Wheein squealed, making me giggle a lot. "What? It's true! Like how you-" I was going to talk about how kinky she gets, but unnie stopped me from talking further.

"I think I understood, thanks but like you I don't want the details" Unnie giggles. We started to drink our cocktails and like it was planned, unnie started to slur her words, thankfully I was still fine. Byuli took unnie's drink away, making her pout and cry like a baby.

Byuli of course can't have her crying so she gave her her drink back, promising that when she finished it she couldn't get another one. "How are you feeling love? Are you getting dizzy like unnie?" Wheein asked me "No actually I'm feeling very fine, I think I still can handle another drink, but maybe later."

"Aww, my love is being responsible" she said before kissing my cheek. "So why don't we go dance, maybe that way I could even have 2 drinks rather than just one" I said as I extended my hand.

She smiles and we leave unnie and Byul at the table. We wanted to continue talking to them, but as usual they were bickering... at least sort of bickering, I guess it's their way of flirting with each other.

"Come on love I love this song" Wheein said, giggling and pulling me towards the center of the dance floor. I wrapped my arms around her hips and we started to dance. "Love I just need to go to the restroom, I'll be quick ok?" She said and I nodded. "I'll wait for you at the bar ok?" "Ok love" she smiles.

Time passes... What is taking her so long? She said she would be back soon. I decided to go to the restroom to look for her. As I was near the restroom I heard a man shouting in the bathroom and someone crying. My heart sank. I ran to find the door locked, I kicked it open.

Inside the bathroom I saw Wheein curled up in a corner an a man that was about to touch her. I pulled the man by his shirt. He turned towards me. "What the fuck are you doing to my girlfriend?" I shouted. "Girlfriend, huh, great I get to have two girls tonight, this will be fun." he smirked.

I punched him straight to his nose, making it bleed. "You whore! You're gonna pay for this" he said. I didn't even gave him a second and started to bit him up. "Never. Ever. Hurt. My. girlfriend! You son of a bitch." I said between punches, leaving the man unconscious.

When I was sure that I got the man knocked out I went to Wheein and asked her how she was. She was trembling and sobbing. I hugged her. "I'm here now love, he won't hurt you" I said and she tightened our hug. I then picked her up and carried her out. I look for unnie and Byul, with them she'll be safe.

As soon as I found them I said what happened and I laid Wheein down on the seat. "Amore, I'll just leave you with unnie and Byuli, you'll be safe with them. I have to take care of that animal ok?" "No love please don't leave me, I'm scared." she tightened her hug, not letting me walk away.

"Byuli can you then take care of things. Have the manager call the police. I want that mother fucker behind bars. I won't let him go until he gets what he deserves." I said and Byuli nodded. "Unnie can you pass me my jacket please" I said pointing at it.

I sat beside Wheein and covered her with my jacket. She couldn't stop trembling and sobbing. I wrapped my arms around her. I'll make him pay... People like him shouldn't live in this world.

"Hey, you're safe now, I'm here, no one can hurt you" I said, kissing her forehead, as a tear started to fall from my eyes. "I-I was so scared... I was just washing my hands, then he appeared out of nowhere. I tried to hit him with my shoes, but he didn't even flinch." She tried to say between sobs.

"I screamed, but no one heard me... I just curled up in the corner... I just felt hopeless. But then you came" "I'm sorry amore mio, I should've come to the bathroom with you. I won't let you go alone ever again I promise" "Love I want to go home, please I don't want to stay here any longer" "Ok amore. I'll call the driver" I said and called the driver. The manager then arrived. "Miss the police are here. I'm really sorry for what happened, I have no words for what happened" She said. "It's not the bar's fault, sadly there are monsters in this world" I said.

One of the officers came to talk to us. "Miss we will need you to come with us in order to file a charge against this man" He said. I look at Wheein, I'm not sure she can handle this now. "Love let's go with the police" "Are you sure you can amore? We can file the charge tomorrow" "I'm sure love, I want to see him behind bars, maybe that way I'll feel more safe" She said.

"Ok we'll come, but I want that thing to be as far as possible from us" I said. "Of course miss" the officer said. I saw the man getting put in the car, he was covered by his blood. Somehow I was proud of what I did, he deserves much worse. But right now I'm too busy making sure that my girlfriend's ok.


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