Halloween romance

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Hyejin POV
I was fast asleep when I heard something. I turned around and saw Wheein crying. "Amore? What's wrong? Are you not feeling well? Tell me where it hurts" I asked worriedly, while I wrapped my arm around her. "Sorry, did I wake you up?"She said, not answering my questions.

"Don't worry about me amore, I'm worried about you, why are you crying? Did you have a nightmare?" I ask, maybe she woke up scared about something. But I wonder why she would have nightmares after watching Casper. Is even Casper scary to her? She's not really telling me something.

She looked at me, she didn't say even a word and she just buried her face onto my chest. I hugged her and stroked her hair. "Amore you know you can tell me anything" I said, but she just nodded. "Amore, if something's bothering you... you'll feel better telling someone. But I won't force you, if you don't want to tell me it's ok, when you do... then I'll be here".

"Love... did... he hurt ...you?" She said between hiccups. "hurt me?" I ask raising her head, so I could look at her "Hyukwoo... he ... said... he... hurt... you" she said, still sobbing. Hyukwoo? I forgot he said that...

"Well just once amore... He slapped me about buying him the wrong colored phone and dad saw, he was so angry he almost put him in jail, but I asked him not to do anything... I was still too in love with him then, I thought I was the wrong one... But now it's different, I finally woke up from my stupidity. Then the greatest thing happened to me"

"Which is?" She asks, finally stopping her hiccups "Meeting you, my sweet, adorable puppy" I said kissing her lips, that were softer after all of her crying. "So you were crying because of that?" I ask, still worried, "yeah... the thought of you getting hurt... it hurt me more than I imagined, I think I'll prefer getting hurt than seeing you hurt again."

I hug her even tighter. "Amore, quanto ho aspettato ad avere una persona come te nella vita... Una persona che mi ama con sincerità e con tutto il suo cuore... ti amo, amore mio" I said. "Love, you sounded so sexy... I know I've improved in italian, but still I'm not fluent, so translation please?" She asks in her puppy fashion way. I'm happy she stopped crying. I can't stand looking at her sad.

"I said... Love... how long have I waited for a person like you to come to my life... A person that loves me with sincerity and with all of your heart... I love you, my love" I said emphasizing each word with a kiss to a part of her face. "Ahn Hyejin" she said, holding my hand. 
"I want to make you feel my love" she said, before kissing me passionately, her tongue searching for mine.

"Amore" I said, breaking from our kiss. In order to take a break to breathe. Even though the room is dark I can clearly see her eyes, filled with lust. I caressed her face, for the first time in my life I saw Wheein differently, she wasn't as cute as always... She was seductive, sexy. She positioned herself on top of me and started to unbutton my shirt, revealing my bra.

I kissed her as she easily unhooked my bra. Her lips then travelled down to my chest, teasing my nipples. "Wheein" I moaned. She interrupted her sucking my nipples to whisper something to my ears. "Love, I want you to moan my name even more". I gulped. Is this really happening? My sweet innocent girlfriend is horny??

She then stood up to take my pants off, together with my undies, after she came back on to me and started to take her clothes off, slowly revealing herself. The light from the moon that travelled through the window is outlining her silhouette, showing her every curve, making sure that I remember how lucky I am to have her in my life.

She kissed me again, but one of her hands touched my core. "Love... you're... so... wet"  she said, biting my lip.
I moan, as she continues to tease every inch of my body. She quickly inserted one of her fingers into me, teasing my core. I arch my back in response. "Moan my name love" "Jung... Whee..in" "good girl" she said kissing me on my lips. From there then she traveled down started to lick my clit, making me moan even more "Amore... More... faster please" I moaned.

And she followed as I asked, inserting more fingers into me and going faster as she was still licking my clit. After a while... "Amore I'm almost there" I said, Wheein in response went faster, licking and sucking my clit even more. Then there I came. I shouted in ecstasy. Wheein came back to kiss me, making me taste what came out of me. "Love you taste great, I do hope though that we didn't wake up unnie or Byul". She giggled.

"Shh.. don't think about them... It's my turn to taste you" I whisper in her ear as I positioned myself on top of her. 
"I know it's your first time amore, so if it hurts tell me ok?" I said and she nodded yes.
"If it really hurts I'll stop everything" "I want you love" she said taking my hand and pulling it towards her core, making me feel how wet she was already.

Making sure I was informed on how turned on she was already. What happened to her? I've never seen her like this. Did something happen today? Something I didn't know?

After a while she too came, she flinched once, when I initially inserted my fingers in her  core.

"How do you feel amore?" I ask as I lay beside her "Great... so this is what it feels like" she responds. "What did you feel? Did it hurt as much as you thought?" I said hugging her. "No, I imagined it worse actually, it only hurt a bit the first couple of seconds... other than that it felt wonderful" "Really?" I smile, proud of making her feel good.

"Hey now don't be too cocky I made you come first, admit it, it was great for being my first time" She said, pinching my nose. "Fine, fine you were great as well" I giggle.
Time passed by, Wheein and I finally fell asleep... My head on her shoulder, our arms intertwined with one another.

I woke up without Wheein beside me. "Amore?" I said, worried as I stood up. "Amore?" I say, but without any response, I started to panic a bit... But then I had an idea, maybe she's in the bathroom, having a shower and she can't hear me. "Amore?" I said knocking on the door. "Love? I'm in the shower, wait I'll be out in a sec" she said, making me calm down, I then returned to bed and went back to sleep.

"Love?" Wheein said softly, waking me up. "Hey" I smile, "Were you looking for me? Sorry I was in the shower, I didn't tell you 'cause you were still fast asleep and I didn't want to disturb you, you looked so peaceful, it would be a shame to wake you up" "It's ok amore, I was just worried when I didn't find you beside me, then I also called for you, but you didn't respond at first".

"Oh I'm sorry" She pouted "It's fine, just give me cuddles and you'll be forgiven" I wink. We were laughing hard as we were tickling each other when someone knocked on our door. "Guys, I hope I'm not disturbing anything, I just wanted to inform you that breakfast is ready, Byul and I will be waiting for you downstairs" Yong unnie said. "Ok unnie, we're coming.

"Amore you go first, I'll just brush my teeth and wash my face" "No, I want to wait for you, let's go together" she smiled, kissing my cheek. I quickly went to the bathroom to do what I needed to do. "All done?" Wheein asked, showing only her head at the door, making me laugh, "Yes amore, let's go, I don't want to keep unnie and Byuli are waiting for us".

"Yahhh! What took you so long?" Byuli said annoyedly, "Sorry I was just washing my face" I said. "Why so angry this early?" I giggle. "It's all your fault! You and Yongs!" She said, raising her voice. "Huh? What did we do?" Unnie asked. "Yong kept moving in the bed, while you two, you think I didn't hear what you did?"

Wheein's face turned red like a tomato. "What did they do last night?" Unnie asked. "Nothing, nothing, unnie let's just eat, I'm famished" I say trying to change the topic. "I wonder why you're hungry?" Byuli said, rolling her eyes. "Byuli come on I'm sorry, I'll make it up to you, how about crêpe day?" "Fine, but only if I can put anything I want in it" "Perfect!"

"Wait what happened that I don't know?" Unnie asked, pouting "Unnie it's better if you don't know" Wheein said.  "Arghh! But I want to know too! It's unfair if I'm the only one that doesn't know" She continued to pout as we all started to laugh.
Hi guys! How are you?
I just wanted to thank you. I now have 1k readers which is incredible. I didn't even thought of having a person reading my stories😅😅😅

I hope that I can continue writing things that'll you'll like. 😘🥰😘 Thank you again so much!!

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