You complete me

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Hyejin POV"Wake up sleepyhead, we have a big day ahead" Wheein jokingly said as she jumped on the bed next to me, after opening my curtains, to let some light in my room

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Hyejin POV
"Wake up sleepyhead, we have a big day ahead" Wheein jokingly said as she jumped on the bed next to me, after opening my curtains, to let some light in my room.

"Good morning" I tried to say "Good morning love, happy birthday" Wheein said. I open my eyes, is it already my birthday?

"Thank you amore mio, what a great way to start my day" "Huh?" "Having you wake me up with that smile"I said, pinching her cheeks.

"I'll let your cheesiness pass, but just for this time, just because it's your birthday" "You said it yourself it's my birthday, so where's my big hug and my 1000 kisses?" "When did we ever agree on that?" "We never, but I want them anyway".

I close my eyes, pout my lips and open my arms, ready to receive my birthday hug and kisses but instead of Wheein's lips I felt something cold, made of metal or something. 
I, then, opened my eyes again and found a heart necklace in front of me.

"What's that amore?" "Your birthday gift of course" "My birthday gift?" "Yup, I had it made as soon as you said it was your birthday, I really hope you like it, I designed it myself. I asked mom and dad for some extra money and well I had Myung pay me for doing his homework"

"It's beautiful amore, thank you" I said as tears started to fall down my cheeks "Hey, love what's wrong?"Wheein asked as she wiped my tears "I hate you" "What?" "How can you be so sweet? You even made me cry on my own birthday" I said, after I hugged and kissed her.

"No one has ever done something like this for me, I love it, I love you Jung Wheein, thank you so much" "Oh love it's nothing, here let me put it on you" She said and I turned around to let her put the necklace on me.

I look at the pendant and notice that behind something was written -W♡︎H and that it was locked and it seems like it can be opened "Amore, is this locked?" "Oh yeah I forgot to tell you about that, turn around and I'll show you" Wheein said and I did.

Wheein then showed me the necklace she had around her neck that was covered by her shirt. The pendant seemed like a key. "I didn't want to ruin the surprise, so I hid it under my shirt" She said as she pulled the necklace from my neck, pulling me closer to her.

"You see, when I designed your necklace I thought about something... You complete me and I you, so I wanted the same thing for your necklace, so I made a partner for it, which is my key here. With my pendant your necklace is complete" She said as she opened it.

I looked at it again to find a photo of her and me. "I can't believe you thought about all of this, it was already beautiful and you made it even better. I really do have the best girlfriend. This is the best gift ever, I love you, I love you, I love you" I said as I cupped her face and kissed every inch of it, to show her how much I appreciate her gift and the thought and efforts she put in creating it.

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