This time I'll protect you my love

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Wheein POV
I'm worried about Hyejin, I know that the one who called her is Kei. What the hell does that woman want from her? Isn't the hurt she caused us enough for her stupid pleasure?

When we met Byul at school I got her aside and talked to her about my worries. "Byul I think she called her" "Who called who?" She asked "Kei called Hyejin, saying that she wanted to meet her"

"Kei?" "Yes, her. I guess Hyejin can't remember her either that's why she looks excited about meeting her. Please help me Byul, I'm worried for her. I can't stop her from going. I won't have any good reason to stop her anyway" I said.

"Why not put a tracker on her phone, that way we can see where she is and eventually call for help, cause' you're right nothing would be reasonable enough to stop her from going to meet Kei."

School ended and I saw Hyejin running to her home. She didn't say goodbye to us. I guess she is really excited, I wish I felt the same way. Right now my heart can't stop beating so fast.
Please my love be safe, please... please...

Later that day I saw her location, I don't know where the hell this is. I sent her location to Byul. "Byul this is Hyejin's last location, it seems she hasn't returned home yet. I'm going to investigate, just in case please send some reinforcements please. Thanks ~Wheein"

"You're crazy Wheein, don't go there by yourself, knowing Kei, Hyukwoo will probably be there" she replied to me. "I don't care Byul, I know in my gut Hyejin needs me. Just send help please" I said.

I got a taxi and told him the address "Are you sure miss? If I'm not mistaken this is just an abandoned factory" The driver said "Yes, I'm sure and if you can please drive as fast as possible" I said and he nodded.

As soon as I arrived at the factory it didn't take me a lot of time to hear footsteps. I ran and hid behind a bush near the factory. I peeked and saw Hyukwoo laughing together with Kei.
I quickly took a photo of them and sent it to Byul saying that I was in need of help asap.

They then got into a car and left, I waited for the coast to be totally clear and run inside the factory without hesitation. I started to call for Hyejin.
"Hyejin! It's me Wheein, where are you?" "Whee" I heard a faint voice say and I tried to run towards it.

After a while I found her tied to a pole, her face covered with blood. I slightly cupped her face, trying not to hurt further. "Hyejin, can you hear me? Don't worry you'll get out of here I promise" I said but then I felt a hand behind me.

"I knew you would come for her" Hyukwoo said and slapped me hard, making me fall to the ground. "You asshole, what did you do to her?" I shouted "Nothing she didn't deserve, don't worry if you want I can beat you even harder" He laughed.

I kicked his private area making him fall. I then ran towards Hyejin to take the chains off her.
But Hyukwoo quickly got up and started to beat me up. "You bitch, you really want to fight" he said and kicked my stomach.

I then looked at Kei. "Why are you even with him? He'll leave you too, the only thing important to him is himself and money, you're just his bitch, his stupid bitch. You're rich, you studied abroad yet you got so easily fooled by this thing" I said and gave a smirk.

"Shut up bitch" She said and kicked my face. "What? The truth hurts? You're just a weak link to him, a toy he can toss away whenever he wants" I said, making her even more mad.

"Shut up" She said and pulled a gun to me "Hyaaa! Kei calm down! We still can have fun with them"Hyukwoo said. "What? Go ahead pull the trigger, kill me, that's fun isn't it? Together with what life in jail probably" I said with a smirk.

"You know you won't be able to get a manicure there, or get your hair down, what will ever happen to you there... I wonder" I giggle "Shut up shut up!!" She said "My parents won't let me rot in jail" She smirked.

"Are you sure? You know with this scandal you'll bring them a lot of shame, poor parents, they raised a criminal" "Shut up you bitch!" She said and started to shoot towards the air.

"I know what will make you shut up you bitch" She said and pointed the gun towards Hyejin.

I ran to cover her. All I heard was my back aching. I then fell down on Hyejin's lap. "A-amore" She said making me smile. " You remember" I said.

She remembers, finally she knows me. She called me amore. How I missed that my love.

"Hands in the air!" I hear someone said. "See I told you, you'll get out of here" I said as I coughed some blood. She'll be fine, that's the important thing. My eyes... I feel sleepy...

When I opened my eyes I found myself in a hospital. Beside me was a sleeping Hyejin. Shoot I need to pee! I wonder where the bathroom is... Wait, with all these chords around me how will I be able to go?

My sudden move woke up Hyejin. "Amore! Thank God you woke up" She smiled trying to stop her tears from falling down. "Doctor, nurse, she woke up, please hurry" She shouted as she ran out the room.

When she returned she had a team of doctors and nurses ready to help me. "So miss Jung, how are you feeling?" "I'm fine besides my back that is aching a little bit, other than that and the need to pee" I said.

"Oh don't worry about that you have a catheter in you" The doctor said, making me shy.

"You're really lucky, miss, the bullet missed your vital organs. Plus you were quickly brought here so you were able to quickly get the help you needed. Your girlfriend here even called every single hospital just to get some blood of your same type" one of the nurses said.

"My girlfriend?" I ask "Yes... Miss Hyejin" "Why don't you remember something miss?" The nurse asked "No... it's not that. You remember?" I asked as I looked at Hyejin. The nurses gave her space to hold my hand.

"I'm sorry it took me so long to remember amore mio" She said before kissing my hand. My eyes started to water. "Well I guess you're fine, we can continue your tests later, we'll leave you alone for now" The doctor said as he smiled and left with the nurses.

"I'm sorry amore mio, but now I remember everything" Hyejin said "How I missed you calling me like that." I said caressing her face. "You don't have to say sorry, it was my fault. I hurt you. I listened to them. I was too insecure to believe that our love could overcome anything." I continued.

"It was my punishment... not having you, you not remembering me killed me. It showed how much it hurt not having you beside me. I missed you my love, you can't imagine how much" I said.

"You shouldn't have done that... the bullet was meant for me" She looked down. "It was my turn protecting you, I will always prefer getting hurt rather than see you suffer" I said.

"You pabo, you scared me! I thought that I would loose you, I just remember who you were and I couldn't do anything to help" She cried even more.

"Hey love. look at me. I'm fine now, actually more than fine. You remember me, you love me again, that's better than anything to me" I smiled.

"And I'll never leave you anymore... I had mom get this for me at our apartment, talking about our apartment you know you're really a bad liar" She chuckles

"Me a bad liar?" I ask "Yeah. I instantly knew that some of the things you said didn't really fit together... anyway let me return to what I was going to say." She said as she kneeled beside my bed. "What are you doing love?"

"Amore mio, we've been through a lot of things, even through my amnesia my love for you never changed, it actually grew even more. Even through the rough times, you never left me, you were always there, taking care of me.

I know we're still young, but I sincerely can't imagine myself growing older with someone else other than you amore mio" She said.

Wait... Is she?? "Jung Wheein, my puppy, my everything... amore mio, will you give me the honor of being my wife" She said as she opened a small box with the most beautiful ring I've ever seen.

"Yes my love, yes, forever yes" I happily said.

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