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Hyejin POV
Thankfully Byuli made the evening as enjoyable as possible. I still can't believe I cried. I looked at Wheein worried I ruined her day. Was it a good idea inviting her with me like in this state? We just met and I already made a scene.

"You're doing it again" Wheein chuckled "hm?" "You're starring, you know it's rude right" she giggles "oh sorry" I said as I turned red "You should really stop saying sorry, I know I'm cute just say it" she giggled again making me laugh.
"I guess you are cute" I smiled at her as she looked at me, kinda shocked by what I just said.

She looks at her phone "I should probably go, it's getting late" "oh right! Byuli just take the food and let's go, we still have to go to Wheeins's" Byul nods agreeing to what I just said.

Wheein gave her address to Byul, who then checked it on her gps. I decided to sit in the back with Wheein. At first Byuli was a bit annoyed by my decision but she agreed in the end.

Wheein was looking out the window when I called her.
"Uhm.. Wheein.." "yes?" "I'm sorry for today... I probably ruined your day for the scene I made at the karaoke bar" "I told you to stop saying sorry" she giggled "you didn't ruin anything, actually it's refreshing to see someone genuine with their feelings" she continued "and I can't blame you for crying, you're probably still hurting for what that jerk did to you, if I was at your place I'd probably be at home crying all day"

Then there was only silence in the car. Wheein fell asleep. I look at her going back and forth. I took her head to lay it on my shoulder, as I did I was surprised by a sweet scent. I turn to look at her. A couple strands of hair were on her face, so I decided to tuck them behind her ear.

I look at her innocent face, just now I really notice how beautiful she is. Still asleep she wrapped her arms around my left arm. I then heard Byul mumbling something.

"Byuli? What were you saying?" I whispered trying not to wake up Wheein "nothing... We're almost here" "oh ok" I then softly started to wake up Wheein "hey, we're almost at your home". Wheein started to open her eyes. When she saw how she was positioned she jumped back.

"Sorry, I didn't know I fell asleep" she turned red "it's fine, you were tired I guess" I smile trying to reassure her.
Byul then stopped in front of a very pretty house. It had a small garden at front where there was a bench underneath a beautiful cherry blossom.

Wheein went out. "Thank you for the ride" she smiled, she was to close the door but I stopped her, making her confused.
"We should meet your parents, and we also bought extra food for your family" I smiled "when did you buy them?" "Hyejin told me before we went to the bar," Byul smiled.

As we entered the house Wheein looked at us worried. "So before you enter, I should probably warn you, my house will probably be a disaster inside, my mom can be crazy sometimes, my dad is just literally weird and my brother is just annoying" Byul and I giggle.
"They can't be that bad" Byul said "They are!" Wheein said with a serious tone and I'm trying to not laugh at her seriousness.

"Mom I'm home, we have guests" Wheein shouted as we entered the house.
A petite woman then greeted us, she looked so much like Wheein!
Byul and I bowed to greet her. "Good evening ma'am, we just wanted to say hi and give you this" "oh you shouldn't have! Come in girls, have dinner at home at least we can say thank you that way" "Uhmm.." Byul looked at me "Well, I can't stay for long actually, my mom asked me to help her about something, but Hyejin if you want to stay, you can" Wheein's mom looked at me "uhm.. well sure, I'll stay." "Great I'll finish cooking then, Byul it was nice meeting you" she said as she shaked Byuli's hand.

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