Wheepup & Lion

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Wheein POV
Arghh!! I can't sleep! I can't forget about how I opened the door to find Hyejin shirtless.
Even though I saw her for not even a second, somehow my brain remembers her, the pros and cons of having a photographic memory.

Her perfect figure, tanned smooth skin. I suddenly felt hot, my cheeks were surely turning red like tomatoes by now.
Jung Wheein! Stop! She's your friend, you just met her! What kind of perv are you? And remember she's straight, she'll never like you like that. I sigh.

I took one of my pillows and crashed it onto my face. Arghhhh!!! How am I going to sleep like this!
I then decided to go down to get some milk, maybe that'll help me sleep.

As I walked in the kitchen I found my annoying brother in front of the fridge.
"Hey! Why are you still awake?" He asked with a grin on his face "Can't sleep. You?" "Me either... I can't forget about your beautiful friend" "Myung don't even think about it!" "About what?" "Anyone but not her! Or else" "Or else?" He grinned. "Or else you'll find yourself outside with only your underwear on! I'm warning you!" "You wouldn't dare" "Try me" I said, raising my eyebrow.

"You really like her don't you?" He giggles. "Awww my baby sister's inlove!!! Don't you think it's too early to fall for someone, but I can't blame you... she's smoking hot" "Myungahhhh!!!" I said loudly, making him run to his room.

It's 6 a.m. I barely slept yesterday. I started to prepare my lunch for the day, remembering to also prepare some extra for Byul and Hyejin.
I was really happy seeing them enjoy my food that much.

Suddenly I heard my phone. Someone just texted me, as I looked at my phone I saw a new number.

~Good morning Wheein!
I'm not sure if you're already awake...
Anyway it's Hyejin.😊

~Good morning Hyejin,
how did you get my number?😊

~ I got it from your brother
last night, he insisted for me to have it.
Anyway Wheein, would you
like me to bring you to school today?

~Sorry, my brother really tends to annoy
people most of the time. Oh, and sure,
if it's not a disturbance for you...
I'll gladly accept the offer. 😊

~Great then I'll be there
in about an hour ok?

~That's perfect. See you later Hyejin🦁

~A lion?

~Yup, why don't you like it?

~No, I like it. You're so cute
Wheein, just like a puppy,
maybe I should call you
Wheepup then. 😅🤣

~Wheepup? Why do I
always have to be the
one that gets a pet name? *pouts*

~don't pout Wheepup 😂
you call me whatever you want then. 😉

~Lion?  😜

~Ok. Wheepup 😘

I quickly get ready for school, put on some makeup so that my face is somewhat presentable.
I put extra foundation on my cheeks. I tend to blush whenever I'm with Hyejin...

I was putting some perfume on when I heard the doorbell. "Wheein it's your future girlfriend!" Myung shouted.
I run to the door.
"Myung shut up! You're embarrassing me!!" Hyejin was giggling.

"Hi Wheepup! Let's go?" "Uuuu Wheepup? Pet names already? Wow sis you're really quick! Teach me your moves sis!" Myung teases me "shut your mouth or you'll never talk again" "ok.. ok, Bye Hyejin" he smile "bye Myung" Hyejin giggled.

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