The new girl

405 26 4

Wheein POV 
I just moved from Jeonju last week, Seoul is really different from my old city...
I'm kinda nervous but also excited, new house, new environnement, new school. I really hope to make new friends as soon as possible.
I'm walking in the new school looking at the piece of paper saying I had to go to 2a, which is my class. Suddenly someone ran into me and we both fell down.

I look at her, wow she's one hella of a gorgeous girl, long black hair. She kinda looked sad, I wonder why, she continued saying sorry, which was kinda funny I introduced myself trying that way to know her name. Ahn Hyejin, she answers, that's a nice name, I think I've already heard of it somewhere but I don't remember where.

Hyejin and I are in the same class, I guess it was lucky she bumped into me, if not I think I would still be looking for this damn class.

We arrived, she quickly sat in her place then the professor asked me to present myself in front of the class. "Good Morning I'm Jung Wheein, I hope to find great friends here" I said as I bowed, I was trembling, everyone was looking at me. It doesn't seem like it but I'm really shy. "Wheein you could take the seat next to Hyejin." The professor suggested as he pointed to the sit near Hyejin.

I did as the professor suggested. Hyejin smiled at me sitting next to her. Then a girl arrived, tall, thin with long blonde hair. She looked worried, she quickly sat in front of Hyejin, she turned around to talk to her. "Are ok now Hyejin? Don't worry they won't gossip about you anymore" I hear her say, I wonder what they are talking about... Is it the reason why Hyejin was sad a while ago?

The professor started his lesson, italian... I hate this subject. I looked at the blackboard and everything the professor was writing seemed like gibberish to me.
"Having some difficulties?" Hyejin whispered. I nod
She then slides her notes to me. "Here are all of my notes, I know being in a new school can be hard, you may not be at the same level on every subject with the rest of the class" she smiles "thank you" "just ask if you ever need anything ok?" I nod with a very big smile, grateful for the very kind gesture.

"Signorina Ahn, di che cosa state parlando? Vorreste parlarne davanti a tutti?" The professor suddenly said. I'm really not sure what he said but Hyejin quickly stood up "Niente professore, mi dispiace se abbiamo disturbato, stavo solo aiutando Wheein con la lezione, credo abbia delle difficoltà essendo nuova" Hyejin said without even stuttering, making my jaw drop.

"Wow... you didn't tell me you know how to speak italian" "I'm actually fluent..." "oh... then why the notes" "It's just to pass the time during the lessons" "so if you're fluent in italian... can you translate what you and the professor said a while ago" she giggles "I just said that I was helping you to keep up with our lessons"

Time flew and it was already our lunch break. I brought more food today so I could share them with someone to make friends.
I look at Hyejin and ask shyly "Uhm.. Hyejin would you like to have lunch together?" the blonde girl interrupted me "Sorry but she always has lunch with me" "Oh... sorry I didn't know" that made me sad I was looking forward to getting to know her. She intrigues me
"Byuli shut up, Wheein of course we can have lunch together, sorry my best friend is just really protective of me" I nod understanding her point
On her desk she laid her lunch box.

I was in awe how can she have lobsters and crabs for lunch? I kinda feel shy about my cheap home cooked bento. "Wheein is everything ok?" She sweetly asks me. "Uhm... I kinda feel shy about my lunch, it's a simple bento I made this morning" she then grabs my lunchbox from my hands and opens it. I just looked down embarrassed at the bear shaped rice I made this morning... It was kinda hard to make its nose.

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