Anxiety attacks

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Wheein POV
I opened my eyes as the sun was shining and blinding me. I turned towards Hyejin's side, to see that she wasn't there. My heart drops, I start to panic and start to shout her name, while tears are dropping down my cheeks.

Then the door opened, it's Hyejin with a tray full of food. "Amore? Hey, I'm here I just got you breakfast" She said as she left the tray at the table near our bed. "I thought you left me" I said, running towards her to hug her.

She cupped my face. "Why would I leave you? I promised, remember?" She smiled as she dried my tears. "I just panicked to not have you there by my side, sorry" I pout.

She then planted a soft kiss on my lips. "It's ok amore mio. Are you hungry? I cooked everything by myself... well with a bit of help from the staff members" She giggles.

"Wow love this is a lot of food, don't tell me it's all for me" "Of course not! I'm hungry too, I still haven't had breakfast yet" She said, making me laugh. "Then shall we eat?" I asked and she nodded yes in response.

After breakfast Hyejin proposed to having a couple of relaxing hours at the hot spring before going back home. I gladly accepted, I've been looking forward for it.

"Love I'll just go to the bathroom ok?" I said as I was leaving the spring. "Let me come with you amore mio" Hyejin proposed.

"It's fine love I can manage, plus we're in your house, I know I'm safe here" I smile "Are you sure?" She asks "Yes love, you continue relaxing, I'll be quick" I said.

In the bathroom I found Kei. "Hi good morning, sorry I didn't know there was already someone inside, I'll leave you now" I said embarrassed.

"It's ok, I was about to go out anyway" She responds very seriously "Oh ok thank you" I awkwardly smile.

"Anyway Wheein one tip, don't wear too revealing clothes, that's why you ended up in trouble, you know H won't like to have a whore for a girlfriend" She said, shocking me.

"Excuse me what did you just said?" I said, stopping her from going away. "You heard what I said, I really don't know why H chose you to be her girlfriend, she could've done so much better, she really disappointed me, my friend used to have great taste you know" She chuckles.

"Take back what you just said" I stared at her "Or what? You'll call H? Will she always have to help you? I feel sorry for her then, She found the most useless girl in the world" She said and left me hanging in the bathroom with tears in my eyes.

"Kei! Good morning. We're at the spring, wanna join us?" I suddenly heard Hyejin said, "No thanks I'll just go to a spa, I heard there's one just near here" Kei said "Oh ok, enjoy then, comeback before 4 p.m. I'll drive you home" Hyejin said "Oh ok thanks H, see you later"

I then heard knocking on the bathroom door. "Amore are you in there?" "Uhm yeah, just wait a minute" I said and quickly washed my face.

I did what I went there for then opened the door. "What took you so long? Myung's cutting some watermelon, let's go before he eats all of them" She smiles and I nod.

"Amore are you ok?" She asked worried. Maybe Kei is right I'm beginning to be too dependent on her. I don't want her always worrying for me or just taking care of me and not herself...

"Amore? Are you there" Hyejin asked me again, making me fall back to earth.
"Oh yeah, I was just thinking of something sorry" I said

"About what?" "About... uhm... the watermelon. I really want some so let's go" I said, pulling her towards the kitchen.

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