The aftermath

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Wheein POV
I'm still trembling, I still can't believe what just happened. I'm so thankful that Hyejin was able to arrive at the right time. That man... I've never seen someone without a conscience, his eyes were black, it's like he didn't have a soul. Even if I cried and shouted he didn't care. I thought I would die right there... in a bathroom...

What would have he done if Hyejin didn't come? Frozen as I was, for some unknown reason, I wouldn't have been able to defend myself. We're now at the police station. We were escorted by the police. I have to report the incident. I'm still trembling... We saw the man again.

He gave me a wink and the police had to stop Hyejin from hurting him further. At the police station time seems to stay still. It felt like an eternity. The police interrogated me, they needed my full statement. I had to say everything that happened. It was scary, especially because I didn't have Hyejin beside me as they asked all of those questions.

I even cried, even with everything in me trying to not do so... The police officer was understanding and gave me some tissues to dry my tears.
When they finally had all of my answers we went out of the interrogation room, the officer accompanied me to the waiting area, where Hyejin was.

I saw her sitting and slowly falling asleep as she waited for me. "Love" I tapped her shoulder, gently waking her. "Amore" she said and quickly held my hand. "Miss Ahn, miss Jung we finalized the report, don't worry we'll take care of him, you can now head home" One of the officers said.

"Thank you very much officer" Hyejin said and shook his hand. "It's nothing miss, we're really sorry for what happened miss, we hope that you'll be ok soon" the officer said, turning towards me. I just nodded in response.

"Love let's go?" I said. "Sure amore, the driver's already outside waiting for us, you go ahead I just want to ask something to the officer ok?" She said as she caressed my hand with her thumb. "Uhmm ok" I said and started to go outside, even though I was still terrified of everything.

But even before I opened the car door Hyejin was already back, I guess it was really a quick thing. "Sorry amore, I'm here now" she said, opening the door for me.

I went inside and Hyejin followed me. She then wrapped her arms around. "Do you want anything amore?" "No thank you... I just need you" I said, tightening our hug.

"Ok, do you want anything at home? I'll have it prepared, you can ask for everything." "No, I just really want to rest" "Ok amore, here lay down and put your head on my legs, I'll be here I won't leave you alone ever again." She said as I do as she advised.

"Love..." "Hmm? Yes amore?" "I love you" "I love you too, very much" she said.

"What if you didn't arrive in time? What if he kidnapped me and killed me... I won't be able to say I love you to you again" I said and started to cry all over again. Hyejin then picked me up, so that I was sitting and facing her.

"It's ok now amore, don't think of those what ifs... I'm beside you, you're safe. That monster is now in jail and I'll make sure he won't ever get out" She said, but then she started to cry too.

"I'm sorry for not being there amore... I can only imagine how scared you were. I don't know what I could've done to that man if he had touched you. I wouldn't have been able to forgive myself if you were hurt" She hardly said between sobs.

"Love it's not your fault... you were the one to save me. You're my savior, I can't thank you enough" I said and caressed her face, drying her tears. "Amore of course I'll save you, even if it means giving my own life, I love you so much".

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