Party preparations

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Wheein POV
Just after a couple of days, as Hyejin said. A woman, Amanda, came to our house and brought a lot of clothes, and by a lot I mean that my house was like a shop with all of those clothes. And Hyejin joined us. Amanda, knowing she would be there, brought things for her too.

With us, Yongsun unnie and Byul were present.
"Ma'am, sirs and miss' choose anything you want to try and from there I'll help you style yourselves" Amanda said. "Thanks Amanda" Mom said "No problem ma'am, if you need anything, just ask me" Amanda smiled.

"Amore try this one please, I think you'll look great in it, I really love the color"Hyejin said as she gave me a light blue gown. "How about you unnie, Byul? Have you chosen anything?"

"Yeah I'm liking this black dress" Yong unnie said as she showed me a black dress with different crystals on it.

"That's beautiful unnie, how about you Byul?" "I don't think I'll put on a gown this year, I'm thinking about wearing a suit, is that ok Hyejinie?"

"Sure Byuli, wear whichever makes you comfortable, it's not like we'll stay there for long anyway" Hyejin giggled "What do you mean love?"

"Well Wheein, your girlfriend and I would always escape from her party every year. We would just go watch a movie or eat her favourite dishes"Byul said "But why? Why would you leave the party?" Myung interrupted us.

"Well I really don't know a lot of people that mom and dad invites, Byuli was my only friend, the other kids seemed annoying or just a bunch of spoiled kids and their parents, who were mom and dad's co-workers or partners, so it would always be so boring, one day I just asked Byuli if she would be up to leaving the party with me."

"Wait Hyejinie, other than me wasn't there another girl we would escape with? I remember her being cute and funny, kinda like you Wheein" Byul said.

"Girl?" "Yeah, Hyejin used to play more with her, but then, if I'm not mistaken, she immigrated to America" "Europe, Switzerland to be exact" Hyejin said.

"What was her name Hyejinie?" "Kei, yeah it's been years since I last saw her, I wonder how she is. The last time I saw her, we were in, what first or second grade?" "You know Wheein, knowing that girl, she used to be really really close to Hyejinie"Byul said.

"Byuli don't tease my girlfriend, Amore she was just a friend, don't worry, you know you're my first girlfriend" Hyejin said then gave me a kiss on my cheek. "Yeah, Wheein don't get too jealous ok?" Byul giggled. "Rather than teasing me, don't you and unnie have something to tell us?" I ask Byul. "Huh?" Hyejin looked at me, not understanding.

"Did you tell them already?" Unnie asks Byul annoyed. "No! Of course not, did you?" "Tell us what?" Myung asks "Well unnie?" Hyejin asks Yong unnie.

"Fine, fine... well guys" Yong unnie said as she held Byul's hand "Byul and I are officially dating... she's my girlfriend"
"Oh my God! Unnie, Byuli I'm so happy for the both of you!" Hyejin said as she hugged both Yong unnie and Byul.

"I do wonder, Wheein how did you find out" "Actually I didn't know anything, I just assumed by watching you both. I've been observing you both, the look in your eyes gave it all" "What??? So I'm the only one who's single? Arghhhh!" Myung said and pouted.

"Don't worry Myung maybe at my party you'll meet someone you'll like" Hyejin smiled
"Anyway let's go back to choosing our clothes" Yong unnie said.

"Ms Hyejin, your mom sent you these, she said that she hopes you'll like one of them"Amanda said towards Hyejin.

"Oh ok, thank you Amanda" "It's nothing miss" She smiles. "So guys, how about trying clothes?" Hyejin said. "Mom and dad are already trying their clothes in their room, love you and I can change in my room. Unnie and Byul you can go in the guest room and well Myung you have your room" "Ok amore"

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