Dinner with the parents

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Wheein POV
I asked Hyejin to leave me at home so that I could cook her some gopchang, I wonder how can a woman that looks so intimidating look so cute? I talked to Myung, mom and dad about the dinner. Myung was already suspicious about what the dinner was for.

"So a dinner? Don't tell me something happened?" "Myung you'll know when we're there ok? Just help me cook for now" "Fine, but I smell something fishy" "That's just fish sauce" I giggle.

We arrived at their home. "I really can't get used to this house. Do you think they get lost in there?" Myung asked "I don't think so, they've lived there for a very long time now." "I'll get lost in there even after years of living in there" "Then thank God you have a small house at least you won't get lost" I laugh. We rang the bell and Hyejin was the one who welcomed us.

"Good evening auntie, uncle, Myung and Am-Wheepup" she stumbles on my name making herself red from embarrassment. "Uhmm. please come in, Lia here will show you where" "Oh ok darling, anyway here some Gopchang, Wheein told us that it's your favourite." My mom said

"Oh yeah, thank you auntie" She smiled. "Wheein can you stay for a second? I wanted to ask you something" Hyejin asked, I looked at my family who nodded, "It's ok Wheein stay with Hyejin we can manage," Dad said.

My parents and Myung followed Lia while I stayed with Hyejin. "Thank you for the gopchang Amore, I bet it tastes great" "Oh love it was nothing" "Still thank you Amore."

Hyejin said as she hugged me, she was about to kiss me but I stopped her, making her pout. "Love as much as I want to kiss right now too, we can't. People may see us, we still haven't told everyone yet and anyway where's your wheelchair love?"

"Oh that? I got tired of it and anyway I can manage with crutches, actually I prefer this, I don't have to disturb anyone" "Oh Love you know that's not true. Especially me." "really?" "of course Love" "Then can you help me go somewhere?" "Uhm sure, where are we going?" "Just come" she smiled.

I put my arm around her as we walk towards a bathroom. As we entered Hyejin locked the door behind us. "Love do you have to use the bathroom? I should probably go then and give you some privacy" "No, it's not that" "Huh? Then why are we here?" 

"So that I could this this" "Wha-" I wasn't even able to finish the word I  was about to say when Hyejin kissed me. Skipping her way towards me, making me chuckle. "You know people think that your this intimidating girl, when you're actually this cute" I kiss her cheek making her flustered. "Well then amore don't tell them. That'll surely ruin my image" she laughed.

"Love even though I want to continue to kiss you, we should probably go now, people are waiting for us" "aww.. 5 more minutes please." "Just one last kiss, then let's go ok?" "Yay!" She continued to kiss me hard, making every minute count. "Love... You know I.. I need to b-breath... from time... to.. time" I said, having a hard time to talk as she was continuing to kiss me.

"Sorry amore, I just can't get enough of you" she said as she give me a last kiss. "We should freshen up first before we go, my hair's totally a mess after those kisses" I smile as I look at myself in the mirror. "I think you look hot" she said as she leaves me kisses on the back on my neck.

"Ahh.." I moaned softly. Did I really just made that sound. I turned red.
"Uhmm. Love let's go?" I said as I slid away from her embrace.

I helped her again on our way to where we were going to have dinner. We went towards their garden. The way towards the dinner table was decorated by flowers and lights. It looks so breathtaking. It felt more like a wedding reception rather than a simple dinner. 

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