She deserves it

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Hyejin POV
Months passed by quickly, finally I was free of the casts, I could finally move freely and especially now I don't have to disturb anyone, most of all Wheein.
Even though she says that it's nothing to her, I know that I was starting to be a burden.

I felt more like a burden during my therapy sessions, Wheein was with me every day, she was always ready to help me in any way possible.
Like Wheein promised she courted me, she always finds a way to make me smile.

On our first monthsary, she prepared a surprise in my own room! Rose petals and candles on the floor, my favourite songs were playing on the stereo...

"Amore mio, let's have dinner out tonight?" I reserved a table for two in one of Seoul's best restaurants just for tonight, I heard they cook great spicy beef tartare there, which is Wheein's favourite dish.

I thought tonight I should treat her, after all she deserves it for being the best girlfriend, and well she always cooks me delicious things, I would like to cook her something but I'm not that great of a cook, so dining out was the best idea.

"Oh I can't tonight sorry love, mom actually asked me to do some errands" "oh..." I frown "Why love, was there an occasion? It's not your birthday, definitely not my birthday. Is it uncle's or auntie's birthday?"

She forgot... Come on Hyejin, it's not even that important, if Wheein can't tonight you can still go out together tomorrow, or the weekends.

"No, no amore. I just wanted to go eat at this new restaurant that Byuli recommended, but don't worry we can go another time" "Are you sure?" "Yeah of course" It wasn't even a good way to celebrate it anyway... especially now that I'm still in these damn casts, thank God in a week I'll take them off, I had enough of these things.

After school we left Wheein at her house and started to go home. But because today is my lucky day we were stuck in traffic. "Miss, I think this is going to take a long, they're doing something with the road" the driver said, I rolled my eyes annoyed.

I arrived home after 2 long excruciating hours in traffic. What a great way to spend my day...
"Miss you're home!" Lia shouted "Uhmm yeah. Why did you have to shout that?" "Nothing mom, should I help you?" "Yes please." "Would you like something to eat? I'll call for François" "No, no, actually I'm pretty tired, I just want to go and lay on my bed please" "Oh ok... We're going to your room now"

"Why are you repeating everything I say louder? Why are you acting so strange?" "Me miss? Strange?" "yeah, strange... Anyway let's just go to my room please, I'm really really tired"

We arrived in front of my room's door. "We're here now, I'm about to open the door" "Lia, I'm not even gonna ask why you're saying every action that you're about to do, I don't have enough energy for that" I sighed, annoyed at Lia being strange all of a sudden.

As I entered I heard a pop, making me scream. I opened my eyes and there was confetti falling from God knows where. "Surprise!" "Wheein?" "Hi love" she smiles "Wait what? Amore, what are you doing here?" "Happy first monthsary my love" she said as she came closer to kiss me. "Wait, you remembered?" "Duh, is that even a question?"

"Wait, I'm still confused, didn't you have errands to do for auntie?" "Nope, after you left me home I went here, oh and I talked to your driver so that I could have extra time to organize things" "Wait there wasn't a problem with the road?" "None, knowing that you couldn't actually move, you couldn't verify that you were actually parked in a parking somewhere"

"Ok that was a bit cruel" I pout "Sorry love, I had to, I wanted to make this day special for us" I turned around "Lia before you leave the room, so.. this was the reason why you were acting that way wasn't it?" "Sorry miss, miss Wheein asked me to give signals when you arrive" "Don't get angry with her love, she's right I was the one who asked her to do those weird stuff"

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