A jealous lion

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Wheein POV
Days flew away so quickly. I can't believe it's already been a month since I've arrived here.
And to think I didn't want to leave my old place. Thankfully they forced me, or else I would've never met Byul and Hyejin.

I've been hanging out with them a lot especially with Hyejin. It gave me the chance to know more about them. Byul, is such a good friend to me and Hyejin, she always makes sure we're fine, she's also so funny, there isn't a moment of sadness with Byul around.
She's always ready with one of her jokes or some silly thing that would make me and Hyejin laugh so much until we cry.

While Hyejin, where should I start? I've never met a woman like her. Sweet yet fierce. When she's with me and Byul alone she's the sweetest as can be. She can also be really clingy. I always play like I don't like it but secretly I don't want it to end.

But even though she's sweet she knows when to be fierce and she can be really scary when she starts to be really serious.
What else can I say about this woman? Her smile? Everytime she smiles at me I feel this flutter in my stomach, my heart pounds uncontrollably.

I think I like her... but I don't want to say anything to her, not yet... I'm scared, what if she's not like me? If I say my feelings to her, will she still be my friend or will I lose her forever? The thought of not being with her anymore scared me.

But to think about maybe I won't ever be able to tell her what I feel, from what I know she's never dated a woman, she's probably straight. All of her exes were boys.

Third POV
Talking about her exes, Hyukwoo was expelled from school for not only bringing prohibited substances at school but also for harassing different students. But rather than taking the blame for himself he thought that everything that was happening to him was Hyejin and Wheein's fault.

How he hated to see his ex Hyejin happy, especially with Wheein.
"I'll get back my life, I swear Hyejin and most of all you damn Wheein, you'll pay for all that is happening to me."

Wheein POV

~Beagles group chat~

~hey guys! -🦁

~Hey Lion! What's up? -🐶


~Are you guys free today?-🦁

~yeah! I guess... where are we going?-🐶

~Let's go to this new place
I heard from someone in class
that the food there is awsome.-🦁

~Oh yeah! I've also heard
of it, they say that the
crêpes are something
to die for-🐶

~Really? -🦁

~Yeah and the great thing is
they let you decide what
goes in it!😍-🐶

~Ok. Now I really can't
wait to go there. So are you free?-🦁

~Don't need to ask me twice
Nutella wait for me!
I'm coming!!-🐶

~LOL! @Byuli🐹 how about you?
can you come? Don't worry I'll pay
for this one, but just because I was
the one who invited you both. 🤣🤣-🦁

~Sorry, I can't, I have some late
subjects to do.
But you go without me,
it's fine-🐹

~Huh? Are you sure Byuli?
But I wanted to go out with
both of you☹️ -🦁

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