They'll pay for what happened

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Wheein POV

"Hello?" I say as I answered my phone, not even looking at who was calling me. "So what is it like losing Hyejin? You deserve it you b*tch!"a man said "Who the fuck are you?" I said very angry.

"Really? I thought you weren't that stupid, but what can I say... Once a stupid b*tch always a stupid b*tch" he continued "Hyukwoo?"

"That's better. See it wasn't that hard to think" "I know what you did. You and Kei, I'll make you pay for what happened to Hyejin!" I said, raising my voice a bit.

"What? I did not do anything, it was all of your doing my darling" "First of all don't call me that, secondly it's because of you and Kei I was almost molested in that stupid bar"

"Well if you're that much of a b*tch we can't help a horny drunk man. You wanted it to happen, come on, don't kid yourself" he laughs.

"F*ck you and that b*tch of your girlfriend, I swear. You'll pay for everything!" I said, raising my voice even more.

"Calm down darling. Tell me how you'll make us pay when you don't even have concrete evidence." He said laughing even more.

I'm angry , but I know he's right, I've got nothing to put him in jail... "Lost your tongue? I'm right. Aren't I? Anyway I hope you the worst. Bye" He said and that's when the call ended.

"Wheein? Who was that? I heard you shouting from upstairs" Myung said, suddenly appearing behind me, scaring the hell out of me. "It was... No-nobody..." I said.

"Hyaa sis who do you think you're fooling? I've known you since you were born, you can't hide anything from me, so let me ask again... Who was that on the phone and why were you shouting?" He calmly asked.

"It was Hyukwoo" I sighed. "Hyukwoo, you mean Hyejinie's ex-boyfriend? That bastard? What the hell did he wanted from you?" He asked. "He called to torment the hell out of me." I said.

"He's the reason that night I was almost molested by that guy, it was his and Kei's fault" "Kei? What do you mean?" "Byul just found out from her private investigator that Kei is actually Hyukwoo's girlfriend".

"Are you kidding me? After how we welcomed her? That manipulating double faced bitch!" "But you know what the worst part of all is?"

"What? Is there more revelations that I have to know, you tell me now because I'm literally two steps from the vodka in the fridge"

"No, don't worry there aren't any more revelations... Is that those mother f*ckers are right, I haven't got any proof that they were the one that caused everything bad that is happening right now, also that I had a hand in all of this." I said as I started to sob.

"If I didn't listen to Kei. If I just talked to Hyejin about my problems, I shouldn't have said those things to her. She wouldn't be in this situation, she would still be happy. She would still love me" I cried while Myung came to me to embrace me.

"Wheein, I understand that in some ways yes you chose the wrong choice, but knowing you, you only chose them because you thought it was for Hyejin's good. You love her so much, even hurting yourself was better than knowing that you might hurt her in the future." he says

"It takes courage to set someone free, you know that right?" "But I hurt her again. All I do is hurt her, Hyukwoo and Kei are right! I am stupid!" "Oh hell no! You listen to me and not those things, you can't even consider them human for how they are." He says.

"You're Jung Wheein, you are the most loving, sweet and kind person I know. Your loved ones are the most important thing to you. Even Hyejin knows that. You hurt her because you loved her and so is she towards you."

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