A confused Lion

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Wheein POV
After some weeks Hyejin was finally able to go back home. The doctors warned us to not stress her, to let her study things on her own time and not force anything onto her.

Together with Byul, Yong unnie, auntie and uncle we promised to stay strong and help each other for Hyejin's sake.

Auntie and uncle even talked to me in private, with tears, they asked me to not let go of Hyejin, to stay even though it'll be a torture for me not having her like before.

Everyone was in the kitchen preparing a feast for Hyejin's return to home. Me and Hyejin were in her room. I was helping her sort her things.

"Wheein? That's your name right?" She asked , tilting her face. "Uhm yes" I smile.

"Yay! I remembered your name! I'm really sorry for not remembering it sooner, I really don't know why I did those things" she said, scratching her head.

"It's alright Lo- I mean Hyejin" I said, stopping myself. She then got up and started walking towards me.

"Anyway I should probably help you" she giggles "It's fine Hyejin, you just came home. You have to rest" I said before she was able to get her clothes from my hands.

"But that's all I've been doing, I've only been on a bed these past few weeks... I want to help too" she pouted "Ok then... but just a few things ok? And tell me if anything hurts ok?" "Yes doctor!" She giggled as she saluted me like a soldier.

I giggled, but then I remembered our situation. I then found myself looking at her visible scars.. I froze, it's all my fault, if only...

"Wheein? Are you ok? You suddenly became silent." Hyejin asked. "Uhm..." I was about to say I was ok when Byul knocked on the door telling us that dinner was ready.

"I know I was the one from the hospital, but still you can tell me if you're not feeling well" she said, very concerned.

"I'm ok Hyejin don't worry... I just thought of something, but let's go! We shouldn't let them wait for us. You know Byul she'll want to eat already" I smiled, trying to reassure her.

The food was great as always, but unlike everybody, I didn't have any appetite. Just a spoonful of soup made me feel sick.

After dinner Hyejin wanted to go swim in their pool, so we all went and changed, thankfully Unnie's always ready and brought not just a swimsuit for her but also for me and Byul.

As Hyejin and unnie were having fun, Byul and I were by the poolside sitting and with only half our legs in the water.

"Wheein, I just got some information from the detective I hired," Byul suddenly said. "Really? What did he say?" I asked eagerly "We shouldn't have trusted Kei, she's with Hyukwoo" She said with a very angry face.

"Hyuk-Hyukwoo?" I asked to understand if I heard right. "Yes that son of a b*tch. From what my detective has gathered, he and Kei are in a relationship". "Kei, I'm gonna kill that b*tch, how dare she?!" I said very angry at the fact.

"Wheein? Is everything alright?" Hyejin suddenly asked. "Oh yeah, sorry Byul and I were talking about a..." shoot! Now what am I gonna say? How am I gonna finish my sentence?

"We were talking about a drama" Byul said, thank God she thought of something. "Oh ok, which drama is it? Is it nice?" Hyejin asks.

"No don't even try to watch it Hyejinah, it's not your kind of drama, you'll just get bored" Byul said. "Oh ok.." Hyejin said before continuing to have fun with unnie.

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