Amore mio

307 18 4

Wheein POV
We arrived in front of a huge mansion. I think the driver got the wrong address. "Hyejin, where are we?" "At my place. Just like the driver said" "Your place? But this house is huge, do you really leave here? Is this really your house?" "Well technically it's my parents, but yeah I really leave here" Hyejin smiled while I remained in shock.

"I didn't know you were rich" "Really?" She asked and I responded with a nod "that's new. Someone who didn't knew me, that's a first. I assumed that you already knew who I was. Usually people have heard of my surname from our company Ahn corporation or maybe some might have seen me in magazines" "Wait you own Ahn corporation? One of the largest companies in the world?!" Other more shocking news... Are there going to be any other surprises today?

"Well it's my parents, and also the house. I haven't worked yet so I haven't owned a single penny yet"
"Oh.. but still how did I not know all of this about you?"

"I really thought you already knew and well I didn't think it was important to tell you because well... being a rich kid doesn't always have perks... you see I can't always trust people that I don't know. Byul was the only one I really trusted because her parents and mine are friends."

"I wanted to know you, and I hoped that by not telling you... you'd like me for who I really am and not by being a so-called brat".
"Why would you think of that?" "Well for experience I guess..." Hyejin said with a sad tone.

I hold her hand. "Hey I understand... but please don't hide anything from me anymore, you know how much I care for you right?" I said as the driver was pulling in front of the gate. He quickly opened the door letting me out first. As I admired the house he helped Hyejin out of the car.

Some girls welcomed us. All in the same uniform.
"Welcome miss" they tell me with a warm smile. "Thank you" "it's nice to have you back, Miss Ahn everybody missed you, especially François" a girl said to Hyejin. François? Who's that?

I shrugged my thoughts and helped Hyejin to get in where we found my family and hers laughing, not even noticing that we were in the room. Hyejin then coughed "Oh hi sweetie sorry, I was just talking to Wheein's parents" "I hope nothing embarrassing" Hyejin chuckled.

"No no don't worry dear, how are you anyway?" mom asked Hyejin "I'm fine now auntie, that's also thanks to Wheein" She said as she turned around to look at me.
For a moment we got lost in each other's eyes but we quickly came back to earth when my annoying brother came towards us.

"You should have seen her Hyejin, she looked terrible, I've never seen Wheein so ugly in my life. She really was worried about you" Myung said, making me embarrassed "Oh Myung! Just shut up please!" I gave him a look making him understand to not talk further.

We had dinner. Hyejin introduced me to François the chef, he's a really funny guy and he genuinely care for Hyejin and her family.

"You should stay for the night" Hyejin's mom suggested to mom. "Oh we cannot, we'll be too much of a disturbance" "oh not at all, it's the least we can do for Wheein taking care of our daughter".
"Oh common mom, say yes already" Myung said excitedly.

"That's right, we have plenty of room and it's not often that Hyejin has friend here, so please stay I insist" Hyejin's mom said.
My mom then looked at me for assurance, but before nodding I looked at Hyejin who was looking at me, eager for me to stay.

"Well then if you insist, who are we to say no" mom said.
"Wheein stay in my room ok?" Hyejin said making my cheeks pinkish "uuuuu Wheein! Hyejin's inviting you to her room, damn you're fast!" Myung said, teasing us "Myung! Shut up. Just shut up for the rest of the night until we leave please" I sighed.

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