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☢️☣️🚫‼️⚠️ suicide warning‼️❤️☣️🚫

Hyejin POV

I'm returning home... Wheein's still avoiding me. I'm not gonna lie, it hurts. I don't even know what I did wrong.

Was I too suffocating? But what else should I have done differently? After what happened of course I'm terrified to leave her alone.

I guess I too was traumatized by what happened. Plus... how couldn't I not ask her how she was doing, when I can clearly see it on her face that she wasn't. Even her smile isn't the same when I ask her.

I know somehow that she's not saying something to me, she's hiding something and she won't tell me what it is.

Then this morning, how she was cold and distant to me...

It hurt me. I know that unnie suggested that I give her space for now, but for how long do I have to endure this?

I should really just go home now, I really need a warm bath. I need to relax, take my mind off everything.

If Wheein's not yet ready to talk and still wants to continue this cold act against me, then so be it...
I then hopped in my car and started to drive home.

"Good morning miss, how was your trip?" One of the staff asked

"It was fine thank you, but I'm really tired, I'll go straight to my room, please tell everyone that I don't want to be disturbed" I said.

"Ok miss" she said as I headed straight to my room.
"Oh sweetie! You're back! How was your trip" Mom asked

"It was ok mom. But I'm really tired now, I want to go to bed and sleep, the trip was longer than I expected." "What's wrong sweetie? Why do you seem so sad? Did something bad happen?" .

"I'm not really in the mood to talk right now mom, I'm sorry. I'm really, just really tired." "Oh ok sweetie. Let's chat then later?" She asked. "Sure mom, later..." I said, trying to smile, even if I didn't feel like doing it.

After ensuring my mom that I was fine, I went to my room and locked my door, that way I was sure that no one would enter my room. I played some relaxing music and warmed my bath. I then lit some scented candles on.

Soon after I didn't realize that I fell asleep. It was already night time... I woke up to someone banging on my door. Who the hell is it? I told the staff to tell people to not disturb me. Is it too much to ask for some time to relax? I told them I was tired...

I quickly got up and got my robe. "Wait, I'm coming! I'm in the bathroom!" I shouted, then I went towards the door.

"Who is it?" I asked "Uhm... it's me" I suddenly heard Wheein. "Wheein?" I asked as I opened the door. "Hi..." She said.

"Oh... hi, what are you doing here?" I ask. "Uhmm.. I just wanted to talk to you" she hesitantly said. I guess finally she decided to talk to me.

"Oh ok, come in. I'll just go get dressed" "Oh s-sure" she said as she settled in my room.

I wonder what she's about to tell me... God these past few days has been really a rollercoaster. My heart is beating so much.

"Ok, I'm finally ready, sorry if I kept you waiting" I said as I sat by the bed, beside her. "Oh... it's fine... so..." "So..." I sighed.

"I'm sorry for being so suffocating" "I think we need to take a break" We said at the same time. Wait... what? Did I just hear what I thought I heard?

"Wait, what?" "I... I know it's out of the blue... But I really think that we need time apart from each other"

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