Talking about our feelings

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Wheein POV
Kissing Hyejin even if it was just for a second was like heaven to me. Maybe I'm just exaggerating, but that's what I feel.
I just now got a bullseye. At first I missed the target because I was nervous as Hyejin was looking at me. But I quickly got my cool back.

Hyejin's jaw dropped, making me proud of my little achievement. "Wow, that's a first," the woman said. "We have a winner!" the woman shouted before blowing her whistle.
"So miss which prizes would you like?" I looked at the stuffed animals and I quickly saw a lion and a puppy.

I, then, pointed them out and the woman quickly nodded.
"Here you go" "Thank you" I smiled.
"Here Hyejin, you can have the lion if you want" "Really I can have it?" "Of course, your Lion right? And I'm Wheepup" I smiled showing her the puppy stuffed animal that I had in my arms.

"Aww that's cute, it literally looks like you" Hyejin's comment made me blush.
"Anyway... it's getting a little bit late, I wouldn't want auntie to get angry with you"
I look at the time, she's right.

In the car just like moments ago we were silent.
"So today was fun right?" I say trying to take away this awkwardness between us "Yeah it really was, thank you for bringing me to the park today, it was a really good idea.

"It was nothing, I'm happy to help. I hope that the situation between you and Byul settles down. I know how much you care for her." "Right" she said with a sigh.
"What are you thinking right now Lion?" "oh uhm... nothing"
"Are you sure? It doesn't seem like it" "well..." She said as she parked her car.

"Hyejin? What are you doing?" I said flustered. "Well I don't think I can sleep tonight until I talk to you about something." "About what?" "well today... Byul didn't just confess to me. She told me that she thinks I've got feelings for you..." I widen my eyes.

"Wait what?" I turned red. "and well..." "well? Hyejin do really you feel something for me?" "I don't know... I'm not sure. I've never liked a girl before... I don't know what it feels like to actually feel something for a girl... I don't if I'm just in shock from everthying that happend today..."

"Well Hyejin have you ever fell in love?" "Inlove? I guess I've fell in love before... But I don't know what I feel for you though"

"Why? Is it different?" Wait is she about to confess to me? Does she like me too? Wait is this really happening? OMG!! Wheein!! Somebody pinch me right now! Wait who are you talking to Wheein? Ohh brain shut up and listen to Hyejin!

"I believe so... See when we kissed" she stopped, the thought made us both blush. "When we ki...kissed?" I stutter.
"well... it made me feel like a wave of electricity went through my spine... I know.. Cheesy right-" I kissed her. I couldn't contain what I was feeling at that moment anymore.

At first I could feel her shock but after a while she gave in and deepened our kiss.
Her hand in my hair, pushing me more into our kiss. Her lips are so soft, I don't want this moment to end. But I had to as we needed to breathe.

"Well that happened" Hyejin said as she tucked her hair behind her ear. "Yeah... sorry I shouldn't have" I looked down, Hyejin quickly raised my head. "I... I liked what you did". "You... you did?" She nodded before giving me a quick kiss. Ok... why isn't there another person present to pinch me?

"I'm still not sure about my feelings, but I know that I feel happy whenever I'm with you... and that... even though we haven't kissed much, yet I already know that I can't resist you"

"You really feel that?" I asked and Hyejin responded with a nod.
"Well I won't force you with anything Hyejin... And well, just like you I too feel something for you" Is this a dream? This can't be really happening! I need to pinch myself

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