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Wheein POV
A girl just approached us as we were about to kiss. Kei, Hyejin said, it's her childhood best friend. As soon as Hyejin found out who she really was she welcomed her with a big hug, something that made me a bit uncomfortable, to be honest.

So she's Kei, the girl that Byul was talking about during our first fitting. I looked at her and Byul was right. She's cute, actually beautiful and she does seem nice, I'm not surprised that she was Hyejin's friend.

I looked at Hyejin, whose eyes were gleaming with the sight of her old friend. That made me a bit insecure.

Hyejin always reminds me how beautiful I am, she always makes me feel special, but with Kei in front of me right now I don't feel like it. If she stayed here, somehow I'm sure that she would be Hyejin's girlfriend and not me.

I mean who wouldn't want her as a girlfriend? She's beautiful, nice and also rich, her parents and Hyejin's are close friends and colleagues,  she's practically perfect for Hyejin.

"How have you been? It's been ages since I last saw you, you never even contacted me" Hyejin said "I know I'm sorry, but hey I'm back, I heard a lot of things about you when I got back"

"When did you come back anyway?" "I arrived, just a couple of weeks ago, mom quickly called auntie, who invited us to your party"

"I'm glad you came, where's auntie and uncle? I missed them too" Hyejin said. In the meanwhile I was standing there looking stupid, while they continued to reminice about their past.

"Oh sorry amore mio, Kei, this is the most wonderful, beautiful and sweet girlfriend a girl can have and wish for, Jung Wheein" Hyejin said, finally introducing me.

"Hi, my name's Kei, nice to meet you, I'm H's old friend"She said... H? What kind of nickname is that? Lion's way better... "Hi, nice to meet you too" I smiled as we shook hands.

"I didn't knew you were gay" Kei said towards Hyejin "Bi actually, I just found out too, not very long ago... It's all thanks to Wheein here, she makes me feel like the most special girl on this planet everyday" Hyejin said as she wrapped one of her arms around my hip, pulling me closer to her, making me blush.

"You do the same to me too" I said as I put my chin on her shoulder. "Oh, you're both so cute! I never knew Hyejin could be so mushy and sweet, when we were kids she used to be very vicious and very intimidating, it took me what? 3, 4 months to make you talk to me nicely?" "I know I was a brat then but, hey I was like 6 years old and you were really annoying".

"Anyway where's B?" Kei asked. "Oh Byuli's I think over there, she's with her girlfriend Yongsun unnie, who's actually Wheein cousin" Hyejin said

"Oh great, I'll go to her then, it was nice seeing you again H, let's meet again, I'll contact you ok? We really have to catch up" "Oh ok sure! Enjoy the party and see you soon" "See you! And Wheein it was really nice to meet you" Kei said before leaving.

"So where were we?" Hyejin asked with a smirk. She was about to kiss me when someone else interrupted us. It was auntie, Hyejin's mom. God is it possible to have my girlfriend kiss me without anyone interrupting?

"Sorry sweetie but I just wanted you to meet some colleagues of mine, they have a magazine empire, they were hoping to talk to you" "Oh... ok mom, I'll be there in a while" "Ok sweetie".

"Sorry about that amore mio, don't worry we can kiss how much you want later" "Don't worry love, it's your party, of course everyone would like to talk to you, I'll just be with unnie, you go"

"I'll find you later then, I love you" Hyejin said before giving a peck on my lips. "I love you too, now go, auntie's waiting for you" I said and she nodded before going towards auntie.

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