Hello again my friend

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Hyejin POV
I woke up with Wheein's arm around me. She's still in deep sleep. I found myself staring at the ever so cute girl beside me.

"You know staring is rude"she said, still half asleep, making me giggle. "But what can I do? My girlfriend is so cute when she sleeps" "Have you always been this cheesy in the morning?"she smiled.

"Why? Don't you like it?" "I'm not going to say anything" she giggled.
"Excuse me, miss may I come in?" A faint voice said "uhm... Sure" "miss you should prepare for school, François has set your breakfast downstairs" "oh right, we're going to be late!" Wheein said.

"Amore, choose anything in my closet, Lia please do help me get prepare" "of course miss".
Wheein finished dressing up before me.
"Are you ready?" I ask Wheein and she nodded "nice pick, you look great" "You too" "Yeah right with this thing on my arm and leg" "just think that in a couple of weeks you won't have them anymore" "Yup! And I can't wait"

When we arrived at school, of course everyone was looking at me. I can't blame them, the last time they saw me was when I got hit by a car and now they're seeing me in this status, what a year!

In class everyone was present, almost... Byul wasn't there, at her usual place was Yongsun sitting waving at me and Wheein.
"Hyejin, omg! Finally you're back! How are you?" "Well other than this things I'm perfectly fine, thanks of course to the help of my sweet girlfriend here" I said, making Yongsun's jaw drop.

"Wait what? Since when? Wheein??? Why didn't you tell me you guys were dating?" "Well it happened so suddenly," Wheein said

"Good morning class" the professor said, interrupting our conversation.
"Yongsun, can I ask you something?" "Of course," she smiled.

"Oh miss Ahn Hyejin welcome back" the professor said "Finalmente qualcuno che è capace a parlare in italiano in questa classe" (finally someone who knows how to speak in italian in this class).
"Buongiorno prof." I greet him.

As soon as the lesson ended I called Yongsun. "So Hyejin, what did you want to ask me?" "Well... Wheein told me that you've been hanging out with Byul... I just wanted to know how she was. I thought about my actions that day, I may have been too harsh..."

"Well, to be honest I was going to ask you to talk to her... I've been hanging out with her, trying to reason with her, she felt guilty for your accident. She feels like it was her fault, and well when Wheein got angry at her for not visiting you she didn't know what to say"

"She couldn't visit because she couldn't face the fact that you got into an accident"  My heart dropped for my dear friend. "Amore, let's visit her today?" I asked "Sure, I have to say sorry to her too." "Perfect, I'll tell her" Yongsun said. "No don't please, I want to surprise her" "Oh ok..." "But can you please be there with us, for Byuli, I think she might not talk to us if you're not there" "Anything for Byul"

The lessons felt non ending. I'm so nervous, it's been a while since I talked to her.
I looked at Wheein who was fidgeting with her hands. "Amore I feel nervous" "Me too love" "Love?" I grinned "y-yeah, w-well you call me amore... I thought that I should have a new endearment towards you too... But if you don't like it, I'll go back on calling you Lion" "No no I prefer Love" I smiled.

She holds my hand as the driver told us that we were almost at Byuli's house.
"Look at you lovebirds, you're so cute!" Yongsun said, making us both laugh.

"Miss Ahn we're here" the driver said as he opened the door for us. Yongsun was the first to get out of the car.
Byuli's mom was the one who opened the door for us.

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