Talking about the apartment

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Hyejin POV
I just asked Wheein to move in with me. I'm so nervous, will she say yes or no? I really hope she says yes. She's so silent.... God, it's not helping my anxiety right now.

"Amore please say s-something" I stuttered. Please say something amore... Just say anything please. I can't take this awkward silence... Maybe I shouldn't have said it now. I should've waited a bit. Arghhh, Wheein please say anything.

"Sorry love you just startled me... I...I mean that's a huge question...T-that you asked out of the blue... A big leap in our relationship..." Wheein said, stuttering, even more than me.

"C-can I think about it? Can I have time to process this? I mean...I need to figure out if you're serious or not and plus I still have to talk to mom and dad about it, 'cause even if I want to live with you, without their permission I can't." She continued

"I understand that I just dropped a bomb on you, I know I should have picked a better time to tell you this, but hear me out on this please. I really think that living together will be a good thing for us" I said, starting to ramble, but Wheein stopped me by kissing me.

"I know love,but still I have to ask my parents"  "About that... I've already talked to auntie and uncle... and they are actually ok with it" "Wait, what? When did you ask them?" she said as her eyes widened .

"On my birthday, while you were in the restroom changing" "Ahn Maria Hyejin, you really have your ways with my parents, they can't say no to you for some unknown reason".

"Well, what can I say? I have my ways and also having some charm doesn't hurt"I giggle.

"Yes, but... Hyejin I wanted to tell my parents personally, you didn't even give me a chance to talk to them. It's like you're forcing me to live with you right now, you didn't even give me a chance to think if I would like to move or not"

"Amore... I... I didn't mean to do something that will displease you, I'm not forcing you to live with me, I swear" I said, lowering my face, looking at the ground.

"Really? Well it doesn't seem like it. First you shock me with your question, then I ask for time to think about it and discuss it with MY family but here you are saying that you've already talked to them. Like how am I supposed to say no when you've already have my parents' blessing" She said, very annoyed

"I...I didn't mean to... I just wanted to..."I said, but my words seemed to fail me "Have you ever considered talking to me first, then I don't know, letting me talk to my parents or even together? I mean come on I'm your girlfriend here, but why do I feel like I'm the last person you talk about stuff like this?"

"Oh no amore, that wasn't my intention, I just wanted to assure your parents that if you say yes and live with me I would take care of you and that you'll be safe"

"Yes I understand you, but can you understand my point? Love I could've told them those things myself, then if they wanted to talk to you for further information... then that was the time to speak to them"She huffed.

"I...I'm sorry" I said, trying to pull back my tears, but then Wheein started to laugh "Joke!" she shouted, leaving me baffled "Huh?... Wait... W-what just happened? So you're not mad at me?" "No love, of course I'm not, it was all a joke. I already knew you were going to invite me to live with you, I was just waiting for you to tell me"she smiled

"Heyy!! That's rude" I pout. "What?" "That's not a good joke" I said then started to cry. "Oh, baby... I'm sorry love, I couldn't resist teasing you"She said while drying my tears away.

"How did you know?" "Well... When you have a very talkative brother, you'll know everything and everyone's business." "Oh... Myung" I rolled my eyes.

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