Byul's crush

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Hyejin POV
"Oh ok" that was the only thing you could really say Hyejin? You ask her an uncomfortable question and that's the only thing you can say??? Arghhh!! How can I be so stupid? For sure not as much as that stupid waitress.

Flirting with Wheein right in front of me? She didn't even recognise the owner of the place where she works. Thankfully the manager resolved everything. He gave her a warning. Next time she disrespects me she'll know where the exit door is.

Dad bought me this place thinking that it's a good place for me to hang out with my friends. Like I have that many friends to begin with.
It's already a miracle that I have Byuli and Wheepup.
Sadly Byuli couldn't come with us... she said she was busy. But somehow I feel she's avoiding me for some unknown reason.

At first I was so happy to have my own café, a place for me to hang out, but after seeing how the staff is like... I'm not sure it's a good investment anymore...

"Lion? D-did I s-say something w-wrong?" Wheein said with a very anxious voice. "No, why do you ask?" "It's just you became so serious all of a sudden after I told you I'm bi..." "oh Wheein it's not about that, I would never judge you for your sexual orientation. I believe that as long as you're not hurting anyone, you should be free to be whoever you are" I smile.

"Oh. Thank God then" she chuckled "for a second I thought you didn't want to do anything with me anymore" "Aww Wheepup, you've been a great friend to me since we've met, you've taken care of me whenever I needed you, why would I leave you for being you?" I smile.

"Well you see... the reason we've moved so many times, and I've changed schools various times it's because... when students got to know about me being Bi, they started to bully me, I've even received various death threats..." I hugged her, interrupting her talking.

"I'm sorry for what those stupid kids did to you... I'm here now, I really care for you Jung Wheein. You know that right?" "Yeah I know, I care for you too" she said patting my back.

"So if it wasn't for that why were you so serious then? Still annoyed at that girl?" "Yes and well Byuli" "What about Byul?" "I'm beginning to worry for her. She's been so cold to me all of a sudden... she's changed, usually when we talk about crêpes she always leaves whatever she's doing. She loves crêpes too much, maybe she even loves it too much. So it's really weird that she didn't come today"

"She may really just be busy." "But it's really weird that she didn't have even an hour to go out for crêpes"
"Why not just get one for her, you should bring one to her. I think she might be getting a bit jealous about us" "why would she be jealous about us" "well we've been going out a lot, I appreciate it, but maybe she wants to pass time with her best friend... but just with her and not with someone else"

"First of all you're not someone else, both of you are my friends, I want to pass time with both of you" "I know, but Byul probably misses passing time with you alone, she might be shy to ask. But I think I'll probably be the same if my best friend started to prefer the company of someone else. Just pass time with her and make her feel that just because I became your friend too it doesn't mean that she'll lose you"

I nod and sigh... is Byul really feeling like that?
I should text her then.
I grabbed my phone and texted Byuli.

~hey Byuli, I bought an extra crêpe, it's the way you want it, with every chocolate possible!!! 😂😂😂 I'll just buy a box of pizza and I'll come, just me though. Ok?😜😉Well you don't have a choice😜😜-🦁

"Wheein is it ok if I leave early then? I'll bring you home." "Yeah sure" she smiles

After leaving Wheein at her home I bought the pizza and went to Byuli's house.

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