Birthday party

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Hyejin POV
With Halloween over, my birthday's around the corner. I'm turning 21, it's been one hell of a year... to think that exactly a year ago I was still with that douche and I still haven't met Wheein and,well, Yongsun unnie. How things change in just a year.

As my birthday approaches the thought of the party that mom always organizes bothers me.
She always organizes a huge party, most girls my age will probably be happy about that, but most of them actually do have friends, while I'm usually stuck with mom and dad's business partners and their kids. Thankfully I knew Byuli and we were friends.

Together, we always sneak out of the party. We would go to the cinema or to other restaurants. The first time we sneaked out, we had to talk to some of the staff, so that we were covered and so that we could change, 'cause it is strange if we went to the cinema in our gowns.

"Sweetie? Are you even listening to me?" Mom said making me return back to Earth. "Yeah, yeah, sorry mom" "Anyway, as I was saying I'm thinking... How about a masquerade party for this year" "A masquerade party? Hmm... Mom didn't we had a masquerade party last year?"

"Oh! Right! I forgot, with all the parties we've had I'm starting to forget all the themes we've done already." "It's ok mom, but do you really want to have a party mom? I mean you're busy and we have just a couple of weeks to organize everything" I said, hoping that mom cancels the party.

"Oh, sweetie, you know how much we love you, even though your dad and I are very busy, you know that when it comes to you we can drop anything." "I know mom, I love you both too" I smile.

"So... Going back to your party... How about starry night as your theme for this year?" "Uhm sure mom" "Perfect then I'll contact everyone" "Ok. Oh wait mom!" I said as mom was about to walk away.

"Yes sweetie?" "Can I invite, Wheein, her family and also Yongsun unnie?" "Of course sweetie, it's your birthday you can have anyone you want at the party".

"Great thank you mom! I'll tell Wheein later, oh and also I wanted to ask if I can stay for the night at Wheein's?" "Ok, oh while you're already there do ask them when they are available, I'll send Amanda to their home."

"Amanda?" I ask "Yeah, our friend stylist, I don't want Wheein, her family and Yongsun to stress about what they will wear. I want them to pick anything they want and be excited with you for this party."

"Uhmm.. mom I'm not sure if they'll accept the offer, knowing Wheein and her family they don't want us spending money for them" I said. "Then sweetie say it's not an offer nor a gift, say that I insisted on it" Mom said with a smile and then walked away.

After mom left, I prepared my things before driving to Wheein's.
"Love!" I heard Wheein shout as I pulled my car near her house. As soon as I got out of my car I was hugged by my very cuddly girlfriend.

"And hello to you too amore" I giggle "I missed you" She pouts "Already? I just went home to get my things, I never knew my girlfriend was this clingy" I smiled at how cute she was.

"Arghh!!! Don't tease me." She pouts even more as we started to walk towards the door "Ok, sorry, come here amore and give me a kiss" I said pulling her closer to me. "Nah I don't want to" She said, pulling away from me. "What? No kisses?" I pouted and then started to tickle her.

"Fine! Fine! Please stop!!" She hardly said while she laughed "I thought so, now, where are my kisses miss Jung?" I smiled as I wrapped my arms around her. We were about to kiss when we were interrupted by Myung. "Hey lovebirds! Are you done flirting? Mom said dinner's ready and we're just waiting for you two" "Coming Myung" Wheein said annoyed.

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