Wheein's art room

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Wheein POV
The apartment is huge, to think it only has 2 rooms... Hyejin toured me around, our room was so spacious I think we can fit my entire family in there.

"Anyway sweetie, Wheein I need to go, my secretary just called me for an emergency meeting, I'll leave you two, the interior designer is coming her name's Sarah" "Ok thanks mom, I'll see you later then" Hyejin said before hugging her.

"Wheein feel free to choose any furniture or decor, it's gonna be your home too so you have to like it and also be comfortable ok?" Auntie said "Ok auntie, thank you very much" "Anyway amore, let's continue the tour?" Hyejin asked me and I nodded yes in response.

"Before we go to this room I want you to close your eyes" She said "My eyes? But love..." "Don't worry I'll guide you" She giggles. She then covered my eyes with her hands and I held them. "Love please be careful I don't want to trip please" "Don't worry we're almost there... Ok you can open your eyes now"

I opened my eyes and I was in a room full of art supplies. "I had this room set before we arrived, I asked the owner of the craft store near here for everything, I think I shocked him... I bought different size canvases, oil paints, color pencils, pens, brushes, different kinds of paper, anything that you'll need should be here, but if there's something missing, just tell me and I'll buy them ok?"

"Wait... Is this for real?" I said, still shocked "I know that you love to draw and paint, you told me once that you draw to relax, I've got my office where I have my piano and discs so I thought it's just fair for you to also have your own room. Do you like it?"

"I love it love! But you didn't have to get me all of these materials. It must have cost a lot, I know that art supplies aren't that cheap..." I said looking around.

"It's nothing amore, anything to make you happy, plus I know you'll want to have your own space, this is your apartment too, so it's normal" she said and I jumped onto her, making us both tumble on the floor.

I giggled. "Amore are you alright?" She asked, worried if I was hurt. "Yup" I giggled and started to kiss every inch of her face. "What's that for amore?" "Thank you love, I can't wait to live here with you and I can't wait to paint"

"Would you like to paint something now?" "Mmmm... sure. Would you like anything painted?" "Can you make me a portrait?" "You want me to paint you?"

"Yeah... I've always had people taking photos of me, but no one's ever painted me, so amore could you please" "Ok ok love I'll paint you then, though it's not that easy to paint a lion" "Hya! I don't mean it like that" she pouts.

She got up leaving me alone on the floor, she then crossed her arms, facing the wall. I then stood up and hugged her from behind. "I was joking love, you didn't take it seriously right?" I asked but she didn't say anything

"Love?" I said, starting to get worried that she really took it seriously, so I turned her so that she could face me. I giggled at the sight of my girlfriend with her biggest pout to date.

I pulled her face closer to mine and started to kiss her. At first she resisted but then I felt her hands roaming my back, pulling me closer to deepen our kiss. After a while I stepped back, breaking our kiss.

"All better?" I ask "I guess..." She smirks "So love let's take your portrait then?" I said. "Thankfully Hyejin already set up the entire room with chairs, tables, everything that I'll need to paint.

"Seat here love, I'll just set the things that I'll need ok?" "Ok" She smiled as she sat. After looking around, I set up everything, I was ready to start painting.

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